Justice League Action thread

Seriously, who could have guessed it would be this good?

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I dunno. It's not really that big a surprise. I was pretty confident from the previews at the very least that it would be an amusing series

is there a mega of everything released?

It doesn't quite hit some of the notes Brave and the Bold did, but it is a lot of fun and it's nice seeing a DC animated action show on TV after a long wait.


Yes but I don't know where it is atm

we do have some links to recent episodes from a thread from yesterday






It's enjoyable. Not great, not terrible but it's fun to watch. It's still painfully obviously marketed for kids.

On par with TTG as some of the best animation has to offer in America right now, this show is simply sublime

>obviously marketed for kids.
you sure?

It's pretty good but the episodes are too short. The episodes are well written and the action/story moves very quickly so I can see why they chose to make the episodes that short but the presentation would increase exponentially if they atleast invested more in the quality of the proportions for characters making them more life like sort of like the original Superman cartoons from the 40s. JLAction in its current state is too skewed to a younger audiences and the presentation too simplistic for it to achieve any real lasting value in the same way other DC cartoons have. The show is very entertaining well written and quite refreshing in many instances so that at least redeems the show almost completely.

I dunno, maybe people who don't get kneejerk reactions to things?

eh, I like the brevity of the episodes and it's fine to be a bit kiddy, honestly Id rather have that than an edgy drama fest these days.

I kjust wish CN would actually market and air the damn thing when and where people can actually watch it. I don't even know why they bothered to order the damn thing if they where just going to bury it.


Of course it's good it has SuperWonder

>Joker gets introduced with just a laugh
Just those few seconds gave us a better Joker than I've seen in a long time.

I didn't realize that was Diedrich Bader voicing Booster Gold. I mean it got to levels where I can sense some familiarity but wow, his voice there was higher than I was used too

Man got some range

I did.

You stepping in my cornflakes, Goodburger?

Hey, I liked that stuff when I was a kid.

Still do.

I thought it was pretty funny that in that one episode he was voicing Booster as Batman since he was Batman in TBATB.

I feel like he's been Booster for a while.

Booster's a time traveler my companion of African descent. He always was and always will be, yet never was and never will be, voiced by Diedrich Bader.

>that Jonah Hex episode

which episode is this from kek

>5 episodes at once
Must be that time of the month again.

Heterosexual Propaganda

I was put off by it for a while. The first couple of eps that were shown were the absolute worst. The ones with the elementals and shit?

Started digging it with the luthor zeus episode onwards.

well Constantine steals a grimoire so he can fuck 3 demon chicks. So it has some adult stuff too

That was pretty good.

Is there a collection of 720 versions or something? These are a bit large for me.

If you miss Justice League/JLU, Young Justice, Brave and Bold and the original TT it helps to take away some of the pain by watching JLA.

I'm also glad they emphasize the Holy Trinity and some of the second stringers in JLA too and not just be the grumpy Kevin Conroy Batdick show. The recent Green Arrow/Booster Gold teamup episode was a great start to non-obsessive Bat episodes.

Funny how this show has managed to include almost as many different Lantern Corps as the actual Green Lantern show did.

So, according to Michael Holt's list, the smartest men in the world are:
>1. Lex Luthor
>2. Bruce Wayne
>3. himself
>4. Noah Cuttler
>5. The Brain (poor Steve Dayton)

>It's enjoyable. Not great, not terrible but it's fun to watch.
This. It's a nice blend of the more serious action from JLU, and a bit of the silver age type wackiness of Brave and Bold, but it doesn't really do either great. Also all the wiafus are super fuckable, so that helps

>>Kid Zatanna
Maximum cute

Struggled to care after a few eps because there's no plot. Seems fine for what it is though - it's not offensively terrible like the Marvel animated series are.

That was from Dini's run on Zatanna.

In fact, a lot of his plots for the show are from unused B:TAS and Zatanna ideas. For instance, Poison Ivy controlling Swamp Thing was going to be a B:TAS plot.

>Shazam and Booster Gold in the first few episodes

yeah I feel bad for ignoring this now

Thanks user. Can't wait to watch these when I get home.

Boy there sure is a lot of bondage in the show.

>kids don't like bondage

Well... it's Wonder Woman so....

Gotta start the fetishes young

Best trunkless Supes.

>booster gold stealing Wonder Woman's clothes


Plas did it first.

He liked the boots.
He's a man of taste!

There are you tube downloads or CN cable website downloads that aren't 1080p - like these: but some of the links for the older ones of those are probably broken; you need to check DESU archive of Sup Forums:


I'm not sure you can go by this, it was a New 52 thing by one particular writer. Most of the Batgod fanfic writers would probably put Bruce first. Also not sure why none of the scientists would not be on the list?

I'm digging WW's hair.

>the grumpy Kevin Conroy Batdick

He is still featured in a bit too much, and his voice just sounds way too old. I know the nostalgia batfags aren't noticing in their rose colored glasses and it's not quite as bad as Adam West's voice was in the Caped Crusaders, but still - there's no reason to continue to abuse the man this way.

Glad this Show is Over after it's 1st season is done,

Get out.

Forget Me Not.



>implying some bumpkin reporter can do anything to anybody



>Seriously, who could have guessed it would be this good?
It's nicely funny without being TTG silliness
plus showcases a lot of different characters

>Yet another episode where Wondy gets bondag'd with her own lasso
This shit seriously needs to stop. My dick is getting sore and my balls are all dried up.

I didn't, but I'm watching the shit out of it. Hope it gets renewed.

WWs eyebrows carry the show

>post a picture of a kid instead of the perfect thicc grownup version

get help

It comes to casting directors. They want Conroy, they get Conroy

Agreed that the guy sounds old, they should've gotten Rino Romano

>Also not sure why none of the scientists would not be on the list?

I guess the list takes a broader view of intelligence than just science and mathematics. Things like managing your finances well, manipulating people, and noticing things that others overlook can also be considered aspects of intelligence.

Also, it was Mister Terrific making the list, so if it was just science, he probably wouldn't have been able to even put himself on it. His T-spheres are impressive, but nothing compared to, say, Will Magnus's responsometers.

We need pics of that.

The show uses Firestorm a little too much for my taste but I guess he fits with the target audience.

This is my kind of star wipe.

All I want is for them to animate Dini's little Sandman story.

I don't get all of the hate for Conroy that so many people on Sup Forums suddenly have. He sounds great to me.

You've gotta remember what board you're on.

Second this. I love Conroy as Batman.

That belt is fucking dumb. THIS is how you do trunksless Supes.

Probably came from Arkham Knight and The Killing Joke where his voice was pretty subpar. Either poor direction, old age or he didn't give a shit.

Likewise. He still is Batman to me. I think he sounds great in the show.

I want that star to wipe across my face

I think it's just that he's been doing this too long a time


Don't forget the full treatments.

im surpised too.

People are just being contrarians. He sounds the same as he did in the 90s. Only VAs that even come close are Smith and Greenwood.

No. You just don't do trunkless Supes. Always keep them.


Post more please.