What is the best Sup Forums porn parody and why is it pic related? how much longer till a steven universe parody?

What is the best Sup Forums porn parody and why is it pic related? how much longer till a steven universe parody?

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Between that Jake, Dickachu, and porn parody Spongebob, why the fuck do these parodies gotta have fucking creepy costumes?

Because they know that besides the people who watch it to jerk off, theres enough people who have a sick sense of humor and just watch to laugh at how fucked up and grotesque their costumes look, and because they make memes and merch from the disturbing monstrosities from their porn. The fact that you know about it and your talking about it right now shows that its working


What was his endgame

What would be the ideal Sup Forums porn parody?
Too bad we can't use real 12 year olds

There's a Flintstones one where the costuming is fantastic. I don't remember if it's particularly funny or anything though.

>Not the American Dad parody


Nowhere close to the best.

Jake/Roger/Dikachu standalone spinoff when?

Steven Universe would be praised for being a body positive send up of sexual mores when it has to cast fat actors at Steven and Amethyst, and the gems have to fuck the big black girl who they cast as Garnett.

Not with that attitude we can't, user. C'mon, there are always orphaned homeless 12 year olds and servers on the deep web willing to host some gravity falls porn

Deep web

Have trifle for dessert

Yeah, Fred doesn't fuck anyone and the actor signed up knowing this specifically because he just wanted to play Fred iirc.

bobs boners is by far the best porn parody


>I've got a buddy who's an expert in crashing planes with no survivors

Midgets with tumors on their chins will do just fine.

Ron Jeremy as Steven when?

why bother spending big money on custom made good cosplay costumes when people just want to fap and some $5 chinese costume will do the trick

>mfw Maseratti is Garnett

The Captain America one with the authentic Batroc costume.

>mfw Bobbi Starr as Velma

Goddamn, I've lost count on how many times I've yanked it to the Velma/Daphne scene.

>mfw Bobbi Starr as Velma

I must of have tugged it a hundred times to that Velma/Daphne scene.

That plot went fucking nowhere fast.

At least they had a hallway scene.

What the fuck?

Not South Park XXX

>No degrading bestiality

I really don't get why they couldn't just have gotten some hot chick and put some Pikachu ears and a tail on her. I've seen what the chick looks like underneath all that make up, she's not bad looking at all. At least that's fappable, not whatever the hell this is suppose to be.

Call it "Grabba Deez Balls" for one.

Ron should be Greg what with the murdercock and all.

>blonde daphne
>velma in a wig instead of getting a pornstar with a similar haircut

Arthur porn parody when?

>"I told you not to touch it!" *arthur jams dick in dws mouth*
>Molly is main girl
>Ends with a class orgy

>I really don't get why they couldn't just have gotten some hot chick and put some Pikachu ears and a tail on her.

that would be some generic Jessica Ngiri level shit.

by going the creepy face mask/paint you get something that stands out and people have watched/know of just because of how weird it is.


>3dpd porn
>best at anything

Eh, kidnap some Eastern European orphans, take them out when the shoot is done so they can't rat you out.

I guess in a bizarre way that makes the most amount of sense.
I mean, before this came into existence, there was E.T. The Porno.

>Take them out
>Not selling them
And that's why you'll always be small-time.



why would I travel to eastern europe when I can just snatch some kid while their parent is glued to their phone

That looks like the monster from Chupacabra: Dark Seas

Woodrocket's Bob's Burgers XXX parody, Bob's Boners.

Though it's not all spot-on, the guy that plays Bob sounds EXACTLY like him, so you basically get to hear Bob moaning and cumming, which is terrifying/great depending on your perspective.

>What would be the ideal Sup Forums porn parody?
Would it be to much to ask for a pretty faithful recreation of SU's flashback episodes? Given that Young Greg would fuck almost everyone else.

Bobbi Starr is fantastic as Velma though, even with the wig.

>What would be the ideal Sup Forums porn parody?
You know you'd watch it.

PB is ugly as hell, Marceline is okay but a fucking womanlet, IK is decent, Jake is 'nuff said and that expression at the face of the guy who plays Finn always makes me laugh for some reason

Is linda actually a man?

You seem to be forgetting one.

Make way for the superior fox based porn parody.

They didn't try at all

wood rocket is the cheapest you can go but still tries to follow the source material.

In order of worst to best its
brazzers, woodrocket, digital playground, hustler axel braun

Lmao. This is so ridiculous.

I'd buy it just to view it for comedy purposes.

>the guy that plays Bob sounds EXACTLY like him
nah Bob's VA has very distinguishable voice
props to porn Teddy though, he is really good

Anthony Rosano is really good at impressions. His SpongeKnob, Peter Griffin, Barney Rubble, and Eric Cartman were all spot on.

Jesus Christ user

Hey now, they put effort into those costumes!

porn teddy is uncanny, both looks and voice are spot-on

>the actresses all have tattoos

But you're wrong though, because the best Sup Forums porn parody is clearly Scooby Doo, because holy fuck Bobbi Starr gives all the boners as Velma.

>Steven Universe porn parody
>starts with Steven asking Greg for advice about Connie
>flashback to Greg fucking the Gems and Vidalia in the 80s
>while Steven and Connie are nervously fooling around later Greg takes Peridot and Lapis to pound town

Ah I see you are a man of taste as well.

Post pics.

It would be so easy.

I would pay to see this, especially the part with peridot and lapis

Too many fetishes to cram at once.

>"Hey dad, you seem to be getting along a lot better with the gems! When did that happen?"
>"Oh you know, just chillin' with them at the barn and all..."

Shame we will never get a Raimi spiderman PP and it has to be 80% gay porn.

>Bonesaw is Rapey
>Instead of the praying scene Aunt may is masturbatibg than gobby burts in "Finish It!"
>The rain kiss turns into a rain BJ

The possibilites are endless

The Bob's Burgers one had potential if the Linda would have actually tried to do her voice, the Teddy was god-tier

Fuckarama wasn't a movie, it was just a series of photographs.

This is why porno sucks, that and niggers.

I came here to say this
also I came

>the ass was fat

Who is Maserati ?

They try on the humans costumes though. It's just animals.
I think it's more this. The novelty of it.

Unless you want to sell in australia.


They comment on the lack of a hallway scene in the commentary for the first live action film. I think it was actors comentary.

accurate costumes > inaccurate costumes > power gap > ears and a tail.

Black Cat X Spidey rooftop bj in accurate costume? DIAMONDS.

I would watch that parody

I can never look at that image and not laugh

The hardcore abuse company?

A SU porn parody would suck .Only lesbians scene, little or no straight sex scene

Dude, r u 4 real? Steven and greg would be pounding bitchs left and right, and turn those filthy xenos into slaves to the righteous human cock

We're talking bout an hypothetical movie and i speculated that a porn parody based on a LGBT friendly cartoon like SU would probably mainly feature lesbian sex