The 20 pages preview of the OGN Batman: The Dark Prince Charming got posted in DC's site. Let's see how Enrico Marini DC OGN it's like

Sorry for any delay or bad posting but getting the pics from DC's own reader it's harder than I thought

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Holy shit 20 pages? that's like a third of the book isn't it?

I've been looking forward to this so much though.


Yeah, I don't know why DC is previewing that quantity of the book, but the more the merrier I guess


>20 pages
Jesus, that's a lot. Have a bump.

I like this Joker design.

>The 20 pages preview
The heck?

Thank you user for your efforts.


I guess by being part 1 of two OGNs DC doesn't think it giving away too much of the story

Is it only going to be 60 pages? thought it was gonna be ~100





Alright, I don't need to see anymore. I'm sold. Thanks OP.


I am too, this story seems insteresting from these 20 pages alones.

That's a sick ass bike

This is everything I hoped it would be. Saving this as an Issue zero to shill to every batfan friend I have. This is coffee table shit. And I mean that as a compliment.

We can't stop here.

It looks like a cat too!



These hences are dropping like flies.

>we live in the timeline where a Batman BD exists
What the fuck.


A LOT of this reminds me of the Arkham games


I think it's two books 80 something each. I could be wrong though.

Small thing, but I really like how the car designs are near future. Lets the comic age a little better and also provide a nice juxtaposition to how old style Gotham is. This entire thing is gorgeous and really interesting.

>Gordon is a vaper
nigger yo wot


I like the art, but I feel like I don't give enough of a shit about the Joker for this to interest me.

Shame on a Gothamite, Batman and Catwoman could have entered through the open back, instead both chose to give Joker full view of their ineffectual efforts.

>a Batman fumetto

And that's all, according to DC's site the OGN is out November 1

Oh, the author's Italian? Well, I guess that makes more sense.

clearly thats the joke as batman tells him he looks ridiculous. I know a bunch of old dudes who do it in private because they don't want to still smoke but can't quit. so when they know they won't be called a faggot they whip the vape out because they think it's a better option. Albeit for faggots lol.

which is why he didn't dispute he looks ridiculous but rather less than a grown man in a costume.

There are English language editions of most of his books, if you're interested.

is he italian or french? I know Marini is an italian name but I think I someone told me he's actually French himself.

I learned something new today. Thanks user

>Why don't you just vape, Joker?

Italian, but was born in Switzerland and lives in France.



the "hurr man dressed as a bad joke" is so lame... it's so overplayed I fail to believe anyone actually even smiles at it anymore. And it's not like he's trying extra hard to look like a Bat either with teeth and wings under his arms and shit.

As european as one man can be. A lot like our lord and savior Moebius.

Not quite what you're looking for, but close enough.

It doesn't fucking matter, the artists facebook is in french and english more than any italian.

There's this weird user in every thread that has to correct people.

>It's french
>no it's canadian
>no it's french canadian.

it's fucking autism.

No it doesn't make more sense. You couldn't even tell until someone told you. It's a BD, Marini even calls it a BD on his page.

fumetto, fuck off.

Art looks great, writing is solid but fuck am I sick of the Joker

Dumb frogposter.

Selina is pure class, she'd never debase herself like that.

>pure class

what's a BD?

newfags call people frogposters user. Nobody else.

>the artists Facebook is in french and English
So he's Anglo-French?

I'm have been interested since it was announced and now I'm even more interested.

This and Batman: Creature of the Night are what I'm really looking forward to.

>calls me a newfag
>doesn't even know what a fucking BD is

What's a BD?

Damn I just realised who this artist is.
Marini does sick ass bikes and biker girls like no one else.
See his french Gipsy series.

Bande dessinee
You fucking casual shit.

Marini is the king of THICC badass biker chicks.

Not knowing a french term is not quite comparable to someone not liking pepe. Though the irony of a frenchanon calling someone a frogposter and someone else new for not knowing french is not lost on me. You fucking actual frog.

when's the last time you saw that term let alone abreviated. be fucking honest. it has nothing to do with being casual and more to do with me not reading foreign comics.

but im sure you see capefags as casuals so theres that.

It doesn't matter if its French or Italian, it's all comics. We need to forget about these cultural divisions,come together and love one another.

Yeah, yeah, whatever, Sup Forums.

>but im sure you see capefags as casuals so theres that.
Uh, yes? Capeshitters ARE casuals, you literally refuse to read any comic books outside of a very small bubble.

not really, I just don't like them. I do read some from time to time though.

