What does Sup Forums think of Kubo and the Two Strings?

What does Sup Forums think of Kubo and the Two Strings?

It's a great movie. Best thing Laika's done since Coraline.

I think it's just a good movie. The bad humor scenes bring the movie down, imo.

Gorgeous models and animation technique. Shame it was mostly used to show characters talking about stuff they were going to just show us anyway.
>I dare Laika to make a silent short, just as an exercise in visual storytelling, they have this beautiful medium but they can't use it to tell a story worth a shit.

I liked it

I replay their rendition of While My Guitar Gently Weeps every now and then

that scene with kubo and the moon king in a sea of paper playing their shamisen is freaking beautiful

Saw the mini-exhibit at Universal Studios. The skeleton was fucking dope

I want to fuck Kubo

Visually fantastic, but with just a good story. Like most Laika films, really.

as do I

A visually stunning movie, with a "meh" an adorable main character who suffers alot, and this movie got me into playing the shamisen so it will forever be special to me

It was beautiful. Nice quads btw.

I do too.

It has great story ...Laika never afraid to go dark
and kill some character my only complain the third arc was kinda bad ..lame
but everything else was top

That time kubo penetrated his dead mothers ass
it had its moments

it's beautiful


I enjoyed it but I found myself really distracted with the digital blending used for a lot of the scenes.

Absolutely amazing. Laika films aren't usually my thing, but this one really blew me away. Was especially pleased that they didn't pull any punches when it came to being dark.

It was pretty, and impressively put together.
But I didn't like the story, and especially didn't like the ending.


fantastic. Saw it in theaters. Totally worth it

Loved it. Definitely my favorite Laika movie. Even though the story was a bit weak at times, it's still my number one.

The characters wouldn't shut the fuck up, especially Charlize Theron. There were a dozen points where was trying to take in the scenery and just enjoy watching the animation, but someone would just start loudly expositing the plot in case someone in the audience was lost.

It's like if Princess Mononoke had narration for the entire Journey to the West sequence.

The visuals and choreography of the animation was fantastic, and I loved the first stretch of the story, but I thought the pacing felt a bit rushed after Kubo left the village for the actual journey.

Good movie, but Coraline's probably still my favorite Laika film.

I was pretty disappointed with the fish looking villain. Thought they could've done a much cooler monster design for that battle

what if we took fired pixar writers and gave them to laika?

My Laika ranking

That's some good shit, user


But i love them all even Boxtrolls

Saw it twice in theaters. Pretty damn awesome movie. I feel the simplicity of the story worked well enough to convey a lot of emotion.
Also, the part in which Kubo's mother tells the story of how Hanzo and her met while Kubo represents it with Origami always gives me chills; wonderful scene.

Same. It's a damn nice song. Gonna listen to it right now.

>dont worry i will protect kubo

I prefer the general tone of Laika's writing to most Pixar movies though.

I only remember two instances of blood; when the mother hits her head against the rocks and the grandfather having his eye cut out.

Coraline had great writing because it was an adaptation of a Neil Gaiman novel.

It was good, but I agree with those who say the humor could be hit and miss, which detracted a bit from the overall tone.

For all the flak Boxtrolls gets, I still think it did humor the best of all the Laika films. Feels like a more natural and consistent part of the character dynamic.

they could use some fresh blood, i want them to compete instead of making Kino.

Norman and Eggs are much cuter.

They compete by making Kino.

Personally loved it. But its not without flaws. the ending reveal of hanzo and his (and his mothers) death happen so fast. but then the ending sequence makes up for it.

No one really competes with Pixar regardless of quality. Disney will always make the money and get an Oscar because that's what's expected.

Isn't the next Laika film going to be the first that focuses on adults?

Pixar's cap nowadays.

Fucking Mouse.

Matthew Mcconaughey was a serious miscast.

Ruined the movie for me. Or maybe it was just the character in general.

Boxtrolls is probably the only Laika film I didn't really like the designs for. Mostly of the trolls, the humans were alright, but I just didn't like the way the trolls looked and thought the whole concept was a bit dumb. Definitely not a bad movie by any means, though.

Yes. So that should be interesting. I wonder what rating it'll have as well, unless they plan on making a film with no kid characters and keep the rating PG, that'd be a bit disappointing.

Do kids even want to watch things that don't have kid characters?

monkey beetle romance was annoying until the reveal

it's right up my ally
>gets really depressing

one of my top 5 movies

I was wondering that myself, but then remembered a load of films from my childhood such as Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, Superman, and so on.
I guess Pixar showed you can even have an old man as a protagonist.

I think Coraline and Paranorman are better.Kubo has rushed story and really fucked up moral in the ending.

Parts of it are predictable but when you've read or watch as much as I have, that's not surprising. I knew who the mother and father would turn out to be, for example.

But I thought it was generally well done. Good, just not great. It could have been great with a slightly to somewhat better script in parts.

I love Regina Spektor. I never expected Sup Forums to know her

That's just because of the time they were released. The PG-13 rating wasn't added until mid-late 1984.

There's plenty of older protagonists in animated films, but only as long as there's younger or animal sidekicks. Or if the main characters aren't human.

Pixar is pretty generic. Not saying Laika doesn't have the same problem but Laika have a more unique way of telling the story

Cars didn't have a kid character. Neither did Hercules, the Hunchback or Pocahontas...

I guess long as there's wacky non-human characters/sidekicks it passes.

I thought the people and environments were great, but the trolls themselves were kind of, forgettable?

Not Minions tier, but just kind of standard interchangeable comic relief mascots.

>really fucked up moral in the ending.
You mean the, let your enemy believe he was a good person and welcoming him into the family after he's been left amnesic and helpless choice?

Thought it was kind of the merciful thing to do at that point.