>SELF-CONTAINED ISSUE “TRUMPED" When a tyrannical madman assumes command of the United States, aliens are deemed a threat to national security and targeted for elimination—and that includes Malcolm Dragon and his family! With a country turned against him, Malcolm Dragon fights as he’s never fought before!

Who /hype/ here?

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8 years of this, imagine


I know this is bait, but do people read savage dragon?

About 6,000 people. Indies don't take much to survive.

Feels so good tofinally be able to say it!!

8 years pal

I hate that I'll get lumped in with people who like the prez just because I think Erik's always been a tryhard manchild who uses his comics for punching strawmen more than telling interesting stories.

We won't make it to 8 years at this rate.
Enjoy your nuclear winter.

>its not even halfway through his first year and the media is already way past "BUSH IS A RETARD" levels of mad

I hate trump but i hate the liberal cancer of their bitching is worse, mostly because the reasons why they hate him are stupid because hes right about fmeinism being cancer and hilary is a man hating bitch and a crook in bed with goldman and sachs. Fuck trump, fuck the sjw left, fuck american politics, we shouldve sucked it up and stayed with britain if this is what a shitshow our future of "democracy" would be. I hate this country so goddamn much

Next issue they move to Canada.

>goes 18+
>does a porn variant
>doesn't go boundless levels of porn in the comic only quick nip slips

You guys know that all this stuff about trump is just for publicity right? I never even heard of Savage dragon until I saw this post. I doubt even a sixth of all the people who make all the fuck drumpf shit actually believe in what there making

>I never even heard of Savage dragon until I saw this post
Well, that's your own problem for being so willfully ignorant of comic books, old chum.

Honestly? For all the keks that were had, I can say that it would be worth it. You see, /I/ got something out of it. You'll spend your last days on Earth pissed off and still unable to tell someone why you're pissed off.

>doesn't go boundless levels of porn in the comic only quick nip slips
Seriously? That's a damn disappointment.

Took you that long to come up with that killer retort, huh kiddo.

I love parody, if it's funny then I'll be happy.
I literally do not care if someone calls my favorite politician a tyrannical racist, as long as they're funny when they do it.

Who else can still take a joke, here?

I'm not that same user, so it's my first retort.

It's weird.

I'm not American. I don't like Trump all that much. Yet whenever I see something like this I automatically lose all respect for the creator.

Why? It's his comic, he literally owns the character, he should be allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants with it.

>I hate that I'll get lumped in with people who like the prez
Is it really such a bad thing that you might get grouped with people who like the prez?
You think Britain isn't having even WORSE problems with this crap? We got it easy, because we have the first amendment. They literally have a secret police force that throws people into a van if you say something 'wrong' on Social media about a complex, controversial topic.

This. Most of the outrage is because it gets clicks.
It will eventually stop getting clicks, and the Drumpf bubble with burst.

My interest in Savage Dragon is solely Horridus-based.

This. At least it's his own stuff he's mucking up, unlike current Marvel.

An artist messing up his own work is better than a legacy being ruined by another set of hacks.

Real talk now, are you the guy who wrote that one letter?

It's like if everyone collectively decided to suddenly put chia pets in their fictional works and have an entire issue dedicated to how great they are. If everyone is doing it, and saying the exact same things, what's even the point?

What are the chances it will be a good parody and not Le Cheeto Hitler though?

For good reason, strawman punching and ad hominems are fallacies because dumb people think they're good arguments.

Le Cheeto Hitler, for all its simplicity, can still at least be funny.
Hyperbole is something to laugh at, not be angry over. You may not be meant to laugh at it, but the effect is all the same.

who's that supposed to be? I can't tell.

We're not the ones heading for a civil war because people have entrenched themselves in two camps who simply refuse to debate thw other side rationally and see everything in black and white "with or against us" terms though.

Seriously America, what happened? You had your problems but you used to be the poster boys for reasonable, rational and stable democracy. Now your political discourse looks more like that of an African shithole where you're ready to get the machetes out and butcher each other with every passing day.



I still can't get over Malcom marrying a Japanese American girl who even after she graduated high school still wears a Japanese School Girl uniform despite going to school in Chicago.

Dude, have you ever read a book written by Erik Larsen?

