Joss Whedon Officially Getting Writing Credit On ‘Justice League’

>Warner Bros. has revealed Joss Whedon will be receiving a writing credit on the upcoming superhero team-up epic Justice League.

>Whedon’s credit was confirmed today in Warner Bros.’ 2017 Fall Movie Preview, which listed Whedon a writer on the screenplay alongside Chris Terrio. Whedon took over on the project to oversee additional photography on Zack Snyder’s Justice League and see the film through its post production process following Snyder’s exit from the project due to a family tragedy. Whether or not Whedon will receive a directors credit remains to be seen but the studio has at least confirmed that the director has done enough work on the script to receive a writer’s credit.

>You can see the full credits below.

>Director: Zack Snyder

>Writers: Story by Chris Terrio & Zack Snyder, Screenplay by Chris Terrio and Joss Whedon

>Based on characters from DC Entertainment, Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster

>Producers: Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, Jon Berg, Geoff Johns

>Executive Producers: Jim Rowe, Wesley Coller, Curtis Kanemoto, Chris Terrio, Ben Affleck

>Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Raymond Fisher, Jason Momoa,
Ezra Miller



Other urls found in this thread:

So, who does Whedon ship Wonder Woman with?

>Other Breaking News: Water, Wet!

>snyder comes back for cinematography
>whedon keeps the plot coherent
>terio makes sure the script isn't full of angst or quips

Could the DCEU work like this moving forward?

>Terrio's script
>No angst

Did you even watch "Batman V Superman".


You know that Johns also got a story credit in this form of release for Wonder woman right? It doesn't really mean anything

Just because WB put their own credit for Whedon on the film does not mean the WGA will. But if they do then he's re-writen atleast a 3rd of the script, which is very unlikely in the first place as they're clearly not filming much deu to the schedules of the other actors

>Please, Bravo Joss, come and fix our mess. We want to make Marlel money.
Why doesn't WB just grow a spine, guys?

Why do you drones keep making these threads? Do you really think you're going yo stick it to DChads when they hate Snyder as much as everyone else?

Go back to Sup Forums; the board is shitty enough as it is

based Joss strikes again

>You know that Johns also got a story credit
Story credit isn't a writing credit, lad.

>But if they do then he's re-writen atleast a 3rd of the script, which is very unlikely in the first place as they're clearly not filming much deu to the schedules of the other actors

Unlikely isn't impossible, and it's almost like all he needed to do might have been to reshoot existing scenes or shoot new ones that added individual scenes of emotional context that were probably lacking.

Also, gotta love how people dismiss things as a rumor when it doesn't come directly from WB, and clearly still do even when it is a report of information formally provided by WB.

Can you imagine being so fucking defeated that you just go ahead and hire the person who writes your competitor's movies?

I feel really bad for WB. They thought they struck gold with getting Joss Whedon as a new director, then he is revealed to be a cheater and his entire fanbase turned on him.

Okay, and?

See >Just because WB put their own credit for Whedon on the film does not mean the WGA will. But if they do then he's re-writen atleast a 3rd of the script

I find the whole thing incredibly bizarre.

Like some off-hand joke a Sup Forumsfag would make made real.

>terio makes sure the script isn't full of angst or quips

Sorry user, I don't think that'll work.

It's not that unusual is it with people like Ryan Reynolds / Michael Keaton switching back and forth?

But that's Suicide!!!!!

Whedon has been outed as a Cheater and Sexual Deviant and Fake Feminist (the equivalent of a Trump supporter)!!!!!! It's literally all over the news outlets and social media!!!!!!!

They are doing a huge risk putting emphasis of his name of the movie.


So it looks like Whedon is joining their squad. Their Suicide Squad!

Bum ta kish!

How many will boycott JL because of Whedon?!!


And now Justice League will get a rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes because of Whedon's controversy. He was the last one who could save the movie's reputation. And now it's DEAD (like Batman's Parents lol)

I am shocked and appalled at the monster Whedon has been exposed as.

And I am disappointed that WB/DC would hire a sexist perverted rapist like him for their superhero movie (with a feminist icon like Wonder Woman in it no less).

At least Disney/Marvel Studios had the excuse of not knowing about Whedon's sinister past. But WB/DC know and they continue to hire this Nazi.

>Whedon has been outed as a Cheater and Sexual Deviant and Fake Feminist
Is this true?


