
Who do you think won it?

Think they still have it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>He doesn't know
I won't post it, it's too sad.

Thread theme.

Wait, what happened?

>his power is being able to light up a cave
What a shitty fucking power. Everyone else gets like shapeshifting and beast mastery but he gets a fucking flashlight?

Does he do anything else?
Because "I can make my mask glow" is TERRIBLE considering they all can do that.

I think both the gold and platnium mask found their way into the hands of a hardcore collector who paid thousands for them.

The guy who owns it showed up here sometime last year

He shattered it with a hammer, then put the pieces in the toilet, and flushed

Then posted a gif of him backing over a kanohi vahi with his car

the animal

source on Desuarchive?
Did /biog/ find out?

I literally don't believe this, because it's just as fucking easy to just make one and fuck around like that rather than selling it for like 500 in cash

I always wanted a fucking mask of time, too.

He also has X-Ray vision.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh...for a miner that's dope as fuck.
But I'm just, I'm not fully feeling it.

This better not fucking be true

>tfw for a hundred dollars or so I could get the turaga set and manas on ebay and complete my pre-bohrok collection, which is when the sets started getting really repetitive

It's real sadly, /toy/ was fucking pissed when they saw it. One guy was super depressed and started said something like "It's watching someone take a shit on your childhood."

I used to have the cap of it, but I lost it when my HDD crashed a few months ago.

The sets were repetitive until Mahri, which in retrospect was probably the best generation. That or Glatorian.

Can you find it on Desuarchive or Nyafuu?

It's doubtful since I'm on my phone

If you'd like to search through all the bionicle threads thougj, I'm sure people would appreciate it. I remember the OP image was shadow takanuva, from phantoka.

Fucking why? To piss people off?

Maybe he pulled a Jake Lloyd and gave up on Bionicle?

/biog/ just confirmed

>all these words I don't remember
Is it more or less autistic to have only ever just bought probably 3 generations of every bionicle, lots of technics, and just fucked around with those for years?



I think I got one at Costco. Gave it to a friend or something, though...

Some people really want to see the world burn

I forget how, but I have one of those myself.
It's somewhere at home, though, probably lost in my basement. We've been meaning to dig through and clean it all out, but we never have the drive to do it all in one go.

But at least I know to save my Bionicle toys when I find them. I know for a fact that I have Takanuva somewhere down there.

I'm willing to wait until someone can find it in the archives. I need to see it with my own eyes, in order to truly believe it.

inb4 it's an elaborate ruse /biog/ made up on Discord

That's the basic principle of what I'm considering. After all, everyone who 'remembers' it thus far has simply deferred it to "it was a long time ago; I don't have a source, but believe me".

It's probably still a ruse.

Multiple gold masks were given out as prizes by LEGO. Just mentioning that.

But that aside it'd be pretty trivial to fake a gold bionicle mask, and who cares if they ran over whatever with their car that mask is like $20 tops on the market.

>Multiple gold masks were given out as prizes by LEGO
I know that, but I recall it being five in total. If even one was deliberately destroyed, that would still be a shame.

I think there were around 30 or so given out? Not quite sure of the exact number.

30's what I remembered, googling to back that up found me which was posted by a (new) owner of one of them, saying that "32 were made, 5 of which were given away, the rest were kept by lego" so presumably lego designers/employees if that's true.

Thought there were more distributed publicly. Oh well. The imaginary post we're discussing is definitely imaginary and never happened.

Which chapter is that from?

>5 of which were given away
Aha, I was right!

Not sure how I got it, but I have a golden one.
Not gold the metal, but as opposed to that orange one you posted.

It's just another color variant.

they're worth about the same, $10-$20 each.

Well, I never got the jar of parts, so I must have gotten it from one of the Vahki.
Unless they just gave it away for some reason when I ordered some sets.

Mahri's my favorite too (barraki rock), but Mata had all the great varied Rahi sets
for that alone it's probably my second favorite year

The guy that won the one-of-a-kind platinum Mask of Light fucking FORGOT HE WON IT and eventually pulled it out of a box he had under his bed after everyobe started wondering who the fuck won the contest years after the fact.

Not only was he sleepng over a one-of-a-kind mask for however long without realizing it, he was sleeping over a hunk of fucking PLATINUM.

I remember that thread it was a get thread and nobody thought that user would actually do it

fucking hell. I have no idea how my father convinced me to throw my collection away a long time ago.

Was it the guy who sold it for like 15 grand, or did the mask change owners by then?

Your.... father..

He convinced to to do what?

All my bionicles. We had a ton of storage piling up and it all went away. Had a small suitacase full of parts.

So manys gens, and i had the taka nuva and Makuta sets in there.

You can't shatter gold with a hammer. The worst you could do is deform it.
The kanohi vahi thing may be true, but there is no way that was a real gold mask.

The platinum mask was lost under some kid's bed for over ten years, until he found it sold it to a store owner, who in turn sold it to a collector.

Welder/Metalsmith here, if it's anodized you absolutely can. They actually do that fairly often in manufacturing, mostly for small commemorative pieces, probably like the gold kanohi. My cousin got a miniature silver golf club from his work and i was able to tell that it had been treated with iodine due to how brittle it was. So that part at least checks out.

Iodized, damn auto-correct

Wait people collect bionicles? fuck if i had known that i would not have burned my cousins lego and bionicle collection

If i had known they were so popular, i would have kept all of mine instead of launching them into orbit.

The guy who sold it for 15k bought it from the guy who won it in the Toonami sweepstakes.

