Where did it all go wrong?

Where did it all go wrong?

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Heat is overrated as fuck and it's only so popular for it's shootout scenes and the bullshit masculinity that men jerk their dicks to because they wanna be like the main characters.


nah man

accepting Waingro. He wasn't needed, at all, for the first heist. Imagine photoshopping him out of the equation and everything would have panned out as they had planned.

They needed a four man team. He was needed. Trejo makes five but he wasn't on scene.

are you a girl?


Trejo was driving with a radio, feeding them info about the armored truck's location. Tom Sizemore's character drove the semi into the parked armored truck while De Niro and Kilmer were in the ambulance. Waingro did nothing of value. He wasn't needed at all.

When I watched it the other night I found it jarring how easily de niro just runs around the airport runway as does all Pacino without any security on their asses.

Truly a different time.

Im still not sire if Pacino is a mediocre actor though or just insane with all that unhinged shouting and over the top facial expressions.

What the fuck is wrong with everyone's reading comprehension tonight? You just told me information I already fucking know. Trejo wasn't on scene, yeah, I know. I wasn't going to get into detail way. And I said the job needed four men to take down an armored truck and possible police on the scene. You saying Waingro wasn't needed without saying why is stupid. The job was for four men, three would be reckless and stupid.

Hanna was a coke head. It was pretty easy to get.

exactly there. im pretty sure mann wanted to add some ambient light to that scene to give it an aesthetic... possibly some thick orange sodium light and cuck autist who ran the airport would not let him do it.

t. avionics engineer

>Mann has gone down the digital rabbithole and wont escape
>De Niro got old and works just to satisfy a spendaholic wife
>Pacino's hair become considerably uncontrollable it now dictates his performances as ridiculously over the top
just cherish this film was made, user.

Point out how Waingro is needed. You have one man keeping an eye on the guards, one guy keeping an eye on the street, and one guy getting the bonds. Trejo could have easily parked after they flipped the truck and taken the place of Waingro.

There was absolutely no need to include a 5th man except to fuel the plot.

I just pointed it out. They're attacking a heavily armored car to steal bonds worth millions. There were other valuables as well with heavy resistance possible. They needed an extra fourth man with an assault rifle to keep watch, help out, and to be there on the scene while one man goes into the truck to find the bond. Three men outside holding all three guards up. Someone keeping an eye on the road, one will throw down spikes, and one will drive the ambulance. Why do you think some military movies have a group of soldiers? Not all are doing something important while others are. In other terms, it's the force of numbers.

Just stop being a fucking idiot.

>They needed an extra fourth man with an assault rifle to keep watch, help out, and to be there on the scene while one man goes into the truck to find the bond.
so they recruit some unknown fuck into their tightly knit group instead of having Trejo take his place. your mental gymnastics are a sight to behold.

trejo was a mexican, they were probably worried he'd fall asleep on the wheel.


Okay, I get it, you don't like the film. But pointing this out, out of all things, is stupid. Point out how the homeless man heard "slick". Then tell me how the black dude Hanna knows has a brother that was in prison with this same guy that robbed the truck just days prior? Those are plot holes you can bring up that are stupid. Yet you are so stuck on "b-but why did they need a fourth man on a dangerous job to knock down an armor truck?!?". Yeah they got an unknown man but someone obviously vouched for him. They didn't find him on the street and asked him. You fucking retard. You absolute fucking idiot. Wasting my time with your idiotic thinking. You really are fucking stupid. INB4 "YOU MAD?", no, just impatient of talking to you like a child.

>Okay, I get it, you don't like the film
nice strawman. I love the movie but they didn't have to recruit Waingro. Sorry you can't comprehend this.

I can comprehend it, and have shown you why he was needed. I simply stated before, the force of numbers. Why go in with three men on such a crucial job, when you need four? It really is like I'm talking to an absolute moron right now. So I'm leaving, later, alligator. Next time you watch a war film keep wondering why they needed that many people at all times on recon missions.

and now you're moving the goalposts. hopefully while you're away from this thread you have a moment to calm down and come to terms with the fact that I'm right.

No a chance, fancy pants. It amazing how you can't see why more men on a job the better. And I'm not talking about having 20 for that specific heist. But having three would be reckless for that group to think was okay. Stick to Marvel movies you fucking pleb :^) the mouse needs your shekles.

>So I'm leaving, later, alligator.
what a pathetic hothead, can't even leave right.

They needed 4 men. They had 4 men. They didn't need Waingro. Trejo could have taken Waingros place but you're too petty and stubborn to admit that I'm right. Don't lose too much sleep tonight over getting destroyed on Sup Forums.