Who would win? (For the sake of discussion assume they both have full access to their powers.)

Who would win? (For the sake of discussion assume they both have full access to their powers.)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't Flash just travel back in time or insert him into the Speed Force?

I wonder why is Gio not in this pic, he belong to te "Hax that don't make sense at all so is impossible to debate because it simply works" team

Ah, but Accelerator could easily manipulate the vectors of time or the Speed Force.

Hard mode: 1 nanosec of prep time

I don't think the speed force got vectors

Also can accelerator think at picoseconds?Flash can literally dance around him in less than a picosecond.

Couldn't Gio take away their powers with Golden Experience Requiem? Setting things back to zero means game over for literally everything.

>Ah, but Accelerator could easily manipulate the vectors of time or the Speed Force.
>these lies

user I read index

>flash has bullshit powers
>accelerator fans will bullshit about how his powers just counter that

Accelerator was literally made to be a bullshit marysue that jobs to the MC. I'm sure if you gave Flash the power to cancel his power, Accelerator's fans would just say his vector powers would cancel that out.

This is why these discussions can never work. Basically like two kids pretending their powers make them invincible and can't be beaten by the other.

I feel like it's worth mentioning that Accelerator's powers explicitly work poorly against things that don't adhere to conventional math and physics. Magic gives him trouble for that reason, but also there's the incident with the Dark Matter. Dark Matter within the ToAruverse is an impossible substance. A substance that cannot exist under the rules that govern their universe. As such, when brought into existence it operates under a completely foreign set of rules. Accelerator couldn't properly influence it with his ability until he'd successfully wrapped his head around the science that governs it.
You could make an argument that Speed Force could create similar problems for Accelerator with the ways it plays fast and loose with physics. For example, if The Flash were to surpass the speed of light Accelerator might not immediately be prepared with the math to deal with that. Or heck, even if he just starts running fast enough that he needs passive speed-force fuckery to protect him from the force of his own running, he might already have become a sufficiently confusing entity to start getting punches in.

On the other side of that very same coin, if the fight goes on long enough for Accelerator to wrap his way around speed force that might create trouble too.

He might hypothetically redirect The Flash's connection to The Speed Force, cutting The Flash off from his entirely external power source. Maybe even plug himself into flash's speedforce suply.

>A third challenger appears.

>I'm sure if you gave Flash the power to cancel his power, Accelerator's fans would just say his vector powers would cancel that out.
But that's how Touma won, by canceling his powers. And even then it was only barely because it required physical contact.

First someone must explain to me how he revert actions to zero if his powers are not time based at all.

Accel can fight for shit so Flash.

Aquarion LOGOS aka: Elder God Demonbane 2.0

what was stupid because accelerator could have easily used his powers to kill him in other ways without letting him getting close.

The only excuse I can think of is that he was too shocked/confused/afraid by getting hit that he couldn't to think in anything else.


Wally > that other guy > Barry

Gio's ability is basically Touma's Imagine Breaker on steroids.

IB negates special abilities while GER negates actions. Basically if it hits you, your attack doesn't happen.

Which one can harness the power of the Mayonegg?

I only watched the anime, but it seemed like, from his expressions, that this was the case.

Accelerator isn't afraid of that egg.

Explain the death loop. How does Diavolo keep finding himself in situations that kill him?


Explanation: E

Because Giorno only had that ability for all of one very short fight, so the only thing we know about it is the page between chapters saying "it can negate anything". It's hard to have any real discussion about it.

It has shit for speed and range, so Flash would be able to avoid being affected by it pretty easily.

holyfuck, that's so hax it looks like the author wrote this shit just to win battle threads

>flash can move fast and that's pretty much it
>accel can manipulate vectors
flash would do his speed thing and accel would warp the vector of his run so he went flying into a wall.
this is such a dumb question.

The hero got the power like one chapter before OHKOing the final boss with it, so it didn't matter how broken it was.

Flash at his most hax has outrun teleportation by getting to the destination before the teleporter's brain could activate the power. Since Accelerator's power is directly tied to how fast he can think, Flash would probably be immune to everything except his passive defense (which I believe he loses in his final form, anyway).

The author creates some absolutely insane powers.
C-moon and Made in Heaven are silly and fun while King Crimson hurts my brain.

It was more about getting out of a whole he wrote himself into with King Crimson

King Crimson is easy
And Have you seen Za Warudo Over Heaven?
DIO basically becomes a reality warper

>Za Warudo Over Heaven
What the FUCK

>On the other side of that very same coin, if the fight goes on long enough for Accelerator to wrap his way around speed force that might create trouble too.
Pic related is the Math Formula of the Speed Force.

Accelerator would totally manage to understand it and use it against The Flash.
Except it doesn't work.


It is DIO' stand after he achieves 「HEAVEN」

I saw, i looked it up before i posted that
Why the fuck make him that powerful?
Is it just to screw over GER?

It's the same power that made Made in Heaven so powerful.
But considering ZA WARUDO was the strongest stand of it's time, 「HEAVEN」 version of it is immensely broken

Diavolo's death KEEPS NOT HAPPENING.

