We need another Avatar series

We need another Avatar series.

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Airbender or Blue cat people fucking?

Last time someone said this we got Korra.

I could go for an earlier Avatar, maybe explore how the bending arts got developed into unique martial arts. I'm not really interested in an avatar after Korra, a modern setting really doesn't fit the series at all, even Korra's era was pushing it.

No the FUCK we don't

Like this?
youtube.com/watch?v=Ca83_2sg76M youtube.com/watch?v=7TXRjeRD0RY

>Lego elves
>Nothing is Lego

The fuck thought this made sense to advertise your toyline?

No. The series is dead.

Bury it.

>Yet anther feminist SJW Numale brainwashing cartoon



They did some webisodes that looked like this.
I wish i could erase it from my memory.

We need to go back. Back to the past. Fuck the modern era.

Also Earthbender. Wan and Korra were fire benders (Wan starting and Korra in battle situations outside the tourneys), Aang is Airbender and Korra is a water bender (but doesn't act like one).

Personally I want to see a mini-series that focuses on Avatars of the past. We already know everything about Aang, Korra, Rokou and Juan.

I AM going to cum to this.

How about a space-age avatar where they're out in space and everyone is just like, "Do we still have benders?" *astronuts floating in the abyss, flailing arms vaguely resembling martial arts* "I think so, look, a rock is coming this way!"
*Ensuing meteor shower tears cast to bits*

I'd rather not risk another Korra.


>Earth avatar
For OCD?

No we don't

The future has been poisoned and the past has become suspect

Well first off we should retcon Korra's timeline with all of that modernization steampunk trash. The tribal vibe the show had going the first time around was much more charming.

When you want the franchise to continue without any clear idea of what you want, then you're always going to be disappointed.

If you want someone to continue making a franchise and THEY have no idea how to follow up on their best idea then you get a shitty sequel you'll hate.

When you say you want another series you mean you want a similar series pitched by someone else that hits the thematic elements you liked from the first show.

But from Bryke? They've already come up with their best ideas and Korra was a mixed bag at best and they're a dry well now.

When you want the franchise to continue without any clear idea of what you want, then you're always going to be disappointed. If you want someone to continue making a franchise and THEY have no idea how to follow up on their best idea then you get a shitty sequel you'll hate.

When you say you want another series you mean you want a similar series pitched by someone else that hits the thematic elements you liked from the first show. But from Bryke? They've already come up with their best ideas and Korra was a mixed bag at best and they're a dry well now.

Honestly, I want to see life after Korra. How civilization adjusted to the spirits, how the Air Nomads have changed, how technology evolved around bending. I want to see if the new Avatar can stand up to Aang and Korra's legacy. Maybe by discovering some bullcrap 5th bending element that only special snowflake people have.

Honestly, a TV movie or a quick special is all they would need, not a full series.

Why? So you can nitpick it again and complain how it's not a MASTERPIECE like AtLA?

How about Avatar but it's a space Western a- oh wait Star Wars.

I wouldn't mind a post-apocalyptic setting with an earth bender. His adventures would revolve around cleaning up after Korra. You can even have funny bits of Korra trying to give him advice but he just ignores her.


No, Korra was already bad enough and ruined the future of the franchise. It is the animated equivalent of the Prequel films but isn't funny, it just took all the cool ideas from the previous series and mishandled them and make them dumber in retrospect.

I could complain about Korra enough to fill a manifesto, and if the next series is going to be worse than that (as the third installments usually are), I don't even want to think about it.

What about rebooting Korra? But making it good this time?

God damned
Young. Kiyoshi.
I've been raving for years about this shit

You'd have to change so much to make it good that it defeats the purpose. It'd be too different to qualify as a reboot.

No we don't. Go fuck yourself with a rake.

Yeah we could have light and dark bending or cosmic bending or spirit/soul bending where you summon a spirit to fight for you

Well do it then, make everything different. Call the original a Spin Off or a parallel universe or something, who cares?

>Those trips
>33th post


I unironically am writing Avatar sequel fan fiction. Would y'all be interested to read the first chapter if I drop it on pastebin? I got a solid plot and setting in place and the new avatar is likeable.