Why is marvel so obessed with becoming as progressive and sjw as possible...

Why is marvel so obessed with becoming as progressive and sjw as possible? What does marvel hope to achieve by hiring no talent idiots right when they write a book who have no history of writing comics just because they have a vagina or arent white. Is their some endgame their plannin, or do they really think virtue signaling will bring up sales and not only lower them drastically?


don't blame disney on that

>don't blame disney on that
Poor naive fool. Still think the Mouse isn't all about this shit? They've doubled down on it.

What does disney hope to gain with all this SJW bullshit?

Oh look another Sup Forumsshit thread. This is what i want to see when browsing COMICS AND CARTOONS.

I guess the writing was on the wall when we started allowing /tv.\/ threads here. This board has gone completely to shit. Sup Forums is a better board now, think about that.

If I was running marvel. I will...
Fire slott
Cut off bendis books. He only going to get one book to write.
Each event will be decade.
All new heroes will be one book, (champions) or all new marvel universe tales and hired to best to be likeable.


They think they're going to be on the right side of history by printing out some of the worst possible stories in the history of the medium.

But it's true, Disney is using them as their SJW wing so they can pander while keeping the rest of their properties pure. It's a tactic that lets you hit as many different demographics as possible without having to muddle up too many properties.

People howling about muh social agenda are useful idiots being played for free backlash publicity, this is purely a cold calculated business move.

go away Sup Forums

They did it before Disney though. Question is why are they failing so bad now.

Why do you think Liu did before working for Marvel? Wrote teen paranormal romance novels.

Then were else are we supposed to talk about COMIC politics you fucking faggot

gr8 b8 m8

Shut the fuck up. Go back your board. It is always SJW with you guys. That is you guys are cancer.

Marvel legitimately believes they're investing in the future by hiring these morons.

I thought it was always jews with Sup Forums?

Anyway, hating Marvel's SJW bullshit makes you a normal human being, not some Sup Forums boogeyman.

Liu's Marvel work is fucking Dostoyevsky compared to the shit they're pumping out now. Her X-23 series actually wasn't terrible.


Liu's shit was always garbage. Don't meme, there are plenty of good stuff at Marvel right now. Even Taylor is writing a better X-23 comic right now.

It would be better if they stopped pretending she's Wolverine, and just kept her X23.

>defending America Chavez and her Bobby Hill-wannabe author
The faggots in this board never cease to amuse me.

This. They think minorities will be a major consumer block.

>Anyway, hating Marvel's SJW bullshit makes you a normal human being, not some Sup Forums boogeyman.

I just hate bad writing. Thor being a woman or spider-man being is okay to me.

They aren't.
They just want free publicity, backpats and cheap labor.

If they gave a fuck about other audiences they would branch back out into horror, romance, mystery and comedy books with a big advertising push. They would try to cater to the popular genres and integrate the superhero universe into it. They'd be hiring writers from top selling kids' comics (like Smile), emulating other top selling material (like shonen and harem shit), try to drum up ANY connections they could with pre-existing audiences.

But they don't because it's a fucking farce. They don't care about diversifying, they're using it as a shield.

Why do companies try to pander to a market that doesn't pay for their products? It's not like SJW-types are oozing with money to throw at businesses for being progressive. If anything, it's a financial sink hole. What do these companies gain pandering to these people?

>spider-man being
Black. Sorry, i am in a hurry.

never said it was good, it's just not terrible

i agree, or give her a new name. i remember a long time ago Talon was being tossed around for her code name

>spider-man being
Pffft get a load of this user, he wants an *existing* Spider-man, stop being so abliest!

Comics are part of the arts, you know 'liberal arts'. It has always been progressive. DC was the ones pushing it in the 80s and 90s with vertigo and green arrow. Marvel just hasn't been doing it all too well.

Sup Forums would be triggered by Desire being a tranny if Sandman came out today

And both are horribly written.

It's almost like there happens to be a correlation between garbage pandering characters and shit writing.

Champions being the worst of all.

>And both are horribly written.

Well, That is just opinions user. I can't force you to like something.

also, it's manufactured controversy. anyone who legitimately criticizes them shitting out constant garbage gets called racist, misogynist, *insert buzz word here*-phobic, etc

It's not even about "liking" something in this biz, it's about buying.

Holy shit. Her stuff is terrible now. Lui was good, k&y is better. But Monstress is a lot better than her X-23. Still has flaws but Monstress is better than almost anything Marvel is doing now.

but Desire isnt a tranny. Desire is whatever you them to be.

This is my board you fucking faggot. Fuck off

watch one hour of ESPN then come back here and apologize to

Is Thor generation is the ninth best written book?

That's my point. They've diversity hired teen novel writers before and they did ok.

Do they not have a good pool of more experienced people to pull from? It's not even that they wrote teen novels, they mostly only have ONE of those under their belts. They're barely experienced in the field they're pulled from.

Gay latina shit aside, Rivera has no idea how to write comics. She has huge word vomits, she explains things in the dialogue that the art clearly shows. She's power creeping America so hard she's going to be ridiculously OP. Slightly gay shit: she got rid of a character in a way that made no sense in order to ship her with another browner character.

Defend this.

because liberals are not leftists. you see, x-men is an oppressed minority, but in such a way that's subversive. liberals are right of center laissez faire capitalists who use identity politics to divide people along lines of alienated labor. with x-men, there's an existential struggle. but because liberals are ultimately authoritarians who want money, the people who run marvel would rather cash in on shoehorning minorities rather than build them up or bring in minority characters that already exist in the marvel universe... without any struggle. many businesses are about selling gimmicks to kids who have lower standards. same thing goes for animated shows. it's easier to just pump out stupid crap with low budgets than produce high quality art and writing. it detracts from an idiocracy to write stories about rebellion or add context. their answer is "oh well we'll just insert this minority in as fictional affirmative action and disregard the majority of the other minority characters"

they have no endgame. profit as soon as possible. their "endgame" is growth/profit for the sake of growth/profit (the ideology of cancer), just like any other capitalist. sustainability doesn't even appear in the mind of a capitalist. they have no answers for planned obsolescence, manufactured scarcity, or externalities, the worst of which being pollution. this is why they appeal to corporations like disney. whatever liberal plan they had, entering into a deal with disney accelerated it.

... and heaven forbid they bring heroes or heroines in that are class conscious. the harley quinn/batman movie was a pleasant surprise to me. after years and years they finally had an animated movie that actually dealt with eco-terrorism and pollution

>perceive them to be
just like the all the Endless

i doubt anyone would be triggered by Sandman if it were released today because Gaiman wrote all of his character as people, not special purse puppies.

Let's see how long this thread stays on topic about SJWs in comics without slipping into politics in general.

I think that Marvel's probably tested the waters on potential SJW bucks, and it's obviously not working but if they pull out now they might be accused of being bigots

Aaron's thor goes from incredibly good to incredibly bad, and it only takes him a few pages to do it. I just hate that he can't seem to stick any of the landings. I really want Thorstagg to be interesting but I'm sure it's ging to piss me off too.

I haven't read Miles cause i don't like Spider-Man but USM is usually praised much more than Slotts

I've seen a couple threads triggered about Gaiman tranny characters lately. Seem even more claiming he's a beta cause he's a liberal that supports womens rights. When he gets more pussy than all of Sup Forums combined

She isn't even brown...

Ultimate Spiderman was good until Miles came along.

Now they're basically just telling the same story all over again, with mostly the same characters, same villains, except this time Peter is wearing blackface, and everyone calls him Miles (Except Peter is still alive, making Bendis' blackface Peter OC DONUT STEEL entirely pointless.)

forgot to post pic