Sounds like Bionicle G2 in a nutshell.

but really that would be more like making a replica of kanohi vahi out of feces and then when no one wants to buy it, concluding that there just isn't a market for the vahi anymore

Despite my indifference to it, I'm actually kind of curious as to what the G2 Bionicle story was setting up the Vahi for. Apparently the G2 version was supposed to be the upper half of the G1 Mask of Time.


Chemfag here. You had me wondering if welders had been sniffing too much from the TIG tanks for a second there.

I'm guessing it would've been something like a simple callback or a very basic connection that doesn't make any sense beyond "he old fans, remember this?"

Of course maybe I'm just too cynical, but judging from the rest of G2, I don't think it would have been some real deep, meaningful revelation. But who knows, perhaps somewhere down the line we'll learn that G2's lore also had some serious wasted effort put into it behind the scenes, similar to Hero Factory. And then we'll hate Lego more.

goddamn blast from the past right here


I have a collection of 3 years of Mata Bionicles rebuilt as Starcraft Terrans and Zerg, do people on /toy/ like looking at that sort of thing?

Dumps of user's creations are not unheard of but it might be more polite to post one pic and link to more
One of each different thing is probably fine

Which is worse?

>Mask of Glowing Head and Bonus Consolation X-Ray Vision
>Mask of Water Breathing but only for a Limited Time and Depth

How about

>Mask of levitation when you can already literally control the air

That never made any sense to me, especially when tahu got a fucking force field

It's useful for the other Toa who don't control air, and it came in handy when they lost their elemental powers. I'm not sure if Lewa could lift himself up without the help of his mask power either, as he needed a combination of mask power and elemental power to "fly".

What I don't get is why the Mask of Water Breathing couldn't have been a general all-purpose Mask of Breathing that gives the user oxygen in any environment.

Oh my god they're here to assassinate me

I was not ready for this today...

Who /rahkshi/ in here?

not all that great desu, total clone sets

But the basic design was great

Post your dumbest OC

I remember buying one from some guy's collection through bzpower. Was my prized posession then, along with Lhikan, which I think was a limited release back in the day?

Those poses only looked cool in the promo shots, getting them to work on your own was a nightmare. I envy /toy/ photographers, it seems like such a difficult yet easy job.

It helps that they use 3D models, not the actual toys.

Controlling air lets him move horizontally, levitation let him change and maintian altitude easily. So he could hover in place with it, or raise up and down vertically with the mask. But he needed his air powers to blow him about and make him fly, and wouldn't be able to hover like that with air powers.

The Mask of Flight meanwhile didn't let you hover, and took a lot more concentration to use.

What really sucked though was Lewa having the mask of levitation while also having the adaptive armor that let him fly anyways.

The lack of joints in the arms is largely to blame for that.

To be fair the AA was some special gear made by Artakha, so that gives it some leeway. It wasn't common tech that was available to everyone, and in other environments, the Mask of Levitation would still have been greatly useful. They just never made AA-wearing Nuva for other environments.

The movies did worse by giving low-level powerless schmucks like the Rahaga built-in headlights and rotor packs. And Nuju also got an x-ray eyepeice that required no powers.

Oh my fucking god, I remember watching these and those shitty chronicle storyline things when I was younger

This one was prophetic

There are specific circles of hell reserved for these kinds of people.

Krika did nothing wrong

Nuju's wasn't x-ray, it was just a telescope.

And in all fairness, Whenua's mask wasn't just a flashlight, it's powers were depicted inconsistently, but most of the time it was depicted as giving him perfect night vision, even in pitch black, without actually giving off light that others could see.

He didn't stop the plan because he was a lazy, defeatist piece of shit. If he had had more spirit he could have done something about it. But all he did was not kill Miserix, and imprisoning him on an island, which didn't matter jack and or shit, and then just help Teridax anyways while being a moppy bitch.

Not to say Krika wasn't a good character, love the guy, but he was a punk bitch who did plenty wrong. If you want to talk real did-nothing-wrong, Pridak, as well as Kalmah and Mantax.

So wait if it was gold PLATED- because if that's the case then it would never be "solid gold" like they claimed, which would be even worse. A LIE told for decades.

>Nuju's wasn't x-ray, it was just a telescope.
A telescope that saw through rock. In a funky faux heat vision, but still.

They started super rare but I ended up with like half a dozen by the time I checked out of Bionicle

Could someone explain the whole ordeal to me, please? I don't mean the dude destroying the gold mask, i mean the masks themselves.
Were they won on lottery? Prizes in competition, or given out at special events? Are the supposedly solid gold masks some ultra rare collectors item?

That's actually fuckin cool, user.


Most were given to Lego workers. There are (were?) only about 30 in existence.
Some were given away with competitions back in '01. There was one where you had to design a website related to Bionicle. The guy who won this was a former BZP admin and was later hired by Lego. Another competition involved finding gold masks hidden in various places, like Lego's website, magazines and in online games. This is the reason why there is a random floating gold mask on the Mata Nui Online Game.
They were made of solid 14 carat gold and could be worn as necklaces. Some value them at over a thousand USD.

Wait you can just BUY a new one anyway?

That really takes the pain away.


I'm sure that counts as cheating.

They even have an 18k choice, which most gold jewelry is made of.
24k is considered standard in Asia but the west work with 18k for durability as 24k is soft and dents super easy.

I see. So they are similar to the gold nintendo competition carts? Unlike the nintendo cartridges which weren't actual gold.

>They just never made AA-wearing Nuva for other environments.
I just loved how AA Pohatu got the power to Meep-Meep during the Phantoka storyline.

I think it was the Pakari combined with whatever benefit Photok gave him.

I had one when I was 9, but I lost it literally a day later and couldn't find it before my flight home

>"Yay I win because I'm Monkeydude! I kill all of you because I'm a Monkey. A Monkey! A MONK-AGH!"