Will you look at that

Will you look at that


Robert Vendetti/DC stealing fan ideas? thats lawsuit material there

How could you even track down the injured party? It was a random user on Sup Forums who drew that almost a decade ago. And they probably weren't even the actual creator since I think it was a drawthread.

Nah dude. Hope Corgi is the best thing out of Sup Forums. I'm proud.

if you post something to the internet, you lose all tangible creative rights to it

if anything, Sup Forums might own the rights if they have that somewhere in their terms of use

>if anything, Sup Forums might own the rights if they have that somewhere in their terms of use
The site would then get buttfucked by copyright infringements.

Coolface proves you wrong.

I personally wouldn't want it to get nasty.

Hope Corgi is awesome and I don't want it to be stained with fuckery, if anything I'm happy it is getting recognition.

It's a corgi with a blue ring, wouldn't exactly be difficult to convince a judge that anyone could come up with that on their own.

Ok, first the America letter and now this.

Are we getting into a new era of good recognition?

>Sup Forums gets something into a Marvel comic.
>It's a satire letter mocking one of their terrible comics.

>Sup Forums gets something into a DC comic.

Fitting. What a great couple of days.

Pretty sure Hope Corgi is public domain at best.
At worst, it's using copyrighted imagery (the Blue Lantern logo) and we have less right to it than they do.

redpill me on Hope Corgi what's his story?

This. As far as I'm aware fan creations are more owned by the individual or corporation whose product they're based on that the fan creator.

just a counter to the red lantern cat that is canon DC character

Basically created in response to Dexstarr the Red Lantern Cat. Is a good dog.


Came up the time the rainbow lanterns appeared. Sup Forums wanted a polar opposite for Dex-Starr. Hope Corgi, possibly Sup Forums's greatest creation, was born.

Saint Walker is the best

>making a mutated bred dog that lives its life in a painful body a symbol of hope

Dunno about greatest, we still have Chaptor

Hope Corgi is a solid #2 though.

At least DC fan ideas don't include genital mutilation you fucking faggot drone

It was during the animated series wasn't it?

How can one company be so based?

that is a logical response to what was said.

yeah, it's kind of obvious that he was made to counter Dex-Starr but does have a backstory?

yes, he has a backstory.

hes a good dog.
he likes hugs.

ok but how did he get chosen

Goddamn what triggered you?

Well normally to become a blue lantern you have to lost everything and still have hope, just like Job from the bible.


>thinking they'll add a Sup Forums OC

Because he is a dog.


what did he lose

His favorite ball.

Good dog of Earth.

Your love of hugs is capable of inspiring great hope.

Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps.

No, Hope Corgi came abut during 2009ish.

>Good dog of Earth.

No, it just has hope.

They could just give us Krypto vs Dex-Starr like Geoff promised


Just imagine this movie but instead of dying at the end he gets choose.

His owner. Lost and abandoned in an animal shelter but never gave up hope to find a ownervwho loves him for the good boy he is.

Just look at shelter dogs and how happy they are when they get adopted Hope Corgi just wants that too.

Lots of hope cuz he is a good boy.


Dex-Starr didn't have his background back then either.

Dose this count?

I'm more worried because it's a hack writer adding Hope Corgi

>Dex-Starr loses his owner.
>Heart fills with hatred.

>Hope Corgi loses his owner.
>Heart fills with hope.



I never hoped to find something positively inspiring on Sup Forums.


>implying Venditti actually wants to write blue lanterns
He's obviously joking you ding dongs


Dex saw his owner get killed.
Hope Corgi was left in the backyard and his owner was killed in a burglary. He never saw and just thinks they went off like humans do so he hopes they will come back.

Surprised Humphries didn't jump on this one, if ya get me.



I chose to believe this. This is good.



There's a shitty Brazilian pop culture news site where every writer has a superhero OC, but they just happen to be friends with comic book artist Daniel HDR, who took every oportunity he could to slip in their characters as background Lanterns in the books he drew (that Beast looking motherfucker with a soulpatch and horns is one, blue mustache guy is another).

I imagine casually slipping in stuff like this is pretty common, if people don't know what's the deal, it doesn't make a lick of difference to them anyway.

Yeah Zoidberg was in an Action Comics issue by Johns and Frank. It's not a big deal.


When will Venditti be off GLs? He'll be Slott of the franchise in a few years.

Goddamn, this is going to be hype.

He's on Hal N Pals not GLs, totally different

Same shit, different name.

I still have a couple of Hope Corgis
gonna dump






They should have booted him with Rebirth honestly

How long do I have to put up with this bland hack



last one I have

>We're closer than ever to a Dex-Starr + Hope Corgi book.
>We're closer than ever to tons of merchandise for both.
DC's going to make MILLIONS.

Be still my beating heart. Hope Corgi becoming canon? Sign me the hell up



Avarice Crow when? Did we ever get around to making other Lantern animals?


They'd fuck him up

Im not going to lie, Id totally buy a Dex Starr and Hope Corgi plush

We have a couple crows.


Im half tempted to write a short backstory for Avarice Crow if anyone cares

Go for it

I'd read it for sure.

Your offering will be accepted.

Alright, heres a quick rundown of what I had in mind:
>Oswald Cobblepot for a brief period was in Blackgate Prison. While in the yard one day, he befriend's a crow when throwing bread scraps at pigeons.
>He trains this crow to pickpocket small, shiny, valuable objects which he uses to trade among the other prisoners and guard for small comforts.
>Once his lawyers finally get him out, he keeps the bird, and places him within his aviary with the other birds in his collection.
>Time passes, and Oswald forgets his little friend. The Crow is basically the runt of the aviary, and is often the last to get scraps/bird food among the larger, more exotic pets.
>The Crow tries to bring more trinkets to Cobblepot, but he doesnt care given their value.
>The unattended Crow starts hoarding small things hes collected from Oswalds nightclub/men. Taking comfort in things since his master has forgotten him
>The small collection of watches/jewlery is found and then taken from The Crow.
>Crow is outraged, attacks Cobblepot. Beaten by umbrella, and then driven out the window.
>The bird only had one thought. MINE
Thoughts? Is it shit?

yeah legitmately one of are only decent Sup Forumsllective idea

Cut out Cobblepot for a generic, let that crow stand on its own two feet.

He will have the same type of back story as Dex-Star but the difference being he never gave up hope.

I was thinking that. Granted it was just a first draft, and Im completely open to suggestions.

>People giving Hope Corgi a huge backstory
>He was just hopeful for a treat.

So why doesn't this get a sticky?


What's this?

I think it should. Its good news for a change. Hope Corgi is one of the few good things this board has produced