Imagine if companies published comics where Obama was an evil Muslim warlord who persecuted white christians.

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I mean, I don't like him, so kinda.
It's like how people accused me of liking Bush just because I thought Michael Moore was a douche, or liking Obama just because I didn't like Fox's pundits.

Gotta find a way to stop making people think I like the prez.

Sure, he's allowed. And user is allowed to think it's dumb and tacky.

I lost all respect for Larsen back when he shoved Neil Gaiman into his comic as a strawman to beat the shit out of just because he was butthurt that he indirectly made Image look bad by exposing Todd for being a scummy cunt.

Our media has been feeding us the "with us or against us" mantra and encouraging hysteria for decades now. We literally have multiple dedicated networks for making people angry about "THOSE FUCKERS."

Combine that with the social feedback loop caused by the cancer of the early 50's and ideas of machismo that leads to the current devaluing of caricature and artistry (hence the shift towards 3D in nearly everything and classification of 2D art as largely "kid's stuff"), refusal to read anything beyond a 6th grade reading level and fear of ever being "wrong" and, well...

He SHOULD be able to do whatever he wants with it, but if he goes on the leftist equivlaent of a Dave Simm psychotic break ala late ceberus, it's going to affect my opinion of the dude.

I was surprised that, by ignoring the gigantic walls of text, I was able to read Cerebus and come off with the impression that Cerebus was mistaken about "Hell" in the end and we're meant to think of him as a horrible little bastard who despite everything lived a good enough life to be saved.

Rick's in Hell.

I actually read the text, and that's still my opinion, more or less.

Has someone uploaded the uncensored version of this yet?

Nevermind I found it, but does anyone have it in a high resolution.

Eh. I felt like "Viktor's" narrative was too overwhelming for that reading to co-exist.

It's just so weird. It feels like Dave's playing the long con, but he isn't. He wrote a book that reads exactly like it's refuting the supposed horrible nature of women but the guy thinks that, no, they're all sucking out your souls. I just have that nagging feeling in the back of my head like on the 50th anniversary he's going to shout "SURPRISE, I WAS LYING THE WHOLE TIME!" But he won't.

>hi I'm a filthy casual whose only here to whine.

I am curious, but have little hope that it'll be anything more than a left-wing equivalent of a REEE.

How can you not know about Savage Dragon? He had a cartoon show on USA. You don't get more famous than that.

I'd say it's pretty clear that's exactly what it is. They aren't exactly trying to obfuscate it.

They were already like that before halfway through LAST year.

I'm loving this. Keep up the hysteria, please.

>Le Cheeto Hitler, for all its simplicity, can still at least be funny.

The charm of hyperbole is the absurdity of it. People can easily see the absurdity of it, regardless of their personal views.

When you have a large portion of people who unironically believe that President Trump will send all Hispanic people into death camps, or start a nuclear holocaust over a Twitter shitpost, then it becomes much harder to tell if the author is employing hyperbole, or is just your average leftist.

Yeah, it's hilarious how they're so triggered over people making fun of trump.

>it's now impossible to tell ott satire from genuine political beliefs
Thanks America.

8 years. :)

well I suppose it will be nice having at least one position on the white house staff stay consistent for that long

lol stay triggered snowflake.

>he thinks personnel matters
>not policy

Oh child.

What policies though m8?

Do words not have meaning anymore?

For example, DACA is about to end this week. Are you ready to do your usual angry and impotent protests over it?

Don't forget to assault some random bystanders while you're out rioting to show how outraged you are, tough guy.

>DACA is about to end this week.
Just like Obamacare right?

To be fair the modern usage of tyrant is pretty far removed from the original meaning. In early antiquity many tyrants were spoken of favorably as wise and just rulers.

>Trump is in charge of the Legislative Branch
See, this is why Betsy DeVos' work is so important. I'm glad Common Core was abolished and the DoE is being destroyed from within.

Public education just produces uneducated morons such as yourself.

His party in charge of the legislative branch, he is supposed be the leader.
>why would you elect a reality tv show host if not for his ability to lead?

>I've never heard of Savage Dragon

Yeah, cause you're a retard from Sup Forums.

