Watchu getting from Legacy?

Just Moon Knight for me. Punisher & Doctor Strange are a Maybe (but probably not). I'd love to jump on Iron Man again, but first, Bendis has to leave.

>inb4 shill
Oh fuck off. Just have a normal conversation for once.

Just Gwenpool and Peter Parker: Spider-man.
Might hold onto RYV is quality holds up.

Otherwise, the Inhumans books until they die first.

And moon-knight.

I'd love to jump back on Spider-Man someday. But as long as Slott still reigns...

And then there's this asshole...

Yes. I am an asshole. There will be no normal conversation, shills. Go to CBR instead, you will fit there

I'll check out Doctor Strange, Moon Knight and Marvel Two-in-One. Other than that, I'm just sticking with the books I was already following. Just trade-waiting on The Platoon.

I need something to replace Ultimates^2 now that it's over.

You can buy shithumans. You know you do

Cap for dat Samnee
Moon Knight for Max Bemis
Doctor Strange for Walta and Bellaire back together

Probably pass on Punisher. I'll get my fix from The Platoon anyway

Gwenpool, Moon Knight sounds cool. Haven't figured out what else yet.

But... I already am? I mean adding something new since a spot opened up by by Ultimates^2 ending. Gonna check out the first couple issues of Doctor Strange, Moon Knight and 2-in-1 and replace that spot on my pull with one of them, assuming at least one of them is good. If not then I'll probably just wait until the Dark Matter books start coming out and fill that spot on my pull with one of them.

>Data mining
>doing it for free

Oh my, what an interesting blog post

>All-new Guadians of the Galaxy
>Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider
>Moon Knight

I was buying Renew your vows before, but I'm worried about the new creative team. I'll at least give it a shot.
I'm dropping Spectacular Spider-Man before Legacy because it's just not good.
I'll probably pick up Spider-Gwen because I said a long time ago I'd probably pick it back up once the Gwenom arc happened.
And I might get Spider-Man vs Deadpool since I like Robbie Thompson's stuff, but I'll wait and see how the first issue is.

Really looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy though.

Did Scarlet get any better? I fell out of reading it since Ben seemed like someone trying to write Kelly's Deadpool really badly.

Oh, and there's those one-shots. Going to get Darkhawk, Power Pack, and Master of Kung-Fu if only to slightly increase the chance of getting at least a mini out of them. I'd get Dazzler but seeing that she's still in the Bendis look will never not bother me.

>MCU comic
>Peter David
>Jew Batman
>Eddie Brock
I'd rather just burn my money instead of buying this crap

Seconding this. I want a new Spider-Book and I wonder if SS is good.

I think so, but I'm admittedly mostly reading it for Kaine. The last issue wasn't that good though, and Will Sliney is on art now. Plus, Kaine's arc is almost done.

>Will Sliney is on art now
Oh good. The one thing that ruined the best Spider book, 2099, is now coming over to Scarlet to ruin the next best Spider book. You'd think PAD's tenure in the industry would allot him better artists than Sliney's poser garbage.

What is your problem user? What kind of book are you going to buy?

Thank you based Kaine.
Between the costume wank and this, I'm starting to think PAD just has shit taste in art.

>MCU comic
It started out that way, but Duggan has been transitioning into his own thing, bringing in a lot of classic stuff, from both Starlin's stuff and DnA. And I honestly like the Milano being in the comic, I think they needed a ship of their own, and it's an awesome design.
>Peter David
I really liked 2099 and I like the clone characters.
>Jew Batman
You're not even trying at this point.
Duggan has been writing some the best Deadpool stories ever. Wade hasn't been memepool for awhile.
>Eddie Brock
I'm admittedly not super comfortable buying this book, because it hasn't been super good, but I'm an absolute symbiote shill, and Eddie Brock is still one of my favorite characters, even if I liked Flash as Venom better, and Eddie as Anti-Venom better.

>All-New Wolverine
>America (Sup Forums's favorite book)

I think I might try Deadpool, Doctor Strange and Two-in-One, and I might keep following the X-Men stuff if the quality improves. But I'm always up for comic recs, if you guys have any.

- Peter David! A guy who at first manages to make you believe his characters are well developed... until you realize that all of them are David himself, that he does with them whatever he wants, and that all of them are totally retarded.

- Peter David! A guy who, when he doesn’t know what to tell, he fills the comics with his opinions about politics, movies, TV, and books. Thus you read a comic and a blog at the same time. And if there’s still space left in the book, he tells a good joke, no matter if off-topic.

- Peter David! A guy who seems to be building up an AWESOME story but then, after 50 issues you find that his plots are going nowhere at all.

- Peter David! The writer who has been doing nothing for decades while laughing at readers.

- Peter "I gas gyps with my farts" David!

>- Peter "I gas gyps with my farts" David!
Seems pretty based to me.

ITT good goyim

Black Bolt has been pretty great so far. Ward is doing the first arc and Irving is going to be on the second.

I'm going to continue pulling Avengers, GotG, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Gwenpool. Checking out Moon Knight, Doctor Strange, Marvel Two-In-One, and Captain America.
Planning on getting the Master of Kung-Fu and Not Brand Echh one shots. Maybe Silver Sable.

seconding this

secret warriors
moon knight

Going to need Black Bolt and two in one's solicitations to come out before i decide.

