What are some kinos about life in New York City. Im moving soon

What are some kinos about life in New York City. Im moving soon

Home Alone 2



Escape from New York

NY kino

watching elf used to make me want to move to nyc

Planet of apes

Lotta Scorcese especially Taxi Driver

the french connection

best movie ever, best sex in movies
the 90s fucking sucked dick if you were a white boy living in cities before the last of the white people left for the suburbs !!!

Do y'all have your apocalypse bunkers ready for when the apocalypse starts in a few hours when all timezones becomes February 23, 2018?

Any Woody Allen films about New York. The only thing that man wants to fuck more than 8 year old girls is the city of New York

tell me more

Sam Raimi's Spider-Man

synecdoche new york


underrated post

American Psycho. Legitimately everyone in Manhattan is larping as characters from that movie.

Frances Ha

gangs of new york hell yah

Spiderman 2

tell me more, did she put up a fight


Many classics aside, The Wackness had it's moments desu