It's just a writing credit.

>It's just a writing credit.
How would you feel if Adolf Hitler wrote your favorite book or movie? It's like that.

His Ex-Wife did an expose on him recently where it was revealed he'd been cheating on her for fifteen years with numerous women.

They should have stuck with Zack Snyder.

>He used his relationship with me as a shield … so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist,”

>he said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him.

>On the set of “Buffy,” Joss decided to have his first secret affair.

> Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.

Daily reminder that no origin movie of MCU reached 800 millions at box office

>There were times in our relationship that I was uncomfortable with the attention Joss paid other women. He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better. He said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him. On the set of “Buffy,” Joss decided to have his first secret affair.

>Fifteen years later, when he was done with our marriage and finally ready to tell the truth, he wrote me, “When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. It felt like I had a disease, like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I am a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet and I can’t touch it.” But he did touch it. He said he understood, “I would have to lie — or conceal some part of the truth — for the rest of my life,” but he did it anyway, hoping that first affair, “would be ENOUGH, that THEN we could move on and outlast it.”

>Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.

It's okay. The media is already turning on Whedon. And recent info just so happened to leak about his deviant ways just as he is fixing JL and making it a good movie. What a coincidence!!!!

Never fuck with the Mouse.

Homecoming will

>“When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. It felt like I had a disease, like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I am a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet and I can’t touch it.”

This is so creepy and delusional it makes me wonder if his ex-wife made up this quote. There's no way Joss could be this sleazy and weird


It's different with actors.

And you can note that most of them only switch when they've reached the end of their run with the other one.

Keaton would never play Batman again when he played the Vulture, and Reynolds would never play Hal Jordan again when he took on Deadpool.

I really don't understand how some people can live like this

It's over!


Whoaaa, I thought these were three pictures of the same guy.


What did Louis CK do?

If anything, that's admitting your mistakes and taking steps to fixing them.

Allegedly locked himself in a room with a woman and started jerking off.

I was looking forward to JL but the prospect of it being some sort of rape baby of Snyder and Whedon is interesting

I kinda want it to be bad just for the spectacle

>There's no way Joss could be this sleazy and weird

That sounds like the exact kinda thing a guy like Whedon would do though.

He goes into rooms with women, blocks the door, and starts jerking off. Literally.

As long as its fun, I don't care who does it.
>in b4 quips
Those are just as a part of cape comics as the ink on the paper

I'm very confused as to how this stuff gets leaked out and not private

Good! They ruined Zack Snyder's vision! We could have had Kino!

Wow. Looks like Whedon will be blacklisted after Justice League.

How much you wanna bet he gets kicked off of the Batgirl movie? Who would you replace him with?

Keyword is "allegedly", people say he does that but nobody has proof, and by people it means this one chick who says he totally did but she couldn't wip out her phone and start recording the bald fat man with his dick in his hand because he was too theatening or something.

Usually the woman comes foreward and the dude, like a retard, cops up to it.

You're famous dipshit, say she's lying then give her $12 million to fuck off.

We all know he did it, user.

>There's no way Joss could be this sleazy and weird
Of course not, user.

I say get the person who did the Scott Pilgrim movie and give them Batgirl.

Nothing is private when you're famous.

>put Whedon on JL because of his nerd cred and popularity with normies and (some) feminists
>turns out to be a cheating sexual predator MRA

>I thought these were three pictures of the same guy.
Sure, because: rapeface.

there really is no end to DC's failure is there

>Usually the woman comes foreward and the dude, like a retard, cops up to it.
No, what usually happens is that someone talks about what a creeper Bill was and then other people start to talk and pretty soon you've got several dozen people all telling pretty much the same story about Clinton, O'Reilly, or Cosby and that Blue Dress or recording about the Loofa comes out.

Honestly, ladies, just never go to a room with someone named "Bill." Not worth it.

It's either the gift that keeps on giving or the hole with no bottom depending on your point of view

Huuuuuge egos

Keeping Whedon on the Batgirl movie would be complete suicide yeah.

>Edgar Wright getting involved in cape films again after what happen with Ant Man

That's some wishful thinking.

The issue residesin your ignorance about credits.

Story means the overall broader story.
Screenplay is the script and some fine details.

If Zack Snyder gets story credit and Whedon screenplay means it is exactly as DC said. Whedon was brought for planned scenes.

