About damn time they got rid of Captain Fascist and brought the real Cap back

About damn time they got rid of Captain Fascist and brought the real Cap back.

Wish he hadn't given away his shield though. Didn't even let him be part of the group shot at the end.

Far too late.

it was lazy as shit ending

Fuck all these updated suits. Keep Cap in his classics, it just looks amazing.

Naturally, the SJW heroes needed a white guy to come save them. How introspective.

You made this butthurt post before, cumskin.

Can we at least be glad that it's over for the most part? And preferably never speak of this event again.

>We're not gonna just use the cube to correct everything and bring Cap back.

>OG Nick Fury didn't come in to save the day

Does this read better after reading Civil War 2 and the two Captain America ongoings?

>He's not even on the victory page at the end

Someone says that every event, then we still get more garbage

it doesn't end in a 7 page ad for upcoming events

Why the FUCK would you want to read this or CW2?

let's be fair, this is still better than a character just vomiting up the mcguffin the heroes need purely because they needed it, not because it's part of his physiology or he swallowed it for safe keeping, his power is if the heroes need something to beat the bad guys, he can just spit it up maybe because Disney wouldn't let Marvel yank it out of his ass

Secret empire is so horrify cliche.

It's even worse than the ending of the manga Fairy Tail. At least that one had tits.

Real cap is hydra cap. The other is cap idealized. Uncle sam'd.

What happened?

It's not over. We still have more Generations garbage and then Cavengers shit. After that who knows what Marvel will pull out of their ass next. Maybe another twitter war.

>At least that one had tits.
Go on.

Never read that. What makes the ending terrible?

A cosmic cube that was a little girl turned Captain America into a nazi but then she brought back not-nazi Cap so he could beat up nazi Cap and then she undid all the nazi things nazi Cap did except Las Vegas was still destroyed

but they didn't, anything that happened before SE#10 still happened. Kubik only corrected the part where Hydra Cap used the cube to alter history.

oh boy

Hey it's that racist black dude who does nothing but be racist first.

What's it like creating your own problema via stupidity?

Sam gave Steve their cube fragment, but Bucky and Ant-Man were shrunk down inside it and talked to Kobik, the little girl persona of the cube from [one of the recent events]. Once she merged with the rest of Steve's cube portion, she brought real Steve back to fight the Hydra Steve she had earlier been convinced to summon forth. The Steves fight while Kobik returns the world to a ruined normalcy, Mjolnir changes inscriptions and real Steve uses it to beat up Hydra Steve.

think of the worst ending you can imagine

then dial it back a lot because they weren't nearly that creative

black guys can't be racist white boy

Definitely far better after Standoff and the two Cap ongoings. But the ending is far more disappointing if you read Steve Rogers, that built HydraCap up as a fantastic character with a noble goal but a flawed ideology, arguably no different than regular Cap in that regard.

Then after all the character development that went on in SE it ends with the heroes winning by punching HydraCap really hard until he gives up. I can't imagine this was the ending Spencer had in mind because it goes against not only everything he's been building HydraCap as in his own book but in SE itself.

A better ending would have been HydraCap singlehandedly trouncing the heroes and getting his dream, only to find that the moral sacrifices and corrupt people are still there and deciding to put the world back as it was before.

Why were the more overpowered heroes scared of this Cap anyway?

Would have not been too hard for Namor or Thor to kill him. But he kept staring them down over and over again.

Captain America stared down fucking Thanos. In-universe he's probably the single most respected man on Earth. His utter devotion to righteousness is acknowledged by every hero and villain.

When you have a man of that much conviction now focusing that laser intensity on taking you down, that's frightening, especially so when he controls the most powerful military in the world, now even more powerful with the addition of Hydra forces and fanatics, and numerous highly powerful villains at his side. You don't want to do anything to embolden such a man, especially with most of the superheroes who could help you trapped in space, trapped in the dark dimension, or forced into hiding.

You know gang/mob bosses don't get to be where they are by being the toughest guy in the room. They get there by being the smartest and most confident.

