/rlg/ - Reylo General Thread

Knights of Ren Edition

Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (TBA)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 27th?)
>TLJ Novelization (March/SOON)
>More Reylo merchandising
>The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in May
>Expected days left for reconciliation ~ ???

Based content from Footnotes user (highly recommended (not only for FanFicFans)) :

Some links:
Some Reylo quotes from directors and co. : imgur.com/a/cLeu7
Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic): vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/
Rian ultimately confirms Reylo to a fan: instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/

Short videos:

Long videos:

Thread archive: archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/subject/reylo/
Previous thread: ???

Other urls found in this thread:

tumblr.com/search/Reylo Sup

kindly fuck off from this board


no u

take this faggot shit to tumblr



Cun bot if you can hear me please help us deal with reylo

Mods this shit is literally waifu shitposting. You need to do something about this cancer, it doesn't belong here and is against your own rules. Even if it wasn't the movie came out months ago, it's time to shut this shit down.


I will vocaroo this entire thread.
Go on, make my day.

you're not welcome here


fpbp? fpbp!

fucking nigger thread for dumb nigger jewish kikes fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK





>"I definitely have a strong sense of my Jewish and Israeli identity. I did my two year military service, I was brought up in a very Jewish, Israeli family environment, so of course my heritage is very important to me. I want people to have a good impression of Israel. I don't feel like I'm an ambassador for my country, but I do talk about Israel a lot - I enjoy telling people about where I come from and my religion."

>Gal Gadot won the Miss Israel title in 2004, and represented Israel at the 2004 Miss Universe beauty pageant.

>She and her husband Hymie welcomed their first child, a daughter named Shloma Finklebaum Weintraub Goldstein, in November 2011.


Kylo Wren parted Rey’s labia, revealing her testicles.

Is this the push we need to get rid of the cancer?

Have we started the fire, lads?


Sup Forums to the fucking rescue, get fucked reylo cunts

Vocaroo some farts for us too if you're a woman. I'll even post the BRAAAPs for you



these threads are shit
kill yourselves

for real



Based user





reylo general:the other guy


this. mods you faggots do your job


natalie best waifu


>Alpha Ben
>Virgin Kylo

This is the purest shit on Sup Forums. It's especially good because of how many of you newfag plebbitors are assblasted about it. The best most satisfying general on all of/tv/.

More like Alpha Kylo/Virgin Ben. No alpha male would look so puppy-eyed as Ben looked during the Force Bond scenes with Rey. You could see he was forcing himself to be Kylo in the early Force Bonds but it all came crashing down in the last Force Bonds. The dude is frontin'

What's the significance of the red/white color symbolism throughout TLJ? Probably about Kylo's (dark) passion and his slaughters as Kylo Ren vs. Ben's pure soul. Crait is turned from white pure world into red bloody-looking hellhole.

the symbolism lies in white representing the director's inclination for cuckoldry and bondage, while red means his disappointment and suffering his fetish has brought him over the years. Really makes you think.

>>mweerden.tumblr.com/post/169053981754/well-well-well-the-fanboys-on-Sup Forums-have-seen-the
>Thanks to our Sup Forums double agent buddy @byzantinefox for linking me

Also, I'll add that the dominant color for IX will be purple (colors of Kylo's and Rey's sabres combined) symbolizing either the balance of the force or their final clash. Though, I dont think theyll fight again.

Also, I'll add that the dominant color for IX will be purple (colors of Kylo's and Rey's sabres combined) symbolizing either the finn's favorite drink flavor of the force or their final thread Though, I dont think theyll make another thread again

Reminder before I go to bed: this is official art

I feel like the series can't end happy. Like it'll be a starcrossed lovers thing where they die in the end

John, you have no idea the Hell you have unleashed.

I hadn't seen this before

With Han's death at the beginning of the trilogy, it'd just be way too dark to have his son, the last Skywalker, die in the end or remain evil. Much too dark for this trilogy, anyway. It isn't EU tiers or dark, however, where only 1 Solo kid out of 3 makes it out alive.

Even there the bloodline still continues. Here if this dood dies, 40 years of cinema history dies with him in tragedy.

Its the romance of our generation, ofc its pure. Everything is against them, onscreen and off.

>Ben's pure soul
Ben and Kylo Ren are the same person. Ben's soul is every bit as "impure" as Kylo Ren's. Kylo Ren is just a persona, a shield Ben puts on to protect himself.

Basically all the Reylo there is within the film is that they get close due to abandonment for a little, til they once again split on their path of what they think is right. The only thing that could be a logical next step to the Reylo plot is Rey gets Kylo to change and be more forgiving of the Snedi. The thing that even normal viewers like us hated about TFA is that it Chucked out the Reylo plot as much as it did at the end by making Rey abandoning the feed store nigh-impossible now. It could've been interesting, but they reduced a very genuine moment of seeds to just more of the same.

Why hasn't anyone done anything lewd with these models?

Because no one competent cares.

why haven't you killed yourself tumblr rat?


Why so upset?

the pedo jannie accepting underage nudes to keep this thread up reminds me what kind of sick world we live in.

I don't know whos more pathetic, the tumblr girls discussing a fictional romance for 2 months or the faggot whos constantly butthurt about it and tries to shut it down.

that's because 90's born queers like you have been taught to accept faggot shit as normal.

The faggot. Obviously. The only thing he'll amount to is enriching the list of those who tried and got BTFO.

tumblr.com/search/Reylo Sup Forums

I don't mind it, the threads are comfy as fuck

>mweerden.tumblr.com/post/169053981754/well-well-well-the-fanboys-on-Sup Forums-have-seen-the
>Thanks to our Sup Forums double agent buddy @byzantinefox for linking me,

>jannies warning for shitposting in a tumblr thread

take your faggotry to something else.

>latest post is from 2 months ago
Literally nothing.

he's keeping it alive so he can keep collecting nudes.

>2 months ago
isn't that when you holes and homos started flooding in?

I've been here since July 2008. What about you?

Is that the faggot who always posts in broken English or the rule breaking mod collecting nudes?

>tumblr generals
>most heavily moderated and protected threads
>threads are being shared around tumblr

So it looks like they've infiltrated the moderation team. Sup Forums is truly done.

i fapped to this, i feel dirty sharing this.

This has been up for a long while now.

This is the greatest one take OC this shitty thread will ever produce

the fire rises brothers.

include me in the screencap

I really enjoyed having posts read back to me.

For the previous thread number just use the archive

go back to tumblr cunt

I dont get how even TLJ haters cannot appreciate Kylo and Rey as a couple. To me film is weak but those together on screen saved it and hope Ep 9 has more scenes of them together.

Sup Forums doesn't want a bunch of tumblr moles having a permanent general to discuss a twilight tier romance that doesn't even exist yet.

Its like one guy who gets btfo by everyone, every day ( just look into his /qa/ anti reylo whine thread, full of loli posts kek)

user, I've been shipping things you wouldn't believe before you could even speak.
It's a pathetic romance, from two pathetic characters, played by two pathetic actors.

reylo cucks have never btfo anyone, you can't even defend the existence of this tumblr shipping general, your pedo mod buddy can't help you now.

>user, I've been shipping things you wouldn't believe before you could even speak.

Ohh a weirdo, discards reylo Im not surprised

He came with /got/


just stop posting faggot

Have you ever considered you might just have shit taste?

>recycled star wars
>good taste
pick one

Have you?
Feel free to check google trends and see how irrelevant you are.

Its literally the biggest ship/storyline right now (on plebbit,twitter,JCF,tumblr etc.)

You deny how great they were on screen together?