Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Matt and Trey for stretching out this unfunny joke 3 times

you sound like a timid leaf afraid to make their point known

Randy for giving a fuck what some random guy at the checkout thinks of him.

Silly Randy, don't let him put you on the defensive. Tell him you don't give a shit about him or his dumb charity or what the people in line think, then politely ask him to focus on scanning your Doritos and beer without all the unnecessary chit chat.

The cashier for making the customer obviously uncomfortable to get some pleasure out of his day and Randy for being a little bitch that won't stick up for himself because he might be looked down upon by society

>The cashier guy never appears again
>Was he an ad?

My head canon is that he attempted to charity shame the wrong guy.

Randy for going to whole foods.

Wasn't the entirety of Whole Foods an ad?

So is this a west coast thing? Because east coast this shit never happens.

The Corporations are at fault. Also, people who give a shit about anything are at fault - I mean what kind of douchebag gives to some charity?

They hand out coupons for useless crap all the time if you donate a dollar down south. I only donate to food drives when I feel like I need to feel superior

I give to charity when I feel like it. Good deed for the day and all that BS. I sure as fuck never got guilted into it and I don't intend to start.

If it was a West coast thing, then why they wouldn't do what was more like as what opposed to it?


>then why they wouldn't do what was more like as what opposed to it?
wait, what

He should have just done what I do

>sunglasses over eyes
>headphones over ears
>cash or card already out of wallet

Nothing says "I don't give a shit" more loudly than that combination.

>sunglasses indoors

honestly i'd rather give the cashier a tip than give to some bullshit charity.

In my country charities are a scam from supermarkets in order to avoid taxes by taking all the money, putting a stamp that says "WE, THE [SUPERMARKET BRAND] ARE GIVING THIS MONEY TO A CHARITY" and then telling the state that they are being good boys so they should pay lower taxes. It went viral and people have a mild knowing about it, so no one looks down on people who refuse to give money to charities in supermarkets; a nicer thing to do is to tell the cashier to keep the change (which translated to dollars is like 25 cents or something).

And Randy was in the wrong.

>taking off your sunglasses

Well first of all, Randy for going to Whole Foods

Second of all, for caring what a chode working at Whole Foods thinks because he doesn't want to donate to a normie charity."I am such a good person guys!"Then go help the people in Texas faggot or help animals.

What country are you from?

Also, I didn't know supermarkets asked for donations to charities. I know fast food joints often have charity jars for an affiliate.


I've seen supermarkets with their little St. Jude Hospital boxes before in LA. They also started banning people from asking for donations outside the supermarket while they have their own donation drives at the register. It's rare, but I've even had them ask if I wanted to donate at checkout. I just said nope, moved on with my day.

31 Minutos is pretty much the only good thing that came out of Chile.

The indie comic scene is pretty good too. In general Chile produces good cultural content (literature, cinema, visual arts). Politically and socially is a shithoe tho.

So is this a Western Hemisphere thing?

>For going to Whole Foods
>Wrong for eating healthy organic food at amazing prices

I don't know. Maybe you just ain't going to the right stores in your area. Unless there's a state law stopping them where you are.

They have sold their souls to the Bezos, now. As have we all. All hail Prime and its fabulous deals and convenience.

Yeah I never had a big problem with it, though I have heard at places like whole foods they force it a bit on you more. But since I never go there I only deal with this issue like maybe twice a year max (sometimes I might donate $1 or just politely decline) and even less now that I only use self checkout.

No, I have had this happen to me all over. One time I was getting something for my sister's dog from PetSmart and they did this. It isn't something you have to deal with 100% of the time and it is fairly easy not to encounter it often.

this comic would be better if it didn't tear apart its own argument. 500 pokedollars is chump change

but that private setup is perfectly reasonable. Why should Pokemon trainers be entitled to taxpayer money, when they are the only ones using this service? Hell, do trainers even contribute to the economy? It's not like their official matches have a ticket-buying audience or anything. They're just a bunch of deadbeats.

whole foods as a company

post the epic post where they call south park a safe space

Comedy comes in threes

If you're a shit trainer then you not only have to pay to the trainer that beated you but also you have to pay for health treatment. The trainers who win will also use the system much less, making the poor poorer and the rich richer.
Pokémon class war now.

whole foods
there are poor people around to help already, charity should start at home because ifthe richest country in the world cant solve poverty what hope is there for africa?

I assume its a world were everyone gets a minimum income and schools are so unimportant ten year olds are free to roam the world.

Wholefoods for actively harming the economy for personal gain, which is treason

i still look down on people who hold the line for an extra 5 minutes so they can get their 28 cents in change when they run out of pennies

>Hell, do trainers even contribute to the economy?
in the pokemons universe where everyone is pokemons obsessed and thats the only thing anyone talks about?

Pokemon are so integrated into the universe's society that basically all jobs and labor either use or are performed by Pokemon. If there's an incident at work and a Pokemon is injured, it could put a major strain on everything from power and infrastructure to possibly even human health care. Having free health care for Pokemon is almost required. Trainers being able to make frequent use of them might have been an unintended side effect when the system was put into place initially, but after some time, possibly around the time PokeMarts became integrated into the Centers, they might have become more geared toward trainers. Hell, the Marts becoming integrated is probably why, trainers buying Pokeballs, potions, and other equipment probably helps keeps costs down.

the pokemon league is bigger than superbowl

I just assumed that once it was privatized, they kept hiking up the costs, and the riots only broke out when the majority of trainers could no longer afford it

It's like Olympians

think of all the dummies that didn't B out of pokecentre text

Stan for being an insecure cottonball

Dude fucked his life up trying to put on upperclass airs. The salesman guy thought he was sucking money out of a rich fuck who was shamed by his own inaction towards fellow people. Instead, Randy was someone who only saw it as a challenge to his already fragile, unaffordable yuppie prestige.