Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1 Storytime

Featuring Nightwing!

I love you OP.


Let's do this.



That's overkill



Dat v neck

The lack of an inker disturbs me


Yooo thats a cute Outfit for Artemis


>it's a KGBeast episode

Already great


Hey it's Killer Crocs brother !

Bizzaro looks more like Grundy. Also hes dumb again.

>Dick Man
Bizarro am best boy

best family

Is this a horror story now? Wtf happening to his eyes?

artemis is so cute

Guess this page is what is referring to.

Geez they really look alike here

It's an inbetween story. They'll get back to smart-zarro next issue.

Also hotdamn all of them look cute.

Is Artemis trying to seduce Dick?


So in the end Jason IS gay for Dick

The tension is high. Why are they so awkward?


If an Amazon wants some action, she's getting it. Consensually of course, they're not barbarians. At least not in Rebirth.

That might be the most praise anyone has ever given Dick. Sounds gay desu


Jason cemented as annoying Little Brother now

So Bruce, Tim and Jason were all in that bigtop, and ended up being gay for Dick? Neat.

I love this book so godamn much.


I think the artist mixed up Dick and Jay in the first panel.

> Your brother is an annoying Chas who makes fun of you and steals your girl

Fuck Dick he's the worst


Lmao. Biz is best boy

I greatly enjoy Artemis being the voice of reason.

>admire someone
>means that you are gay for them
I never understood this logic.


Lol Dick
> Shitting on Jason

Stupid sexy Jason.
And hilarious silly message.

Damn, I love RHATO.


Damn Dick didn't have to say that :(




Why can't she just shave????

Dammit, this won't last the book will it

Based Chadzarro getting pussy before Jason

I mean...she COULD just shave it?

Either way, i'm happy my boy Bizarro is gonna get some poontang.

>Born this way

Her parents didn't think of shaving it off?

Jason such a good friend


A wax could fix that right up

>same bed

o-oh my.


> Same bed

It's canon now to say it


You know this is a good point. Dick and Jason would've been really good friends in a different situation.




I'd buy the t-shirt

Dick, you sly bastard.

Uhhh this annual is gayer than I thought

Guess the captain was right.

Off to a great start.


Why did he get undressed. Is this some gay signal?

Dick , steal your girl, Grayson


I know how this usually goes ..........

artemis thiqq af

>you already know artemis
I really don't


Artemis best girl
i hope she and jason hook up

Da booty

Me too complicate 2 think


Was him being there a thing before or is this new?

Read WML Wonder Woman, then Artemis: REQUIEM.

Fun story, but it's honestly feel like non-canon side story that can easily be ignored since the characterization all over the place.

>Shaped like Glocks


Sound like a love confession

Come onnn
That was peak Tim as in it was the biggest part of his origin, with the recurring dream of the Graysons falling and all
I see this is a separate moment and it gives Jason a cute admiration for Dick but still

Ok, I cracked.
Fucking loving this.

>unsolicited advice
>just be yourself
KGBeast pls

So Jason actually admires the hell out of Dick? Also lol Tim


Nigga you didn't even start reading Rebirth, did you? He got a battaser in his chest emblem that he used in the veeery first issue.

I'm surprised by how good Lobdell has been writing considering some of his past work.

This is kind of off topic but I'm not sure where to ask.Does Deathsroke come out this today or next week?

I think this is going to end with a NSFW tag...

The Homoerotic tension is amazing. Thanks Lobdell


>bizaro ends up in a long term relationship with a circus woman.