Will there ever be a film about Sup Forums?

Will there ever be a film about Sup Forums?

>ITT - Internal Tech Theory

>responding with F means disrespect

no that's wrong reddit!

Every fucking time

Literally all of that can be experienced on Sup Forums
what the fuck
except that Sup Forums shit of course

Markus needs to lurk a heck of a lot moar desu

>egyptian god of chaos

Is this real? I thought it was just a funny misspelling of 'lol'

you're right, back before the Alt-right was a thing, kek was used in Wow and basically a harmless variation of lol, similar to jej

It's both, which is why a kind of ironic Kek occultism developed on Sup Forums.
From noticing the coincidental crossover of board culture (kek being used in place of lol, and pepe the frog) with this Egyptian frog god of chaos
A little like how Sup Forums goes mental when ever some real life event coincides with TDKR/Baneposting

FACE it's my FACE when because it's an IMAGE board

we need to make this site unusable

>Sup Forums has a friendly rivalry with Reddit

>friendly rivalry because we're a bigger website
The crippling narcissism of these "people" will never cease to disturb me
They're convinced we all want to be like them deep down. This is mental illness

Don't you wish Sup Forums was more popular and busy user?

Think of all the awesome posts

hell no, the 2016 elections already showed what happens when we have high traffic coming from 'newfriend' posters

wow, the universe works in mysterious ways

How the fuck is tax posting on there

>my feeling when

And how the did they interpret it so wrong?
It's like the most innocuous meme in this shithole

>So you've heard about this mysterious website called Sup Forums and you want to see what the fuss is about.
>My advice: Don't
BASED redditor

>my feeling when
what the fuck

It's origins are actually in Starcraft, another Blizzard game, where the majority Kroean fanbase used "kekeke" as a way of expressing laughter.
Blizzard took notice of this and implemented the phrase in WoW, so that "kek" translates to "lol" to members of rival factions

Max Landis is in the works to adapt pic related to film

>ITT: Internal Tech Theory

really makes you think about how much of this shit you've internalized just know implicitly

also, memes

Idk why having jews in quotation marks is so funny.

>you have to go back is a Mexican insult
lmao dumb pledditors

>mfw my feeling when

Kek comes from World of Warcraft you stupid newfaggot, when the Horde typed "lol" the Alliance would see "kek"

>mysterious website called Sup Forums

>my feeling when
>Internal tech theory
>Titty monster
>Bong - derived from Cockney rhyming slang
>Redpill - Racist
>kek - Egyptian god
>Redditor - friendly rivalry
>That Feel Guy - cancer patient
>JUST (that nicest possible interpretation)
>This is our son's room - complaint against nosy parents
>Gibs me dats - Used to imply that the poster would like whatever is pictured

Not sure if true retardation or just-subtle-enough troll.

Very good either way.


>Sup Forums


Nothing is weirder than being a part of something, or experiencing something, and then watching how western corporate media represents it.

It is fucking surreal man

The entire baneposting entry doesn't even mention "for you" once, despite it being the fucking catalyst for the whole fucking thing

imagine how people in the military feel.

Crazy thing is I just googled to find the meaning of "Bong" for Britposters - there's nowhere that has the real reason. That's fucking weird.

>That Feel Guy - cancer patient
no wonder he's always feeling bad!

Most mongrels that started "baneposting" don't even know that


>friendly rivalry
This is the only thing that annoyed me. No wonder redditors are multiplying like cancer, they’re literally too stupid to understand anything.

>"JUST/just fuck my shit up"
>"often accompanied by a picture of Brendan Frasier"

>It's happening - Something is occurring.
>It's over - Something has occurred.

We are not your fucking friends, Reddit. Get the fuck out of our site.


I thought it because of the Big Ben chimes.

Big Ben

every meme I think its a Sup Forums meme comes from another board.
>soyboy is /fit/
>kek is /s4s/
>cuck is Sup Forums

What a beautiful structure. I hope to get enough money to visit it before the Caliphate blows it apart.

>he doesn't know
How new are you? Tell the truth and I'll post sauce.

you're talking out of your arse

Started in Starcraft --> Included in WoW as translation for LOL across faction --> Becomes interchangable lingo for LOL to vidya game players --> Wordfilter on Sup Forums during election period changed Cuck to Kek --> People realized (Sup Forumsx/etc. I don't remember) that the Egyptian God of Chaos was named Kek and how he is expressed through duality --> Dubs/Trips/Etc. then became proof that Kek, God of Chaos, approved of the comment --> This occurs about the same time Sup Forums was trying to colonize reddit and cause trouble during the election --> Reddit couldn't understand the meme, ended up inventing mythical Kekistan/Kekistani nonsense completely separate from Sup Forums or Sup Forums influence, becomes Sup Forums's Frankenstein. --> Current day still used alternative to Lol, and occasionally contributes to the psychosis of Sup Forums's resident "reddit is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is reddit" kekistani pic spammer

That's the best I can remember.

