Would you watch a live action show?

Would you watch a live action show?
Only improvement would be turning Velma black and not making Scooby talk.

>Only improvement would be
of which show?

That Scooby is going to guest star in my nightmares tonight.

That's terrifying, why would you post that?

no no and OH FUCK NO

FUCK scooby doo, why the FUCK isn't it DEAD and BURIED yet?

>Black Velma
>Silent Scooby
Are you retarded?

You're not explain why those are bad ideas, you retarded faggot.

Of all the fanart to choose for your OP why did you choose one that is so uncanny valley?

>Black Velma
Completely unnecessary and empty pandering at best, character change into a shitty hood rat stereotype at worst.
>Silent Scooby
Scooby and Shaggy were the best thing about the Scooby Doo cartoons. Removing half of that equation is an inherently awful idea.

That fact that you need this explained to you is astounding.

No valid points, you stupid idiot.

He's right whether you like it or not

>Have dumb idea
>get called out on it
>Demands explanation
>Receives explanation
>"Not valid stupid"
How very Reddit of you.

Shaggy looks like a bleached Snoop Dogg

What's wrong with Black Velma?

Its very rare that you get such a clear cut example of an idiot being utterly and completely wrong. You are one of those examples user, learn critical thinking skills you twit.

She should have kept the afro, the short hair looks weird with those huge cheekbones

>"Wah don't make her black casue of reasons"
>"Humans can't interact with non english speaking animals xd"

Those aren't valid reasons. Stop breathing you stupid rat brained faggots.

Give a good reason to make her balck first. You gave the suggestion the Onus of Proof is on you to give a good reason for it.

Is this a tranny?

>It's Pandering buzzword buzzword buzzword PANDA RING
Yeah you really showed those marvelous critical thinking skills there bro.

if this were to happen Fred would be the token black. then they can push the interracial shit with Daphne.

Their art always makes me uncomfortable.

God this looks so weird. It's like some parts are Ultra realistic but then others are just off.

what's the point of it?

if race doesn't matter then why change it?

nice try getting caught in your own racist logic

That ain't Velma it's Cassidy.

i know

we could just be using her

there's already an established black character so there's no need to change velma

theres tons of stories that could be told with cassidy's spooky radio disc jockey thing