And Namor can still slap him across three counties anytime he wants.

And that would be a bad idea to do to someone with the military power to raze his entire kingdom.


It's like you're trying to sound like a samefag

>In-universe he's probably the single most respected man on Earth.
Doctor Doom was defeated in the original Secret Wars because he simply could not believe that Captain America could die.

are we ever getting the real cap back aka Hydra Cap or will the new idealized Cap created by Kobik be the one Marvel will using now?

What the fuck happened with Hydra Steve?

Also, isn't real Steve on a copy of his body and not the original?

I wish Superman had this respect and status on the DCU.

The only way to restore the real Captain America would be to remove the false memories, restore the real memories and then put him on trial for genocide. The new Cap is a replica created by the Cosmic Cube and will therefore never be legitimate.


He's had his moments but chalk it up to him being seen as overpowered and unrelatable.

That and Batman hogs the spotlight half of the time, if not more.

He's locked up in limbo until 2 years from now when we bring him back as the All New Grand Director to fight Falcon and the Patriot in some new storyarc in their book

that's so sad, why couldn't marvel use the cosmic cube to undue everything, would be a lousy story but an easy out.

instead they leave Hydra Cap to be jailed and Las Vegas destroyed.

But Hydra Cap is real Cap. New one is a fake copy created from memories.

Sups is basically more of a plot device than a character now.

where did i say Hydra Cap wasn't real cap?

I like how Leftists and their pet blacks think they can change the dictionary. It truly speaks to their immaturity.

You're both insane if you think Superman doesn't have this exact same type of clout in the DC world, except times a thousand. I mean, this is basically Forever Evil Supes.

And you need to stop with the Batman meme. You have no idea how much damage it's doing when the writers keep trying to nerf Batman to the backburner to combat the prevelance of this meme (and the people who say it largely don't even read his series'). He can hardly do anything by himself now.

This chart is stupid. You should just lump Brick Throwing together with Cop Killing and kill two pigs with one stone.

Then you missed the point of the event. How many times did someone say "we deserve this?" That it was the older generation's fault? The point was to set up the new characters.

For the final fight he had Stark armor powered by a 90% complete Cosmic Cube.

He does.

Can this meme die already?

Idealized cap is your new real cap. He is born of Steve old removed memories.

What fucking planet are you on where Batman isn't being spammed at a laughable quantity?

Don't you know that every person reading comics witnessed both their parents randomly killed by muggers, were raised as orphans, inherited a multi-billion dollar international corporation with secret R&D departments that build weapons and engines of war for them to wage a one man onslaught on petty crime?

The heroes overcome impossible odds by the power of friendship, love and resolution.

Literally, screaming "my friends are waiting for me in this world we know and love!" to power up and beat a being hyped to be omnipotent and unbeatable for hundred of chapters.

Are we sure this is the real Captain America? I mean this could be an astral projection from that little girl.

Just like the current Magneto is an magical construct created by Wanda. The real Magneto has been dead since New X-Men #150.

The one where he's been fucking up, losing, and getting his ass kicked procedurally every arc since Death of the Family, maybe even Court of Owls.

Batman is a punching bag these days for everybody to strike back against his gary-stu image. All his writers keep trying to have it both ways where characters both respect Batman's ideas, but look down on him for his methods (Kate, her dad, Stephanie, Harper, and that's just in Tec). And i mean LOOK DOWN, straight up think they're superior, whereas in the past characters at least valued him as a solo vigilante. Now all the writers are trying to be so fucking meta by constantly placing the consequences of all his villains' actions at Bruce's feet, trying to make the comics play by both real-world logic AND comic logic.

Then you have his "offspring" the rest of the the Batfamily, who are all written as being resentful for being under his shadow. Babs doesn't acknowledge him, Jason disowned him as a father, Damian's being written by an asshole who is demolishing his relationship with Bruce. Dick and Alfred are the only characters in the Batfamily who don't seem like they resent Batman.

You could say the same about Hydra Cap. She created him from the ground up and changed history to make him fit into our world.

