What do you guys think about Supergod? I thought it would a kind of thing I'd love. I love weird shit...

What do you guys think about Supergod? I thought it would a kind of thing I'd love. I love weird shit, transhuman science fiction, religious mythology and I enjoy Ellis' work.

I found it kinda underwhelming and uninspired. Maybe I'm too much of hard sci-fi nerd but I'd prefer if we had better explanation of how some of those "gods" where made instead of a couple of line of handwaving. Those guys where magic and if you go magic you might as well make it really cool. A Cthulhu monster? Give me a break.

I feel like Adam Warren would make a better job with that premise. I like his take on transhuman stuff.

I went in expecting absolutely nothing and ended up liking it a lot.

i thought it was great

i liked a lot of the ideas but ultimately it felt like it went nowhere
it ended too soon

I hated that Morrigan Lugus won, the Brits should have flooded his room with antifungal spray. need more JC x Krishna

Yeah. I agree. It felt to rushed. I would like him to develop Croven guy and the first Soviet cosmonaut guy more.

I don't think that would have done anything since they were using means to combat the spores infecting them themselves and they still ended up getting infected.
The creations could destroy each other and if I recall mushroom creature knew it would lose if it confronted any of them. So it waited until the end. I think the humans could have killed Lugus but they didn't either because they were already being influence by its spores or they are retarded.

More character development needed. I am still baffled why the world went full suicide mode when the gods went out(fukkin Australia would survive at least) Mr Future sight was just 'ok time to end everything'

I liked it a lot, but I agree with the above, felt rushed/could've gone a few issues longer. An epilogue chapter would've been nice.

I'm pretty sure that Supergod was one of Ellis' works that was affected by his computer and backup shitting the bed. It'd explain why the zombie cyborg Haile Selassie and Venezuelan superhuman were killed off without appearing.

Yea, Cthulhu was like..You can do all this shit and you waste time on a huge meat puppet? Having some fuck off into outer space would be in character methinks because why should I fight it out for the humans?

>An epilogue chapter would've been nice.
What? Everything is fucked beyond repair. We are shown that much.

So Dajjal could already see the future which means he knew what was going to happen and saw what already happened but decided to kill himself because he's already experienced it so instead of living through it again he decides to be a version of himself that ends it all So Craven and Krishnas paradise that probably exists in a different timeline doesn't happen right? I just wanted to see Craven and Krishna future utopia ending

I believe humans went full suicide because of Morrigan Lugus's spores.

Yeah the brits not killing Lucas when they knew what he can do and how he was peer spiteful about humanity was a stupid mistake

I think the only real problem was that it was specifically Cthulhu, like Maitreya decided an apocalyptic battle with a bio-engineered Indian AI was the perfect time to drop a pop culture reference. You also forget that several of the superhumans, Jerry Craven, Perun, and Maitreya, are nothing more than enhanced humans.

So Sup Forums how would you "save" India?

It was better than Black Summer and No Hero, or at least it doesn't suffer as much as the other two that it's a one-off.
Supergod stays coherent and the premise is interesting and doesn't get wasted like No Hero's.

The entire book felt like a response to the ending of Moore's Miracleman and Dr. Manhattan's plot in Watchmen. "Oh yeah but what if the man-god isn't benevolent, malevolent, or apathetic? What if the god cares, but not about our petty lives. Yeah that's deep." As with many Ellis projects, he had an idea that sounded amazing in his head but instantly tarnished once it had to be written out and illustrated (Trees).

Exploding next to Craven and and Krishna was disappointing. Piss off to mars if you want to end it
'If your wish true and desire is sincere, do it far away from here'

It was miles better than that other comic that had a similar premise of ALL THE GODS ARE REAL AND FIGHTING (that I can't recall the name of) which was utter shit and only got worse. It started off with Aztecs vs. Norse vs. Egyptians vs. Greek and like 50% of the deaths were people getting stabbed through the back in the exact same pose, if anyone else remembers the name.

God is Dead. The first couple of arcs were shit with the clones of Einstein and Hawkings but when other writers like Moore did some stories it became crazy awesome. The whole deal with Thanotos' kids was a riot with one chick fucking a guy to death. Pkus Eros having to keep shooting his love arrows to keep the kids from killing everyone.

they all die in the end again and the one person who was the only human to kill gods and was fucking OP turns into the gods bitch in the new universe lol

Oh othe rhighlights that are funnier than they sound
Guy getting bullets that can kill gods and headshotting Jesus. Jesus resurrects and this causes dead people to come back to life.
Satan managing to kill God and then finding out he has nothing else to do.

Ahh thank you. I put it down a bit after the nerdy-ninja-scientist-punk girl got turned into a god.

No Hero's entire premise is the government getting a guy on the inside of the superteam to take them out, it's just obscured from the reader initially.

I just want Ellis to finish Trees already don't make to arcs of a book unless you have plans to finish it and don't shit the bed with pacing this time

It wasn't that he wanted to kill itself, it's that he found every possible outcome except killing them right there too insufferable boring to subject humanity to

I honestly don't get why didn't just fuck off to the next thing my only guess is that he wanted to experience death and give the world a bad ending instead of letting them have a Craven and Krishna utopian timeline that he got bored in

>I just want Ellis to finish Trees already don't make to arcs of a book unless you have plans to finish it and don't shit the bed with pacing this time
Please, I'm still waiting on Fell.

Thank you for informing me of this comic's existence. it has been a very fun read.

short and to the point. very good.

in fact, i was enjoying Uber before this, but i'm afraid this does the same thing in a shorter, smarter, more refined package. make uber seem a little shitty in comparison, honestly.

He's not sane. and he seems to hate the concept of human society.

I'm not so sure he's dead either. he of all people can see the future, maybe he just boom'd and lived on as a force ghost happy with the world run by mushrooms.