He will KEEP NOT DYING forever.

>>Flash at his most hax has outrun teleportation by getting to the destination before the teleporter's brain could activate the power
No: he outrun instantaneous movement.
They started at the same time and Wally managed to reach the goal first WITHOUT time-travelling.

Yeah, full-power Speedforce Bullshit is that bullshit(it took him taking the speed of the whole Earth and Radio-beings dimension to do it, though.)

And Wally at his most HAX managed to outrun HIM BEING RETCONNED BY EDITORIAL RETCON.

Wather Report\Heavy Weather is what all Weather Manipulator would be if they were anything competent.

It's worth to notice GER is immune to Made In Heaven, which quite obviously means Over Heaven is ridiculously stronger

Flash with full access to speed force shenanigans? There is not even a fight, Flash for sure.

Let´s do it with Professor Zoom, just for homicidal sake:
He does not need to even move in the same plane of existence of the anime character, just vibrate into another dimension (vector thing does not work with someone in another dimension, he is not even present and zoom did not move) do a time travel, back to original dimension, appear in front of the guy´s mother before he is even born, remove her heart and there you have.

JoJo was written sometime in the 80s so it was long before the concept of battle threads existed.

>vector thing does not work with someone in another dimension
Unless he manipulates the vectors of dimensions.

JoJo started in 1989 and is continuing even now.

And in 1989 there were battle threads already.

Where? The internet didn't even exist in 1989.

So underage.

While the WWW is technically from 1991, the International Network has been a thing for the whole 80s.

Also, Usenet and Mailing Lists
(bloody hell do I feel old)

And that's the problem. Accelerator's powers apparently keep him from not only being physically hurt, but immune to everything and he can survive underwater and in space, can't be affected telepathically, and now some fag is claiming he's immune to time travel and I bet he's not the only one that thinks that.

Feel free to give him any more powers and say he can't be defeated in other ways. I'm sure it's true and his fans will defend it even though it's bad writing that sounds like fanfiction written by a grade schooler.

> Survive Space.

He can't without external aid. His dust explosion trick led him to rule out taking a nuke due to the lack of oxygen. Unless he has a means of gaining oxygen under the sea or in space, he'll still die.

>While the WWW is technically from 1991
So I was right.

Why does Accelerator make you so mad?

Take any Accelerator powers you want.
Give him any physics based powers you want.
To all that I will say WRYYYYYYYYY

A long time ago we had a thread about the Flash either vacuuming the air or launching the ground that Accelerator was on into space. And people said he'd survive that.

It's the overall power wanking of Sup Forums fags and their characters. It's all about power levels and when a Sup Forums character has the power to actually beat them, there's some bullshit extra power or ability that fans use to deny it.

This is why Goku vs Superman threads are always bad. Same as these. Same as OPM. Same as all the others.

WWW and Internet are different things, user

Prove it. There's an archive.

OPM is a shitty meme without anything to back it up
But Sup Forums will drop down to Sonic levels of fanfiction to defend OPM as the most powerful guy ever.
I have seen some people claiming he could defeat fucking The Shrike or The Mask

Would this guy even register on their radars?

Did you like Mania Sup Forums?

Why the fuck are you getting so autistic about One Punch Man? He's ridiculously over the top as a joke, but the fact remains that he can defeat literally anything with one punch.

And by the way, I'm pretty sure The Shrike was defeated by some over the top anime nonsense, so Saitama defeating him fits pretty well.

If Flash was to vacuum the air, he could reverse it. It's not ceasing to exist or being used up, it's being sucked away, which he can use his ability to reverse and force it back to him.

Space is an entirely different ball game where oxygen doesn't exist. He's as good as dead up there. If he canonly states he can't survive a nuke without something to provide oxygen for him after detonation, he certainly can't survive space.

It's fantastic but fuck sega and their drm.

Flash has access to phasing, speed theft, and limited electrokinesis. Accelerator doesn't. I'm pretty sure Barry gets it.

Also he's faster.

OPM runs on cartoon logic and can only really be paired against other cartoon characters who operate the same way, like Popeye. Saitama would lose.

The thread covered all of that but it was argued that he could survive in space. There was also him being able to survive being completely underwater. I think one user said he could use his powers to create his own atmosphere.

It got messed up. One user said Flash could just reverse the rotation of Earth to kill Accelerator. He could but he wouldn't do that.


Why are you making me relive those threads?!

Why doesn't flash just to do accelerator what Wally did to Inertia?

Friendly reminder that the entirety of anime and manga lose HARD to pic related, because their only superheroic universes are rooted in cynicism, spite, and darkness.

In fact, the Gentry will most likely make it to the anime/manga multiverse at some point, so you better pray it's not too late.


You don't have enough, i'm sorry. Just hope it doesn't see you.

Anything in a capitalist market loses to the Empty Hand. He is literally the personification of the consumer.

Still not seeing a link to the thread. I too can make claims without proof. Someone said that you are a virgin and that Accelerator's dick is bigger than your dick.