But... Black Bolt is already up to issue 4 and solicited up to #7.


Why does black bolt need a gun when he can knock down buildings by screaming? He could just do duck face and shoot out a more focused snip shot or something instead of some world ending buckshot blast

Well ignoring the fact that he tries to never use his voice due to the collateral damage (I mean, before Soule decided that he was just a stronger Banshee), he's depowered here.

Legacy arc starts on 8

Yeah but the creative team isn't changing. At least, I don't think it's changing.

>Peter Parker: Spider-man
Do you find the humor of Chip Zdarsky to be laugh out loud, user?

Thanks, I was in the mood for some pasta.

Oh shit they're bringing back my boy Extremis? There's a few differences but that's a damn fine armor.

Why would you be a shill by saying you're getting the only good comic from Marvel? Shilling would be luring us in with Moon Knight and then encouraging us to read other great titles like Invincible Iron Man with everybody's favorite plucky young girl genius Riri Williams.

Fuck, I could have been such a great shill.

Moon Knight, Captain America, Despicable Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy and Renew Your Vows

He's in a space prison with no powers

Will try out both Doctor Strange and Thanos as I've become a fan of Cates with God Country, Redneck, and Babyteeth.
Will pick up Not Brand Echh. Wanna give Spencer another chance as I do like his writing.
Will probably pick up the Samnee arc of Cap, and give Coates's run a try.
Maybe continue with Guardians, though the double shipping is not ideal.

If shitposters are to be believed, the vast majority of Marvel's workforce is just paid shills, so I'd imagine they're always hiring.

Yeah, getting ANGotG, mostly because Rich is popping up and the Talonar thing with Robbie.

The whole Soul stone thing is interesting as well.

Duggan confirmed in a tweet that Rich and Darkhawk will be joining the team.


Yeah, there's going to be a shake-up in the roster. At least one character is leaving the team, and Ant-man, Darkhawk and Rich are joining. Question is who is leaving. Star-Lord isn't going anywhere, so that leaves Rocket, Groot, Drax and Gamora.

Groot is too much of a mascot, and you can't have Groot without Rocket. Gamora is the only girl on the team so I doubt they'd get rid of her. I'm thinking that leaves Drax as the person that's going to leave.


I actually liked Thor and I'm gonna check out Doctor Strange. I really wish Bendis would stop writing Iron Man. He's my favorite and he's been unreadable since Gillen.

Drax is in his pacifist mode and Gamora is fucked up by the Soul stone.

Honestly I would rather Rocket and Groot left to their own title.

I'm definitely in for Darkhawk, Rich, and Ant-Man to join, hopefully Phyla anf Adam join ad well.

>I really wish Bendis would stop writing Iron Man. He's my favorite and he's been unreadable since Gillen.
Same here user, same here...

>3 new characters
Ah good, looks like Duggan is going with the DnA method of "never stop adding people to the team." I loved how the DnA run had so many members of the team by the end that in the last arc, half the characters didn't even appear.

>Honestly I would rather Rocket and Groot left to their own title.
Yeah, me too. The "I am Groot" gag stopped being funny after DnA drove it into the ground halfway through their own run and has been more obnoxious than anything else since then and I've gotten kinda burned out on Rocket. Drax remains great. I hope he doesn't leave.

Yeah, Jack Flag was nowhere to be seen in Thanos Imperative

X-Men: Gold
Astonishing X-Men

literally that's it

By the end of DnA's run, the roster of the Guardians was:
>Major Victory
>Jack Flag
>Adam Warlock
>arguable Starhawk
Shit got completely out of hand. 6-7 is the ideal team-size.

I'll just pirate Moon Knight.

Just what I'm currently reading, which is only 2 books. Would have been way more interested in reading some other books if they actually changed around some creative teams.

>Would have been way more interested in reading some other books if they actually changed around some creative teams.
Ain't that the truth user, ain't that the truth.

>if they actually changed around some creative teams
They did, though not many. Looks like is mostly wrap-up arcs for most books than it is an actual jumping on point. The books getting new writers are:
>Dr. Strange
>Renew Your Vows
>Captain America
I might be missing a couple.

Rumor is that Waid's Avengers, Bendis' Iron Man, and Aaron's Thor will all be using Legacy to do their final arcs.

Having caught up this afternoon. It's not good.

It's a shame that Ben and Kaine are dead now

Honestly, probably nothing other than moon knight, I'm not buying marvel in single issues anymore, other than MK, I'd rather just trade wait and get what's good after it's come out, it also means not having to cancel books every 6 issues because marvel decided to relaunch it

>Not Brand Echh
>Uncanny Avengers

And ill give RYV a chance to see if it still is decent

I'll keep getting Guardians and I'll read RYV if the quality holds up.

Art is ok, but writing is awful
"Blackbolt walks", "Blacbolt thinks", "Blackbolt realizes", "Blackbolt feels", "Blackbolt..."...

Continueing with USAvengers and Black Bolt. Dropping Totally Awesome Hulk because fuck Greg Land and the book has just been a mediocre, meandering mess since the Civil War 2 issue

Might pick the new Doctor Strange because I like Danny Cates' other work