Deadpool #35 Storytime

>This is how Secret Empire ends

This won't end well.

Spoilers Ahead for Secret Empire #10:



>inb4 Maria Hill as black Womyn of Power



Cash Rules Everything Around Me

















Next Month: Time to let it burn.

That was utterly depressing.

I missed last issue i think, when did DP kill preston?

This is sad. I like.

last issue

last issue. He pulled out her core processor or something. She probably can be fixed.

Coulson though... I was pretty sure there was gonna be a ruse there, but apparently not?

Honestly he deserved it considering what he did

Decompression at its worst folks.

It's depressing but i wouldn't say Deadpool didn't deserve it

Is there a recomended reading list for mister druid?

I'm still surprised this wasn't a ruse at all. Wade actually did kill him. Though did the Secret Warriors two-parter of Quake taking on Wade happen yet?

For once, Deadpool is right about something. This whole "Secret Empire" thing is Hill's fault for playing with the Cosmic Cube.

Question: How can DP make up for what he did

Just like in Secret Invasion, DP provided the crucial bit of info required to turn the tide on the baddies.

He kinda already did.

How will he forgive himself is another story.

In-fucking-deed. How no one tried to kill Hill for good is one big mystery.

>implying that Hill gives a shit about any shield agents not named Maria Hill

Jesus Hill, you're outside of a school full of kids.

How many people who were just parking their cars did she just kill?

So is this the end of Deadpool being a straight up hero and a return to the status quo?

Or has his popularity from the movie finally cemented him as a Good guy for the foreseeable future?

Since when is Maria Hill mixed race?

She pulled the alarm

The Marvel Legacy solicts say he's back to being a bad guy

Deadpool’s going back to his vile beginnings as a mercenary and wanted killer. No more being a hero. No more X-Men. No more Avengers. And if he wants to break bad again, what’s more despicable than killing your best friend? Cable better get ready because his old friend Wade has him in the crosshairs. PLUS: Includes 3 bonus MARVEL PRIMER PAGES! Story by Robbie Thompson and a TBA artist!

Yea I mean, he dug his hole, saw how deep it got and just kept digging. He brought this on himself by never questioning Steve's orders no matter how shady they got

So is Cap ever going to address this whole situation in the future?

He may not have pulled the trigger, but he indirectly put the gun in Deadpool's hands.

I wonder how Peter's gonna feel about this.

He took it very well it seems

When Spider-Man learns that Deadpool is selling SHIELD tech on the black market it’s the last straw. Bromance? OVER. It’s time to hunt Deadpool! The two biggest characters in comics are facing off and it’s going to take them all over the Marvel Universe, no holds barred. As you can see from this cover, Deadpool’s even willing to use his laser-sharks. And it will all lead to the biggest Spider-Man/Deadpool story of ALL TIME!

>It's Hill's fault for giving villains a positive, healthy environment to live in that counteracted their broken minds, and that some of them wanted to break out of because they're just that unrepentantly evil.

>It's Hill's fault for using a cosmic cube which everyone else uses when it suits them to fix shit and never gets angry at for it.

>It's Hill's fault because of some utterly inane reasoning that leads to a cosmic cube becoming a little girl.

Since bendis answered a tumblr ask

Shit. I'm so glad Duggan is writing this. He really knows how to twist the knife.


Why turned him back to evil villain when this is the moment they can turn him to a hero

I enjoyed the Florida joke.

Was wondering "why is Maria so brown?" myself.

Based fucking Hill

Nice spoilers. Fuckin Marvel always does this.

I can't tell if you are memeing or honest

They wanred you at the start of the book.

It's the only evidence there is but since we never get anything about it then it's pretty much canon.

He said she was 'one quarter latina on her mother's side', which explains the darker skin tone, although it's still rather darker than she's been portrayed so far.

Getting a really good tan seems like an easy way to slightly throw off detection while leaving you recognizable to people you actually know irl.

I know, I don't really care either because this is a shitty event.

However! If Marvel wants to go all in on these fucking events and use buy and enjoy them, can they not wait at least a week after the main finale to release books with spoilers and shit? It just seems so half assed and it's been an issue for years now.

It's hard to take a company serious as professionals if they can't even manage the most basic of schedules.

