Unpopular Sup Forums opinions

>the joker shouldnt be edgy and should be a source of levity in batmans mostly solemn life. And should act more like the 70s joker, where he still kills people but is still funny and has some morals
>harley quinn is still the hottest cape character of all time and one of the hottest cartoon characters
>steven universe is a great show and people use the admitadley bad flaws it has at times as an excuse to hate it because they dont like gay characters
>90s rob liefield edgy comics were atleast fun to read and are infinitely better then todays prudish man hating sjw comics from marvel
>we bare bears is dull boring trash and its level if trying to be safe and inoffensive is the endgame of hack sjw writers
>watchmen is the greatest superhero movie ever made

>Still kills people but still has morals
Like how?

John K. is right and I'm genuinely disinterested in 90% of animation produced after 1960 because it's boring. Richard Williams is overrated, and the Thief And The Cobbler is boring. I also never cared about superheroes or anime.

I prefer this design for Gwen.

There was literally nothing wrong with Scrappy and I wish he'd come back

*the Thief And The Cobbler is ugly, sorry

Samurai Jack was boring and I couldn't get into it. I can't stand the constant rebooting of shows like TMNT and Scooby Doo because they were never good and the originals were boring, shitty, and cheap.

Doesnt kill kids, only kills people that really deserve it like assholes and greedy cunts that cheat people outve their living, feels bad when a fellow supervillain dies

Something akin to this I guess?

>Most of the golden era cartoons of both Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network did not age well. Particularly Johnny Bravo and Dexter are boring shows.
>Teen Titans Go!'s humor is exactly the same as the original Teen Titans show but people don't want to accept it.
>Villanous is shit.

Exactly. DESU im just sick of seeing the joker be all edgy and tryhard that i resent even seeing him in things anymore, and hes one of my favorite comic characters. He should act like the animated series joker before he went all edgelord and mindraped tim drake. You know, actually funny and endearing like a clown.

alan moore knows he ruined the joker for everybody and that's the real reason why he won't do capeshit anymore

Wasnt it more frank miller that ruined the joker with the dark knight returns? Because thats were the really edgelord joker first started

yeah but it was a self-contained story whereas moore's joker was part of the mainstream continuity. between the sales, the press and the obligation to keep everything cohesive, all the other authors post-moore were forced by the circumstances to keep the joker as an edgelord nihilist. the height of this obviously being years later with the nolan movies

>Teen Titans Go!'s humor is exactly the same as the original Teen Titans show but people don't want to accept it.
I realize fully I'm exposing myself to a trite 'case in point' response, but hell with it. I can't agree. When in the previous series everyone else dressed up as Robin and goofed around while he was away, it was done as a private joke amongst themselves and they were initially horrified that he found them doing it only to find he had learned to be more chill when he was away. In Go they're so tired of having him underfoot they start talking in Super-Secret Pig Latin to flummox him, and it WORKS. Each show has their share of MMM PIE moments but one treats the cast as if they're a team that can actually work together and care about one another's feelings while the other treats them like a gaggle of shallow idiots constantly undermining each other.

>blaming alan moore

oh please

>were forced by the circumstances

how the fuck do you figure?

What do you blame it on then, user. Im not trying to attack or be critical, i just really want to know where you think the joker was ruined and turned into this shit
TTGs hunor is insufferable and the way the network keeps soamming it makes me want it to die even faster now

>I can't stand the constant rebooting of shows like TMNT and Scooby Doo because they were never good and the originals were boring, shitty, and cheap.
But the constant rebooting eventually gave us the brilliance that was TMNT 2003 and SDMI, respectively. Have you watched either one?

Never watched them. Didn't think I'd enjoy them.

>Teen Titans Go!'s humor is exactly the same as the original Teen Titans show but people don't want to accept it.
Even if this were the case (and already explained why it's absolutely not), the fact remains that TTG is nothing BUT humor, which would get extremely tiring even if it were done well.

You may really want to reconsider, especially given the overall lack of good cartoons nowadays.

Let me guess, you're that "Best Cartoons Ever Made" picture posting faggot?

>Heroes reborn was good.

I like the Zelda cartoon. The bickering couple dynamic worked well for Link and Zelda and I wish for that to come back in the games in some form.
Peach will always be Princess Toadstool and I will correct people to address her with her full name and title.
and to prove i'm not Dobson
Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda
Bob Hoskins will always be the definitive voice of Mario to me

I think batman should be fucking batgirl, and didnt see anything wrong with it in killing joke(the rest of the movie fucking sucked though)

Shipping is the worst thing surrounding any fictional medium.

