
Give me a movie that I can watch on Netflix that is good

jiro nightmares of assrape

rush hour


Us that's not on there

unironically jiro is a great documentary

1922 was p damn good

Is the switch actually gonna get the fully 3d pokemon RPG? Nintendo always said no because "pokemon needs to be portable" but now they don't have that excuse. I hope so. I'd buy a switch for it.



they already confirmed that they're making it but game freak's probably gonna make it shitty like the last few pokemon games

Dont watch the tv show

Bright sucked. Literally babby's first fantasy movie, with a high-school-level-not-even-philosophy-101 tier political message behind it

I didn't even know one existed. But god daaaamn Winona was (and very much still is) a babe

t. Moigel Steinemberg.

Not a movie but Don't Trust The Bitch In Apartment 23 is hilarious.

I hate that woman so much I couldn't watch it.



I can confirm this and add that you don't even need to be a weeb to like it.

>wet shirt in the shower

>tfw manboobs

believe me, I've thought many times about taking 1,000x folded steel to my chest and just lopping them off

Probably my choice for people who haven't seen it.

goblin feet. I was surprised by this show, it was actually pretty good.

but it's literally /ourshow/

What the fuck does "Goblin feet" mean?