And cap. America is the evil in this story.

This is so cute. He had me at the neck part.

You talking shit about my waifu user?

So who else is worried that Duggan's run of Deadpool could soon be over?

just like all the girls i talk to

>Captain America was never a Nazi
Idk what disgust me more. The fact that Marvel compromised a character that should never be compromised, or that they couldn't be bothered to actually compromise the character and just told everyone, lol j/k.

it looks good on her

Because Deadpool was never a Spider-Man or any other well known hero. Is a Murder who makes money. He to a chance to try and change his life and do good. He failed and I don't think he's going to really recover from that. Unlike most heroes, Deadpool has no one that believes in him. The one guy who did, became a Nazi...sorta not really, but he's still fucked emotionally.

it's the return of animated Maria from Earth's Mightiest

Yes, it's Hill's fault that she fucked with godly power beyond her comprehension and it ended terribly.

I think it's going to be a "you were there for me at my worst, so I'm going to be there for you now" sort of climax.

Norrin, has anyone ever called you an underachiever before, because I'd like to be the first to do so.

Oh so it's going to be Spider-Man trying to stop Deadpool from going full evil again, like how Deadpool stopped Peter from breaking his no kill rule on Itsy-Bitsy?

>its another concussive blasts dont exist because all explosions are just pyrotechnics episode

so if Wade's back to being a villain where did the whole Rogue/Deadpool from Uncanny Avengers even go

Legacy begins with DP 287, I'm sure he will stay until 300 at least
But yeah, this is a really fun book
This run had some mediocre stories but the giant-sized space adventure and the Secret Empire tie-ins redeemed it

>House a cosmic cube in a place with a bunch of supervillains
What could possibly go wrong?

>forgetting Duggan probably wrote one of,if not,the greatest story for Deadpool
But yeah all in all he's run has been a massive improvement over Way's by a ton and it'll be shame when he goes

Oh yeah, that was awesome, I should've been clearer: I meant this volume
IMO it never reached the highs of the previous volume post-Secret Wars

DOCTOR Druid, and no, he really was the worst Avenger ever.

Ellis' Druid tho

>Use a cosmic cube to suppress supervillains memories

>Except no because some guy, smart though he may be can counteract a cosmic plot device that literally warps reality

Honestly - i think Deadpool is going to go back to the good side eventually

Maybe - but it's going to take a while

>check yourself before you shrek yourself

I will check out that ellis one though.

Apparently there are going to be time skips that fast forward to spiderman and deadpool being in a retirement home. The gist of it is Wade trying to convince Peter to go on one last adventure.

>Hedge bets
He had a cosmic cube, a bullshit ex machina shield preventing anyone from stopping him, hydra tentacarriers, all of NY opposition gone with the military capability required to outright kill them instead, Thor as his bitch, and the hearts and minds of the American people. What the fuck is this bullshit about hedging bets as if there was anything to lose? If he said nothing then all of New York would be forever lost as hydra teleports him to a hidden location immediately after Steve loses.

Don't forget her smuggling the retard shield to set it up in the first place. She got played harder than Deadpool AND caused massively higher casualties but Deadpool is the evil one for beleiving in Captain America.

literally just a one time thing.
I'm just more worried about Spiderman-Deadpool since it in a way proves that Peter was right all along.

This honestly is bugging me. Why the flying fuck would you use a cosmic cube for jailing supervillains instead of solving world hunger, curing all disease and whatever random fantasy you've always had a as a kid? There is something inherently wrong with Maria Hill's head.

Maria Hill just isn't as smart as she thinks she is. If you have a power source capable of generating an energy absorbent, global shield why not pry the whole planet off the petroleum teat? If you have a cosmic cube why not turn the whole planet noble-bright instead of grim-dark?
Dumb bitch.

To be fair, Absorbing Man and Graviton were inmates. Also, a Reed Richards.

I'm looking forward to seeing Wade as a villain again.

how's Spider-Man/Deadpool been since Kelly left?

he'll forever jump back and forth

fuck you hill

Not good as Kelly's run but when compared to the lows those two had it's so far been pretty okay, and it'll likely keep that pace up when Thompson is the new writer for Legacy