>because their only superheroic universes are rooted in cynicism, spite, and darkness.
Where the heck did you get this impression of anime? Have you never heard of the magical girl genre?

I am pretty sure any Pretty Cure could wipe the floor with whatever that is, especially the Infinity Silhouette from Heartcatch.

The empty hand is effectively the superheroic antichrist, and is said to bring an end to the "never-ending story of the superheroes". It's Ultra, the ultimate hero, corrupted and perverted into becoming the ultimate evil. He feeds entire multiverses to his hounds, the Gentry. The Empty Hand could possibly beat the Superman Thought Robot, which is a horrifying prospect.

And how come it talks like a 13 year old who just learned "netspeak"?

It has shit stats because they don't matter. GER exists outside of space and time. It is a perfect counter, the moment you make an action that hurts it's user it activates.

Araki approaches the concept with artistic liberty, if you can call it that, but the general idea is that within the "logic" of the universe the entity known as Diavolo is dying, but GER keeps causing reality to reject him being dead. As such he simply just pops in and out between the two states/events where he must die, but never quite does so both clauses can be satisfied.

Logically speaking, I know we're talking JoJo but still, annulling his death should have just done that and no more, but then again Requiem stands can do whatever the fuck they want.

I think Metamorpho can beat Accel.

user those were years ago. You don't have to believe me. I can also tell you about the shit that went down during Final Crisis.

Those were also dark times.

The whole thing is just who hit someone first, and since Flash is the fastest man alive...


If they were years ago you can't seriously believe those people are still here. Argue with the people who are here now instead of living in the past. Don't be a Trump.

What he did to Inertia?

Let me clarify something, is Inertia the name of a comic book character? They have all manner of stupid names like "Lightspeed" or "Abomination" so it's worth checking.

Not to say Accelerator is any better in that regard but I like Index code names BECAUSE they sound like superhero names.

Yeah, he's another speedster villain. Wally did this

1- Accelerator lost to a guy that was just backing his punches.

2- He clearly needs to calculate shit for his powers to work. He can't calculate something he does not expect.

3- There is a clear limit to what Accelerator can do, based on his feats. His powers are NOT absolute. If that was true, he could just destroy the whole city in a second. The fact that he didn't simply means that he can't do it.

4- Pic related.

That's a little bit cruel even for Accel.

What the fuck? What kind of "hero" freezes someone for eternity? That's crueler than actually killing them.

>Sympathy for the devil
Every. Time.
Don't play with fire if you're just going to cry when you get burnt.

Well, to be fair, I should've mentioned that Inertia pretty much killed Bart who was running around as the 4th Flash at the time. So emotions were running high when he did this to him. But yeah the Flash can be fucking brutal at times, especially whenever family gets mixed into it.

I think that if Accel somehow manages to harn any of Barry's friends or relatives then Accel is pretty much done.

>Basically like two kids pretending their powers make them invincible and can't be beaten by the other.

That's every power level thread ever created.

Go to bed Manton.

Unless Accelerator manipulates the vectors of Barry's friends or relatives.

is that the siberian?

Apparently. I looked this up and how do people even know this comic exists? It doesn't even have a Wikipedia page.

It's a web serial about super heroes/villains, not a comic.

But i'm fairly sure Accel can in fact negate the earths rotation, I'm almost positive he in fact stopped the rotation of the earth in order to redirect all of the energy into throwing a skyscraper into another magically guarded skyscraper

Yeah, even weirder. Like what even is this?

worm is pretty polarizing on the chans in general, it mostly gets regulated to /tg/ as a setting since Sup Forums, /lit/ and pretty much any other board sees it at off topic

...a web serial about super heroes/villains?

/lit/ would be the proper place for it, if not for the fact that /lit/ is occupied by pretentious assholes who just want to use the board as a second Sup Forums.

What's the plot?

Worm is a web serial by Jesse McCree (Wildbow) that follows the story of a teenage girl, Taylor Hebert, who is bullied at her high school in the fictional East Coast city of Brockton Bay. However, Taylor is also secretly a parahuman (or 'cape'), an individual with superpowers - in her case, the ability to exert fine control over all the bugs in a several-block radius. Using her powers, she seeks to escape from her everyday life and attempts to become a superhero, but quickly gets swept up in the chaos and complexities of the 'cape' community after instead being mistaken for a supervillain on her first night out.

As a member of an up-and-coming group of teenage villains known as the Undersiders, Skitter (as Taylor comes to be known) becomes entrapped in the politics of heroes and villains, where she quickly learns that the 'heroes' are not so heroic and that her only opportunity to do real good might be under the label of 'villain.' In the superpowered underworld of Brockton Bay, caught in the middle of gang wars and conspiracies that cut to the core of the very origins of superpowers, Taylor is left to face the reality of having to do the wrong things for the right reasons.

I mean.... If it's a fight against the flash and flash is going for a knockout it will happen within one attosecond of the fight starting.

You need durability / shields/ magic to prevent such things vs the flash.