He literally did nothing wrong

He literally did nothing wrong

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How much do you wanna bet that he comes back somehow?

What about all the murders?

>marvel villain
>coming back

killed his qt gf


he won't, marvel will never miss a chance to kill off a good villain

What’s with the cauliflower hair?

Why does he kill her?

everything would have worked out for him if he had stabbed T'challa through the fucking head instead of that gay waterfall shit he did.

She was in the way

klaw was using her as a human shield and he just shoots her and then kills him

So he’s actually a sociopath? How is he sympathetic again?

didn't actually care about her, was just tapping that ass. He wanted Klaw, wasn't concerned about her safety.

His actions would have sparked a worldwide war and most likely resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions. He did plenty wrong.

He defeated T'Challa fair and square

Why tho? We don’t know the specifics of his plan?

>Actually spelling his name "Klaw"


his comment about how the museum stole african culture was wrong

We’re well aware.

He also had the coolest design in the movie, with all those death blisters.

>gets revived by the revival stone when Thanos comes for the mega material whatever

Because he's black.

>self mutilation isn't wrong

Wasn't his goal to basically kill all white people?

Because he got stopped before he could enact his plan.

It;s simple enough. He was sending weapons to arm EVERY downtrodden group to overthrow their oppressors. The inevitable result would be civil war in many countries and sooner or later the nukes would fly.

Simba didn't casually murder his girlfriend so he could murder someone else and parade their corpse in front of his family.

How would Killmonger feel about this?


sorry, *Claw

He was an American appropriating African culture.

Daily reminder that him and general zod fought for their people but apemonger got all the praise because he is a nigger and its a mouse movie

Almost forgot about this shit, also who the FUCK saw that TWEEEEEEEEEEST with Klaue not being the end boss It's been awhile since i've seen Marvel films but Klaw is pretty much supposed to be T-challa's arch hell he was in the animated film they did for fuck sake. youtube.com/watch?v=jogj0_8rw48

So complete genocide including the murder of innocent children..is okay with OP? Is that right?

fuck you m8 I'm not spelling it Klaue

But user he's black.

Except he didn't kill children

>killed his GF who got in the way
>slaughtered dozens of Africans and destabilized African countries as part of his training
>throws T’challa Off a waterfall instead of beheading him like he should have
>endgame was to slaughter whites and their children
>was also going to slaughter anyone who remained loyal to T’challa

Nah he did plenty wrong. His cause was noble in a way but objectively it literally would have been worse than what Hitler did. He also didn’t do it out of love for his people, the movie makes it pretty clear that he only considered his allies as expendable means to an end. it was his own personal revenge fantasy.

Then again, he could have been a hero in many other stories. What he did was no worse than what the rebels in Star Wars were trying to accomplish

>implying Okuni, Shuri, Queen Mother, T'challa's girl wouldn't kill him the 1st unguarded moment he had.

Zod didnt have a dead daddy and a crying scene

Race mixing scum

he did have a crying scene and he didnt have a daddy because he was made in a test tube

Zod did literally nothing wrong. From his perspective all they were doing was bulldozing the woods to build a new community for a nearly extinct race. He also literally had no choice, he was bred to do exactly that, no matter the cost.

Why do you want to be so blatantly ignorant?

Wait was his gf black? So he killed an innocent black woman instead of protecting her?

But user i think your forgetting something very important that makes everything he does ok. He's black.

>wanted to genocide the white race

> who is loki

Could he have just terrafromed Mars?

He’d call Luke a race traitor kek

What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?

>Magical Demigod
no shit

>fucking normal human





He was going to kill billions of whites...

>implying they won’t revive him somehow

you didn't say anything about human villains just villains in general

user i think your forgetting something very important and its that he is black.

And how many times are you going to bring up this fact?

>death obsessed


user i think your forgetting something very important. He's black.


He said they'd have to kill the children of his enemies too, user.

>great villain
>getting revived

Calm down user after all this is a flim about family.

And what if I don’t want to calm down? What will you do about it? Huh?

You don't wipe out a sapient species just so a slightly more advanced species can move in. He was ready to murder billions to benefit the few survivors of krypton when he could easily have used the World Engine to terraform Venus or Mars. In attempting to terraform Earth he put the future of his entire species at risk. Zod did PLENTY wrong.

>Villains need to be sympathetic

Was there ever a worse trend in pop-culture than this?

Marvel's Black panther? more like Marvel's Uncle Tom.

People unironically discussing this movie should be hanged


It’s more that people keep saying he’s a sympathetic villain

Oh fug, that'd actually be awesome.

Well user if that how its going to be i just you want to remember something very important. He's black he didn't do nothin.

>normal human
Are we forgetting that he had the heart shaped herb in him at the time? The same one that healed T’challas Mortal wounds? Even after taking that spear to the heart he was still able to have a full conversation before pulling it out and seemingly dying. Considering he is in the one nation on earth that would be able to heal him from that, I wouldn’t be surprised if black panther went against his wishes and healed him up anyways and put him on ice.

He could also come back in whatever reboot of the MCU happens after infinity war. Rumors say time travel or alternate universes will be used somehow thanks to thanos fucking with reality. Killmonger May very well return

People unironically Sup Forums posting should be burned on the stake.

user i think you forgot that this is a film about family.

>T'challa has the perfect chance to mention that maybe if they werent both living in the past sins of their fathers lives that they could have been brothers in a different life
>Marvel decides to end it with some racially charged bombshell quote instead
I just don't know anymore

Kill whitey muhfugga, black communism now

No u

She was a nigger lover


>Can live on Earth as superhuman gods.
>Naw, fuck that, let's give ourselves weaknesses

At least say something that makes sense

Killmonger had charisma and presence.

Zod yelled autistic exposition the whole movie.

Do you guys think he ever fucked white girls?

The white man made him do it.

His costume is literally Black Vegeta with Military pants

Wouldn’t be surprised if that was on purpose




no it's not retard, the film is explicitly about the world working together

"A great ruler build bridges a foolish one builds barriers"

If anything the film tells you your family can fuck up too, every top 10 anime betrayal in the film was done by family members

>Could he have just terrafromed Mars?

It’s hard to believe he basically lives the NEET lifestyle, he likes anime, lives with his parents

You mother fucker can't unsee

>Killmonger had charisma and presence.

>went to MIT
>looks Like every other WOKE black man in college that white girls lust after
He undoubtedly BLACKED dozens of white women

So who was the great ruler in this case?


Don't call CIA agent Ross that he could've killed every Jibani tribe member in that room if he had the proper clearance

Pointing out plot holes makes me a brainlet i think you need to remember something very important and thats is he's black.