Black panther

black panther

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Let’s face it, traditional Indian clothing is gorgeous; what foreigner wouldn’t want to pay homage to a history and culture that has contributed such beauty to the world?

No one cares

Fake news

disneymoms BTFO

Nice to see Nic Cage picked a good project for once

>not rank 1
>less reviews
>8/10 AR
>audience score not review bombed
>not gonna be a hit blockbuster

At least post his with your comment

lmao even Chaddington 2 has 100% score black pussy btfo

>Black panther audience score
>review bombed

Is there even a trailer yet?

>22 reviews

Holy shit Cagekino is back on the menu, I don't think i've been this hyped for a movie since Ragnarok. This must be a perfect film if it stars Cage you know critics would love nothing more than to mock him or write a copypaste job.

I replied to the wrong thread

no and i check for it all the time
the movie has already been shown at sundance
not sure why they are waiting on the trailer

Why is Sup Forums so OBSESSED with Blacked Panther?

what thread were you meant to respond to? Need to know for a friend


>review bombed
I bet you believe the critics weren't bought too.

Just do this in future, m'kay


>look at imbd
>it was released last month
>not even a trailer anywhere



>TFW Cage blew out African Americans nationwide

despite all my rage im still just a fan of nick cage

I've been waiting years for this movie. It better be good. I don't even care if it's not great. Just good please.

It was only shown at the Sundance Film Festival

It's amazing how many literally perfect movies are being made nowadays.

Is there a Cage kino tier list?

but why no trailer???

they probably want to secure distribution first so they have a release date

same, loved Black Rainbow but it seemed to split audiences and critics down the middle, this time round Comsmatos seems to have won everyone over

They have a distributor. But they mostly handle VOD fare.

Released some good stuff though.

>Mandy is set in the primal wilderness of 1983 where Red Miller, a broken and haunted man hunts an unhinged religious sect who slaughtered the love of his life.
Oh, so it's basically a remake of The Final Sacrifice with Cage playing Rowsdower.

>The Final Sacrifice

has a 2.4 rating on IMDb, Jesus

that's 2.3 more than it deserves.

If you're not familiar with it then you should watch the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode. It's really funny.

>So, Rowsdower, is that a stupid name, or...?

All of it. It's all kino. Even that Mom and Dad movie which was just good had countless cagekino moments. There's a moment where he's banging on a door yelling at his kids to open it and he says the word "motherfucker" like I have never heard it uttered. He's genius. Shame he never got to work with Kubrick; I think they would have delivered some perfect WTF dialogue.

This will gross about $5


Brap panther fags BTFO

Mom and Dad is an affront to cinema and one of the worst movies i've ever seen, Cage barking like a dog may have worked in something more like Mandy, in Mom and Dad it was just embarrassing

No actor living today could capture the essence of Rowsdower better than Cage. I'm assuming the original actor died in a gutter somewhere.

>I'm assuming the original actor died in a gutter somewhere.
Nope, just Canadian.

eww her ass inverts typical whitoids