>34% approval rating
>hasn't even been a year
>has the house and congress in his pocket and still can't get shit done
>major descent is going on within his own party
>rumors that the republicans want to create a new ticket for 2020
lol? Only Sup Forums would pretend this administration hasn't been a complete disaster.


Brush up on your Civics, squirt. The President is not a dictator. Our Constitutional Republic is built on checks and balances. The executive branch has done many things regardless of the Legislative Branch's failure to act.

You should really step outside your bubble. You're going to suffer another catastrophic meltdown in 2020 if you don't.

No kidding? Wonder why that changed.

>major descent is going on within his own party
I think you misspelled "dissent" but actually it still works.

Imagine being so mad that when you wake up all you can think of is the fact that Donald Trump is still president.

>I never even heard of Savage dragon until I saw this post.

Then educate yourself.

The idea of distributed power, democracy, and communisism.

>When you have a large portion of people who unironically believe that President Trump will send all Hispanic people into death camps

Well he just pardoned a Sheriff well known for his racist policies, who is even caught on tape boasting about putting latinos in a holding facility he unironically called a concentration camp, last Friday, so...

And he did it for ratings.

Every day is an adventure. I wake up and wonder "What did he do today?" Truly a glorious time to be alive.

Better make a Hitler comparison then. I'm sure Drumpf will be BTFO for sure this time.

I'm an edfag, and it's hilarious to see so many fuckers work their entire careers to try to take control of shit away from local governments and into the hands of unelected federal technocrats suddenly realize exactly what the downside of that is.

Vid thread related.

>this time.

He keeps getting routinely BTFO, quit acting like it hasn't happened. He has the worst approval ratings, beating out the previous holder Bill Clinton.

hardliner on illegal immigration. turns out most illegal immigrants in Arizona are latino. He must be racist.

>approval ratings
Oh no, not media polls! Anything but that!

>user that likely gets all his info from heavily compressed Sup Forums jpgs and the echochamber of Sup Forums in general is telling someone else to step outside your bubble
Ohiofag here, almost everyone I know that voted trump regrets it.

He keeps playing to his base and no one else. I hate to break this to you, but his victory in the swing states wasn't anywhere near as big as what you think it is.

At this point I have to believe the knee-jerk Trump defence is just to try and piss off liberals, since he hasn't actually done anything WORTH defending, given that he's failed spectacularly to deliver anything he said he would do or that Sup Forums wanted. Not only that, but he's fired Steve Bannon, the most Sup Forums person in the White House, and keeps listening to his Jewish son in law.

Makes me wonder why liberals hate him so much as well actually since he's been much more moderate than people expected. I guess everyone's measuring him by words rather than deeds.

There's no need for must user, sheriff Joe is a fucking racist.
I'll say it again, That twisted old fuck is a racist and legitimately shit at his job.

>The President is not a dictator. Our Constitutional Republic is built on checks and balances.

And he's been attacking that system for seven months. Every time he doesn't like what a judge rules, he starts personally going after them. Even W. knew better, and he was a dumbass. And now Trump pardoned Arpaio, a guy who wasn't even sentenced yet, in a contempt of federal court case. An action that basically undermines the entire checks and balances system, since it says what the courts rule doesn't matter if you're his buddy, it's okay to racially profile with any cause, which goes against the constitution.

>H-His victory wasn't a REAL victory!
How long do you plan on being this upset? It can't be good for your health.

Let's not pretend that Trump is not completely obsessed over being popular and well liked.

Nigga how long are YOU gonna be upset?

>He must be racist.

He is. He literally got convicted for contempt of court when he kept going after Latinos without probable cause even after federal court told him to stop it.

>And now Trump pardoned Arpaio
My god, what a horrible thing! End of the country!

Don't vomit your partisan bile at ME, you pathetic wretch.

Are these the same ones that said he had

Trump is a fascist plain and simple. Why would he create the power to pardon anyone!? it completely undermines the checks and balances system!!

And the list of shit that guy's got against him is astronomical, like the "concentration camp" (his own words) he was putting anyone he racially profiled into or the fact that he faked an assassination attempt against himself and framed a dude for it in order to help his chances at reelection time.

Let's not pretend you won.

gosh. Why would he be targeting latinos in Arizona?

Those are not policies, those are opinions.