It comes from Big Ben, it's also implied that us britbongs tell time by bongs and bings instead of hours and minutes.

This image illustrates your feeling when?

Sort of. That was the closing ceremony part. But it started with "Britbottles" because of the bottle tossing during the 100m.

>it's also implied that us britbongs tell time by bongs and bings instead of hours and minutes.

There was a time when using "lel" became popular for a while, I always thought kek evolved from that.

sadly there never will be any film because when all timezones reaches february 23, 2108, the world will end.

>Sup Forums still gets blamed for everything

It's okay, Sup Forums's biggest meme has been fucking with the media.

>a bald cancer patient

I think lel was based on kek. Taking the more extreme variation and synthesizing it with a normal lol. Then all the egyptian god stuff happened and kek is more in vogue again.


That's true, I thing is the reason was used as lol in the first place.

lel got hijacked by Facebook tards that caught on it, shortly after it was changed to kek and we left the normalfags kept lel for themselves.


kek isn't /s4s/, its from WoW, and cuck actually is from Sup Forums

go back to rebbit(mexico)

lel was just a basic variation of lol, kek came from the koreans originally

koreans used it way before in brood war

It was at the same time it was popular to use "le" ironically to mock reddit and 9fag. I assumed lel was a daring synthesis of le and lol.

How could anyone think cuck didnt come from Sup Forums?

beat you to it fag


cuck is from Sup Forums ages before Sup Forums caught up on it. It was used for Anthony Burch threads.

Go back to Pleddit retard.

>my feeling when

kek meaning lol came from WoW
kek worship was discovered on [s4s]

you smartypants newfags need to go back

Hi! Welcome to Sup Forums!

>feeding the obvious newfag
Hi there, newfag!

>. I assumed lel was a daring synthesis of le and lol.
That's what it was.

That "era" was autistic as fuck.

found the ledditors

>doesn't even remember when moot had a cuck audio playing on Sup Forums on repeat on repeat for a full week bc people were using the word too much
>but yeah, its totally a Sup Forums thing bc of some threads about some noname vidya developer
just how new are you, newfag? probably don't even know who moot is

Press F for disrespect

>he doesnt like being ironically helpful

i do it to get a rise out of faggots like you.
you walked right into it
please leave, you've embarassed yourself enough for today

What was the Sup Forums slang you didn't understand but were too much of pussy to ask?
For me it was 'capeshit'

>being THIS fucking new
holy shit how do you even cope with yourself? Your shitty board hasn't invented shit in the history of Sup Forums.

you have to go back

None, you don't need a high IQ to understand memes.

imagine writing about something you have so little understanding of with such confidence. and of course he's a yid

I think he was being sarcastic

All of that bullshit and he didn't even mention "based"

Omg Ur intellect is frigging superior

Fresh from Reddit kiddo?

i don't understand how you could not get that one. but there was tons i didn't understand when i first came here and after asking a few times and getting, "kill yourself" or "newfag" or whatever a few times i stopped asking. I have been here for years(not going to count them and get depressed, but it's been many) and i just realized in this thread i never knew what the fuck bong meant. i just knew it referred to brits, and never thought about it. It's actually a nice feature of this place that people don't generally spoonfeed people, because it lets us spot blatant refugees or journalists or retards or whatever. The OP is a great reason why not to make it too easy. That said i'm happy i learned the origin of bong.

kid, Sup Forums might have used the word "cuck" first in some obscure threads about some bullshit e-celeb, but Sup Forums made it a thing

and just because i'm saying Sup Forums popularized cuck, that doesn't mean its my main board, or i even like it, you massive fucking dipshit

also i've been here since before you were born son

>a bald cancer patient
Lol funny
But go back to Sup Forums please

>third panel
>word filters are still in effect for these after x years

wow, they really fucked up tax policy

gurm not even mentioned

baka desu senpai KEK PENIS

>but Sup Forums made it a thing
Sup Forums made everything a thing

no one is arguing who popularized it

>also i've been here since before you were born son

Were you here DDOSing websites when Youtube was taking down Tom Cruise's videos? That's 6 months before I found this place.

best use of word filters in history in my humble opinion

>mfw - 'my feeling when'

It's not that hard to understand our memes is it? Fuck most shit you can figure out just by googling it.

>It's happening - something is occuring
>It's over - something has occurred
Top quality intel my dudes