What year was the absolute worst for movies

What year was the absolute worst for movies.

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the year before they existed

Literally nothing.
This year is shit.

probably most of the 90s

like 95-99

Fucking 2016 for Christ sake.

90s were average but in the 4 last year were awful.

2008-2018 in equal measure. Ever since the capeshit era began, there has been absolutely nothing of value produced.

2021 duh faggot

Every year it gets worse and worse, so 2018.

Damn you for being accurate.

The quads have spoken.

Probably 1944 or 1945 since every country was butt fucked by WWII.

t. sullen jaded teen.

Any year in the 70's. complete joke of a decade. There are fewer classic movies in that entire decade than 2007, for instance. Fuck the 70's. And fuck you

t. smug delusional old fag who enjoys shit

>t. sullen jaded teen.

it's always the current year

The last two digits of mah post

whichever year argo won best picture


whatever year gladiator won best picture

shut the fuck up en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_films_of_1999

I hated the retro trend in the late 2000's, like characters wearing implausibly dated glasses, brown suits, look at me I'm so quirky this movie is set in 2006 and I drive a '78 Tercel my TV has no remote control shag carpet everywhere brown couch wall mounted dial phone kind of shit.

2049 will be pure kino...rerelease when


2017, but looks like 2018 will beat it.

Year of our lord 2018, this year.

I too hate the films of Wes Anderson.

Plenty of people willfully lived in the 80s as far as the 10s, some still do probably. Source: my parents

You showed me,to think I enjoy stuff.
So should I just sit in my room and think about how much I hat my parents?

shut up faggot

I'm gonna have to Wikipedia that,I think your wrong,brb.

that post is proof that the first post was a projection