So...instead of undoing the brainwash on the real Steve, Kobik tuned her own memory of Steve into flesh? That leaves some disturbing questions behind, like: Is he actually human? How much of the real Steve was Kobik able to replicate? Does this memory->flesh Steve even remember/know everything the old Steve does? Also, what the fuck?

From what was actually established in Standoff and Captain America: Steve Rogers, HydraCap should be the "real" Cap just with his history altered (which has happened to both Cap and Falcon before) and this Cap should just be Kobik's memories of the "original" Cap.

Which contributes to my theory that this is an asspull at the last second in order to tie into Legacy and make Marvel look good for going "look guys it's the status quo, aren't we just like DC now". It makes no sense with how the plot has been building up and contradicts what we already know.

No, Captain Hydra was the fake. It wasn't just altered memories, it was altered history. Kubik restored the old timeline, meaning this is the real Cap again.


Every character is now a copy if you really think about it. Steve's basically Uncle Sam/saga of the swamp thing'd.

>Steve is now uncle Sam

That's actualy cool.

Based on what was said, it seems like this new Steve has all the memories of the original timeline up until he was fighting Crossbones in Pleasant Hill, back when he was old Cap and was trying to save Kobik, who at the time I think all he knew of her was that she was a little girl with powers.

It's likely this new Cap will have some questions, mainly what happened to Tony and the events that occurred during CW2.

Steve was never brainwashed. Kobik literally replaced him with one who experience an alternate history.
The Steve remnant was the one who got replaced


Maybe its about time Leftists stop taking out their irrational hatred of America out on Captain America? It's not even getting old, it's gotten ancient and cliched.

Good cap says he doesn't know who is real. Ko is call him a memory.

Stevens memories became idealized. Steve basically is a walking symbol now in every sense of that word.

Sure is nice to see Marvel comics encouraging fighting and violence in the streets.

>Remeber that time the champions said no punching down and then attacked a town of normal peiple?

But they were white, so it wasn't punching down

We can assume that he's a perfect recreation of Reed's perfection recreation of Captain America.

Sises neg destroyed the real marvel universe in 1974.

Literally show me the last time Superman was inspiring as a figure in the larger DCU. Not in his solo series.

Probably Infinite Crisis back in... 2006. And that would be pushing it.

Why should he be? Everything that happened was Cap's fault.


>A better ending would have been HydraCap singlehandedly trouncing the heroes and getting his dream, only to find that the moral sacrifices and corrupt people are still there and deciding to put the world back as it was before.
Pretty good and a lot better than what D&C spewed in his video about how he would end it.

same t b h

From what I understand it's basically One Piece but with wizards, weaker writing, and character designs more easy to spank the monkey to.

Nope. If that were the case Las Vegas would have been restored and Black Widow and Rick Jones would be alive.

Final Crisis off the top of my head.

You mean, a copy of real Cap based on someone else's memories.

Sure sounds like real Cap. Yep.

lol who cares?

>Doctor Doom was defeated in the original Secret Wars because he simply could not believe that Captain America could die.

Captain America sounds like a terrible character

But he does. In universe Superman is the most respected hero by far. If you think it's Batman you're wrong. Half the other heroes don't much like the Batman, Green Lanterns especially

as someone who enjoyed secret empire somewhat, that ending was such a joke

Well, Tumblr thought it was insensitive and had to end fast.

To be fair, D&C didn't read either of those books because he hates Nick Spenser and knew damn well he'd end with this kind of bullshit.

Thank you for giving me a reason to go in that terribly old folder of mine for once

That's what's legacy is

let the colors fly again

According to Deadpool's issue he was taken into custody. We'll probably know for sure what happens with him in Omega.

As for the body, who knows? Was Captain Hydra ever in Steve's body or was Cap's original body warped out of existence when Kobik made Captain Hydra and brought back here? God knows Spencer will never explain that

This is the most recent i can think of at least until doomsday clock
Ya I know futures and was shitty

Shame. The fake is back again.