Regardlesd, JL was dead the moment Dawn of Kino was badly received. Enjoy your quips

WB are not the organisation who give out credits for a film, like I said, WB thought Johns deserved a story credit for WW, the WGA disagreed. They easily could, and likely will here

What is the connection between having affairs and being a feminist?

>tfw when William
>tfw when keep trying to get people to call me "Will".
>tfw they insist on calling me "Bill".

Cheating is a very unfeminist thing to do. As is having sex with tons of women.

>What is the connection between having affairs and being a feminist?
Ever notice how when you see a Social Conservative who spends an inordinate amount of time bitching about the gays they end up getting caught getting their gay on? Or how people like Newt Gingrich and Mark Mark Sanford ( who both called for Clinton to resign after his affair came out ) end up getting caught having affairs ( and then refusing to resign because reasons )?

This is the same thing: "The Lady doth protest too much, methinks!"

Because he's treating his wife bad, presumably. But if that quote earlier in the thread is true, it sounds like he was abusing his power as a big creator, which is a bit more serious.

Did TV Tropes turn on Joss yet?

Wonderwoman was actually pretty good and more people gave it a chance because they wanted to see the spectacle of a wonderwoman attempt.

Says who? or Says which definition of feminism? If it's about women telling men what is proper behavior for them, it sounds as disgraceful as men telling women how to behave. It sounds more like misandry than feminism. Now, I know that a lot of "feminism" is actually misandry but empowering women, which is my definition of feminism, is unconnected to one's sexual behavior. Just like one can advocate free market and yet recommend a member of one's family for a job to a friend.

If it's shit Joss gets hit.

People will believe Zack's cut was the true kino.

You know what's up, user. Both sides are going to blame the other director for their issues with the movie.

>It was still pretty dark and angsty, I guess Joss couldn't save it entirely.

>There are way to many quips and bland characters, that hack Whedon ruined Zack's masterpiece

Narcissists often appear normal.

>marble beat dc yet again this month in dollar share
>oh, look, wonder woman is, currently, a bit ahead of spider-man in ticket sales
>didn't you just say ...
wew, lad.

That's really not surprising. The Snyder cut was said to be unwatchable. About all that's going to carry forward is the CGI and the actors.

Who knows maybe it'll even be not bad.

>t. butthurt roastie

you guys are so dumb it hurts--its still Zack's movie and always will be.

Why do you post delusional bullshit like this? Do you hope that if you meme it hard enough it will be come true?

spoiler: I've been a DChad my whole life and love Snyder's DC movies. And thats never going to stop.

wasn't he "writing" on the script basically the entire time? He was working on the movie before Snyder left

..I guess i have no idea what he was doing before

>people who hate gays are gay
>this is what ever gay wants to be true

Or maybe this is exactly why they want him to be front and center of all this shitfest.

Maybe WB gave up on this League movie already and will want to use Whedon as a scapegoat for all the shit they'll get, which will happen anyways since the Left sites will shit on JL because Whedon is involved on it.

FUCK! so now I'll have to wait for the Extended Directors' Cut Blu-Ray to see Snyder's version?


For some reason this makes me like him more. He successfully played feminists for over a decade. Legend

>snyder comes back for cinematography
I've had enough of nothing but blue, black, orange and slow-mo thank you. I'd prefer he just not come back at all.

Did Zack always plan to fire Junkie XL?

Plus this is completely wrong. WB and their people can make any fucking changes they want. It's just that as per DGA rules since Snyder directed 100% of principal that he must be CONSULTED on the film and any changes they make. Consulted does not mean they have to listen to him, studios change stuff directors don't want them to all the time. Case in point Suicide Squad.

Doubt it, scenes heavily affecting the plot or replaced won't be added back.

Maybe Barry's dad scenes.
But not Steppenwolf returning to Darkseid since WW kills him now.

A circular firing squad.

You still need a director, someone with a vision and not just an eye for pretty pictures.

Sup Forumsmblr is real. There's nothing wrong with sleeping around with other woman and he isn't automatially a sexist because he get laid a lot. What happened to you Sup Forums? A few years ago you would have been praising him as the alpha we all inspire to be.

Whedon made Avengers 1 and 2 you dumb fuck, combine that with Snyder's film-school tier cinematography and you have a gigantic clusterfuck.

is thataway and always has been, faggot