Gravity Falls

>born August 31, 1999

Mabel and Dipper are officially 18 today.

Other urls found in this thread:

I see.

Well, boys, we've been waitin

C'mon ya maroons, post some lewds a'ready

>I see

So do they fuck finally?

oh boy here we go

>Implying they haven't been doing that since puberty.

I wonder if Dipper still hasn't ditched that clingy harbinger of the apocalypse

Doubtful, he's already given up everything for her, might as well get the right of pounding that pussy.

Well that's what the apology blowjobs are for

>Gravity Falls first aired in 2012
It's been five years and Pinecest has not ever stopped being hot.


I actually had a theory that around this time Hirsch the Hack would announce his sequel series when the kids grew up. I thought there were many hints and I was pretty convinced it would happen. But fuck me right?


>Five years of the cutest twincest in cartoons

>am also born in 1999
>tfw i grew up with the twins

I was already an adult in 2012.

Post jealous Mabel you no good degenerates

Don't have any, but i DO have jealous Dipper

The average Sup Forums age stays the same but here I am. The eternal Oldfag. I feel like I'm the only person not just pretending to be a complete and utter failure.

Feels bado man.

>Kids that were around the twins' age when the show started
>were around Wendy's age when the show ended

Sometimes I forget how subjective the passage of time is.

You're not alone as long as I'm here

Do you call yourself a 90s kid on Facebook?

Now I think I should draw a chubbier mid 20's Mabel...

Yes. Korea & Japan celebrates this day every year with art.

We all know Pacifica hits the cubby body type.



>We're almost at the point where the average Sup Forums user is younger than Sup Forums itself
Feels weird man


Jesus, I'm just 2.5 months older than them

Do it!

Disgusting fatlord




Mabel. Private Parts.

Do you remember the face of your father?

The OP. He truly was a faggot.

After years of the "Who's Moot?" meme I just want him to come back

Wonder how they're getting along

You're still a little whippersnapper.


When is the proper age to leave Sup Forums?

Im already 20 and I think im already over staying my welcome. I might soon be 30 and still browsing a site with 16 year olds.

On one hand it can keep me in touch with the times, on the other hand I might stay infantile.

this guy wants out?


>gravity falls was 5 years ago


Lets make something out of this thread.

How do you think that they would look like older? Keeping in mind the show style, not your fetish fantasies that are far away from canon.

those TEEF


>in touch with the times

meaning what? teenagers don't know shit. there was this great bit from craig ferguson about this. wish I could find it.

I'm turning 29 in a couple of months. The ride never ends, friend.

Also, Sweater Puppy Mabel!

mabel like the older redhead girl. .dipper like zoos.

>He thinks he can Leave

Why would Dipper turn into a Groundhog man?

So now I can fuck Dipper without feeling like a idiot?

kids dont use facebook anymore, gramps



>Dark Tower reference

We're the only fucking dudes on this board who've read The Dark Tower, user

Holy shit. Take me back so I can fix senior year.

>So now I can fuck Dipper without feeling like a idiot?

No, Mabel. You are still an idiot.

nig you can't be serious. I do feel like I'm the only one that didn't hate the movie, though.

Here's realsoos.jpg

But Mabel made the apocalypse almost happen.

The worst thing of Dipper would be his akward plans.

Or what are you, a faggot?

ugh japan.

The movie can suck my dick, I bet they didn't even have Eddie in it.







Dipper keeps up his innawoods mystery hunting shtick. All the hiking and tree climbing does his body some good, but he doesn't go to the gym because he thinks they're full of jocks and meatheads. Shoulders broaden and his chin squares out like the Stans, but he's not exactly buff. He always looks a little scruffy and spotty because of minimal hygienic care, but his skin gets a little rougher from all the sun and scratches from wandering forests.
Mabel goes on to annoy a defenseless Yoga class that combined with all she eats gives her serviceable TnA, but nowhere close to fat. And I like to think shed be taller than most girls, about the same height as Dipper, but she'll tell everyone she 1/16 inches taller.
Pacifica comes petite and perky, not flat by any means, but her assets don't have the heft, that Mabel's would. Probably her most prominent feature would be her noticeably long legs. Shes probably one of the people in Mabel's yoga class, and tries to turn it into a competition. Shes about a head shorter than Mabel and Dipper.
yes, this was autistic.

We're on Sup Forums, autism is the default.

>movies based on books still suck
>no lessons where learned with how Harry Potter handled it


I love how scrawny ass Dipper can carry Mabel no problem. Sorry I lack the degeneracy you ask of.


Alex has some god tier taste in chubs and wanted a piece of that, which explains all the fanservice Soos had in the show

Who made this, because the sexual tension is destroying me

Don't mind me, I'm just the only good scene n that godawful "Roadside Attraction" episode


So is the only reason anybody likes Mabel anymore for the incest potential?

Pretty much.

Pretty much, the lolifags hate her due to her personality

Why would lolifags hate her? Wouldn't they like somebody like her?

Her cutesy and quirky demeanor is just a mask to disguise who shallow, insecure, and overall plain she is. What she doesn't realize is that all her attempts to be quirky are really just making her the same as any other prepubescent girl.

Dipper seems more over protective than jealous in this

So basically, she's not truly cute and charming, she just acts that way?

>the best seller and you Thu k only two people read it
Christ how self absorbed. Fuck the last book, waited most of my life for an end and realized I was reading an entire book that was a King ending.

Objectively shitty taste, got the entire tone of the series wrong.

This is the only place in the world I've seen that hates Mabel. Everyone else seems to love her, online and off.

>normies have god-awful taste
Gee user, what a fucking revelation