Will she return?

Will she return?

With the amount of focus that the Intro alone has on Scrooge's first Dime, I'd say yes. She probably hasn't been mentioned yet because she's being saved for the BBEG spot, if not for the First season, then the second one.

I don't mind waiting if they make her the most dangerous and competent villain in the show.




Maybe she'll be tied to the new teen girl they're introducing. Her early design was rather dark and mysterious looking.

Do you think they will give her a proper attractive voice instead of an old lady chain smoker?

God pls no. That new chick looks like the Poochie of this generation.

>Do you think they will give her a proper attractive voice instead of an old lady chain smoker?
I am sure they would prefer someone who they can hire for the long term. But that is also why they haven't used the character yet; they want the show to be liked first, before telling everyone the bad news about recasting in a 2nd season.

Will she return?

Guys... What is Magica De Spell turned out to be MOM?

Regardless, if and when she shows up, I hope they dedicate the episode to June Foray's memory

I don't think June was good for Magica.

she wasn't italian enough

Hopefully not.
The reboot ruined enough characters.

I'm pretty sure she will.

At the least they could give her an Italian accent, instead of that cheap Boris'n'Natasha Russian accent they gave her in the original series for no discernible reason.

Sup Forums says that about every female character. Webby turned out fine despite all the doomsaying.

The problem with her old voice is that she sounded like a stereotypical old hag and a chain smoker, which was the opposite of what she was meant to be.

Barks wanted her to be youthful, attractive and seductive, which June's voice acting (probably because of the direction though) did not reflect at all.

She fucking better!

Dumb nostalgiafag.

That's a problem, but not the only one.

How did they ruin Donald Duck?

>angry quacking noises


I really hope she does return with her bodacious child bearing behind

Will they include pic related somehow?