Where are the Namor's villains at?

Where are the Namor's villains at?

>>where's the villians villians at

>Aquaman villain
I'm assuming you're doing that on purpose? Also, fucking Attuma is the main homie

"Captain America is everyone's villain"

- Nick Spencer

How Earth 3 Manta is?

How "good guy Manta" even works?

Everyone is Namor's villain sooner or later

It's pretty easy to get on his bad side

It happens when your only personality trait is "being angry for shit reasons".

The Mr. Rogers of the Seven Seas.

In a graveyard, mostly- Attuma being the exception.

He'd HATE Aquaman so much he'd do his best to destroy him and everything E3Aquaman stands for.
Which would result in a better world, but that's a casual coincidence of White Ray trying to HATE Aquaman so hard to topple his warmongering kingdom in a purely pacific way just to SPITE on E3Aquaman's values.

Fucking really?

Well, what are some good Attuna stories? Will popular demand put him on Marvel vs Capcom?

He's angry for very good reasons, all of the women he fucks are married or related to him. That and the surface worlders are always dumping garbage and sewage in his oceans.

White Ray would also kidnap E3Aquaman's kid and raise him into basically Dudley Do-Right


Come on man, you could have at least tried.

That's what's wrong with this board, no one ever makes an effort anymore.

White Ray would never kidnap, he'd go through the proper channels to legally become Seaking's son's guardian.

Right here senpai.

kidnapping IS the proper channel in E3 Atlantis.

>Come on man, you could have at least tried.
I should have tried? I wasn't the one who named the fishy villain "Tuna".

What are some good Attuna stories, my man?
Will popular demand put him on Marvel vs Capcom?

Namor has a few decent rogues but no one uses them. My favorite's the mad scietist who puts fish dna in him. Namor keeps killing him but his starfish parts let him heal from damn near anything.

Dr. Dorcas went from lame scientist to straight up horror show.

Pretending to be a retard just makes you look like even more of a retard.


Well that's a given because everyone knows that black people can't swim, so they curse the seas and everything that lives in them.

What did I do, my man?

Black Manta made his way into Injustice, right? Can't tuna do the same with MvCI?

Sea King abandoned his son so he can grow and come back to atlantis strong or not come back at all. White ray found him and raise him into a good guy. Sea King disowed his own and now is dead for him

They're wrapped up in the same hell that Namor's rights are in.

Oh, I get it. You're a retard from Sup Forums who thinks console wars are the norm here like they are in your home board. Go on then, have some free (You)s then fuck off.

What the fuck?

I just asked for recommendations about Attuna and if he is popular enough to be on MvCI. Why is this wrong?

I still want to read some badass Attuna stories. Can you recommend me some?

Jesus fuck

No one will take you seriously unless you spell his fucking name right, Sup Forumstard.

Read the early days of Namor, cap, and human torch fucking up nazis


Dr. Docks. He and Attuna make Namor's life very hard.

he killed them all in WWII, except for Attuma who i'm just going to assume is also dead

he effishent

>A-Actually, his rogue gallery sucks just because he killed them all!
Classic move.

reminds me of the guy that said that Namor is one of the most popular comic book characters, but he can't sell a book because "what is popular doesn't sell".

I love this kind of excuses.

Dr. Dorcas is a longtime Namor foe who makes fish mutants, he's the one who made Tigershark what his is now. After Namor nearly killed him he spliced himself with with sea star DNA and turned into that.

You seem to know what you are talking about, boy.

So, tell me, who is the most classic and well-known foe: Dorcas, Attuna or Tigershark? Who is more likely to be in MvCI?

Hardly any of his enemies are dead, since the majority of them are atlanteans. Byrrah, Warlord Krang, attuma, Tigershark, Llyra, most of fathom five, Piranha's dead but he's got a couple hundred clones running around. The only ones actually dead are Okra, Naga, and Destiny, who was the one who left Namor a homeless amnesiac for a few decades.

"Captain America is Sam Wilson"

- Nick Spencer

>Hardly any of his enemies are dead
So the other guy was lying? Why did he do that, I wonder.

So, recommend me some good Attuna/Dr. Dorcas team play. Or some Piranha's and its clones classics.

Where can I see Attuna doing some cool shit like this?

>into a good guy.
Into a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer specifically.

Not even a RCMP-themed hero, but an actual member of the Canadian federal police force.

both are right: Namor generally gets his enemies dead... but being Marvel, they just come back.

Exactly, specifically a Dudley Do-Right\Due South's Benton Fraser type of character. Who manages to keep staying alive and winning.
And unable to swim.


Where is the Attuna rec list, bros? I can hardly wait!

come on guy

You can't even do shitposting right. Atleast put in some effort to be entertaining.

This is the 12 year old equivalent to what he thinks is cool.

Who is cooler: Attuna or me?

What's up with all the Namor shitposting these days? I mean it's obviously just one guy, but what prompted it?

Maybe Namor fucked his waifu at some point.

>what prompted it?
One guy saying that Namor is an incredibly popular A-lister.

Here on /o/, not that long ago. It was when I started these threads mocking the A-lister that can't sell, or doesn't have any good foe, any good story and is actually pretty shallow, even by comic book standards.

I hope the guy appears again.

Jesus, I can't decide if that's pathetic or if I should commend you for dedication to this stupid shit.

Both, if you ask me.

Yeah, I guess that you're right.

What dedication? One thread per month when I'm feeling bored. It takes no effort whatsoever.

If you want to feel bad for someone, feel bad for Namorfags. They're the ones that think that "Namor vs Attuna" is "Watchmen".

Set is one often associated with Namor.