I kinda like Beyruth's Gwenpool more than Gurihiru.

What's the source of your pic, OP?

He legitimately did nothing wrong besides stealing.

>>the joker shouldnt be edgy and should be a source of levity in batmans mostly solemn life. And should act more like the 70s joker, where he still kills people but is still funny and has some morals
Clown Prince of Crime Joker is Best Joker
>>harley quinn is still the hottest cape character of all time and one of the hottest cartoon characters
dude it's a cartoon. come on now.
>>steven universe is a great show and people use the admitadley bad flaws it has at times as an excuse to hate it because they dont like gay characters
awful cartoon
s rob liefield edgy comics were atleast fun to read and are infinitely better then todays prudish man hating sjw comics from marvel
>>we bare bears is dull boring trash and its level if trying to be safe and inoffensive is the endgame of hack sjw writers
can't say, haven't seen
>>watchmen is the greatest superhero movie ever made
title belongs to Batman ('89), which was the only good thing tim burton ever did.

look upon my opinions, ye mortals, and weep.

>Metalocalypse, Xavier, and Space Ghost are the best shows
>season 5 of Samurai Jack doesn't take away from the self contained episodes of the past, such as the Lava Monster
>I enjoyed the Mama Luigi collab
>O.K. K.O. would be better off without an ongoing plot and seriousness
>I enjoy squigglevision
>Steve Whitmire will be missed
>Primus is more Sup Forums related than Gorillaz (I will back his up)

> I still enjoy Steven Universe and I don't have a lot of issues with the townie episodes
> I did like season 20 of South Parkpark, despite not being as good as the seasons before
> Never got why people love Duck Dodgers (but to be honest it's been so long since I saw it, so I'm gonna binge it again some day)
> I don't really think making Bojack kills himself will be the way to end the show
> I did felt the Samurai Jack ending was a cop out, but I didn't felt jibbed by it and I don't feel that Genndy deserves to be called an hack
> I didn't thought LoK was THAT bad, sure, not even close to TLA, but not a complete shitshow
> I don't really care that much to the SJW pandering or the "muh Drumpf" complaints

Do I deserve the pitchfork for these statements?

Sing > Zootopia

Definitly for not hating SJWs

>Villanous is shit.

>I still enjoy Steven Universe and I don't have a lot of issues with the townie episodes
You're like a little baby. Watch this:
>I enjoy Steven Universe and I love the townie episodes (except for that fucking fedora wearer retard, I hate him)


I'm not american, so the whole SJW boogeyman is not that interesting for me
Fuck, I forgot the fedora wearer retard, since his episodes are the one I just outright skip (but the other townies are ok in my book)

>so the whole SJW boogeyman is not that interesting for me
Isnt it worse in europe? London banned ads sexualizing women because their mayor is a zealotic sex hating prudish feminist ballless cuck.
Also, why is everyone whos a nerd that you dont like a fedora? I hate ronaldo too, but i dont get this stupid fedora meme. Where did it come from?

I made some research after what you wrote, and yes, it's starting to get around even in europe, while I thought that was mostly in the US (or at least was the most vocal about it), but It's more of a different shade for each state from europe
(I'm from Italy, and while we don't have much "politically correctness", in particular in the rural area people will tell exactly what they think of immigrants, gay etc.)
But I still stand to the point that the whole thing is not my main issues with Sup Forums related things, which, from what I can see, the "SJW Pandering" seems the main problem around here.


Sup Forums husbandos are better than Sup Forums waifus

Spongebob and Fairly Oddparents were never good.

There is nothing wrong with western cartoons having an anime art style.

Scrappy does not deserve the hate he gets.

There was nothing wrong with SJ ending.

Legend of Korra(excluding season 2)was good.

Avengers Assemble was always decent.

Elenna of Avalor is underrated.

Barry and Wally should both be the Flash.

Most of the issues the USA has with race, sexual orientation, religion, so on, aren't nearly as pronounced in most of europe.

The most annoying parts of SJW behaviour only exist here when exported by TV-shows and Tumblr.

Corporate greed at its finest.

Rick and Morty is a good cartoon and season 3 has been far superior to season 2