>very small bubble.
I mean, it's a bubble but is it really that small?

you either don't actually recognize that this term has a socially accepted meaning behind it or you never learned it. Casual is someone who does something casually. You thinking cape comics are silly doesn't mean I read them casually.

Are the DC's OGN canon?

No, they're just about always standalone.


this, especially since all I did was ask what BD was. (while of course calling someone a newfag for shitting on pepe. which i suppose was unnecessary.)

I just want to love muh eurobatman.

there are people who think new 52 is canon. I choose to ignore it ever even happened and Rebirth is just some fun spoopy tie in to give them a reason to make it great again.

>not really, I just don't like them
Hmm, I sure do wonder why. I wonder wonder. Do you also like only watching superhero movies?
>I mean, it's a bubble but is it really that small?
Yes? Holy shit, how fucking dense and uninformed are you? Capeshit is a very small genre compared to the rest of comic books, and that's not taking into consideration manga. Jesus H. Christ.

Oh, we'll come together alright, but I'm not sure the judge will quite call it loving one another.

>compared to the rest of comic books
This is where you show your bias, and why I am getting a bit annoyed at your assertion that I'm the casual here. As juvenile as that is.

Why would you compare one subgenre to the overall field instead of the size of every subgenre? Oh, I know I know, because you want arguably the largest subgenre to look smaller than it is.

I never said capeshit was a "small" genre, I said it was a small bubble compared to the rest of comics, which it is. There's far more non-capeshit comics than capeshit ones, this is a fact. Your lack of reading comprehension, no doubt fostered by being raised by superhero comics, won't change that.

Not him, but like all the fucking time? Seriously, just because you don't frequent BD threads doesn't mean people don't use the term. Dumb American.


>I never said capeshit was a "small" genre
I never said you did.

I pointed out the flawed nature in:
>compared to the rest of comic books

to which you, almost comically, answered:
>I said it was a small bubble compared to the rest of comics, which it is. There's far more non-capeshit comics than capeshit ones, this is a fact. Your lack of reading comprehension, no doubt fostered by being raised by superhero comics, won't change that.

if you had any form of reading comprehension you would realize you simply restated the exact thing I refuted. without even attempting to justify it.

so I guess I'll ask again, why are you comparing cape comics to the rest of comics?

You should compare cape comics to romance comics. Cape comics to western comics. Cape comics to comics about fat lesbians with a cat named Maury.

you're reply was so retarded I replied to myself.
here you go faggot:
cause I'm sure you were fiending a (You).

What flavor do you think Jim vapes? I think the most likely is plain old tobacco, but I could see him doing one of the coffee varieties too.

Get a room, you two.

This a beautiful interpretation of Gotham

>you're reply was so retarded I replied to myself.
>American is so dense he can't even do basic orthography and grammar
I think we're done here.

What's the theme of this elseworld? Is this the good guy joker one or the kid that read Batman comics in the real world Batman one?

Neither, you dumb burger.
>every non-canon story has to have a theme or else my tiny brain can't process it

Its not on Elseworld, just a stand alone story.

Nice (((negative three))) numerals there...

>can't just admit he was wrong
>resorts to correcting my grammar

user that just means you can't out-debate someone you think is lesser than you. And that smugness is the exact reason you think capeshit is casual. neglecting the actual meaning of the word casual. and it's the exact reason you think you can just "win" a debate when you've made a stupid point simply based on syntax.

So, in order to prove you're better than me, at the very least you could explain why you would compare a sub-genre's size to the genre? Of course a sub-genre isn't as big as the genre it's part of, the name would imply such. But since you're so well-spoken you should be able to point me to the error in my thinking.

I honestly hate that the blogs picked that title up. It wasn't used for decades and the only reason anyone remembered it was because a few showed up on the typical top ten lists.

now every fucking person has to say "oh shit yeah I love elseworld stuff"every time a one shot or alt U story happens.

The first Elseworld ever wasn't even called that, stop being a pedantic ass.

Oh my dear sweet everything but...

and if that wasn't clear enough *ahem*

Bob Kane doesn't deserve to be remembered.

pretty nice Joker design aside from the eye makeup

>super specific point which really doesn't have to do with or even refute my point
>tells me I'm being pedantic

Batman disappearing behind Gordon will never stop being funny
one of my favorite tropes

>and with this knife we shall butter all the toast in Gotham
>and the The World

wait, whats the difference between a bd and a comic?

Google it you dumb burger

looks like there is no difference it's just faggots being faggots. like they call cape comics cape shit you can call BD frenchshit.

Oh wow, how fucking clever and original. I hope you didn't have to strain that monkey brain of yours too much.