There was a thread yesterday about the "best movies of the 2010s" poll or something...

There was a thread yesterday about the "best movies of the 2010s" poll or something. It was purely hollywood films and blockbusters.

So I got to thinking, what are the actual non-pleb best films of the 2010s? This is what I ended up with, given that I haven't really watched much recent stuff. Is there any other actually good films that I've missed?

The tree of life
The social network
Phantom thread
Moonrise kingdom
+1 for great beauty and a separation


>upstream color
>no Tree of Life
Fuck off tastelet

You can’t just throw good films onto the list, they need to be truly great. That the 2010s haven’t produced many great works of cinema is no excuse for putting in slightly above average stuff to fill the ranks. Pleb.

Under the Skin
The Hunt
The Handmaiden

Definitely not Handmaiden—laughable, immature film. Stylish but still a true waste of potential.


No use asking on Sup Forums. Everything is for plebs here.

Here's what I have so far

>The Master
Found the pseud.

Jesus FUCKING Christ this is embarrassing

go to bed Stuckmann

>this guy


Just stop


Pic related

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives is the second best

These are definitely two kinos. What do you think of The Act of Killing, would you include?


for me

Nice mix of kino and total garbage you got there

>tree of life posters

Malicks best film is badlands.

Song of the Sea

how many cocks did you suck while making that list?


The only ones I would keep out of this are Master and Upstream.

It’s one of his best but Tree of Life is easily the best post 2009 film

Unironically consider suicide
>b-but it was bait
Unironically consider suicide

a ukrainian film called The Tribe(Plemya). Apart from the stupid fight scene which looks awful, the movie is really good. Not a written or a spoken word throughout, it seems to borrow a lot from the romanian new wave look, but it takes it one step further and makes Mungiu's 3,2,1 look like child's play.

I've never seen anyone talk about it, and it is a real shame.

Take Shelter was really fucking good


Carol was the most inauthentic, boring and empty fucking film I've ever watched.

"Greenberg" (Noah Baumbach, 2010)

"Putty Hill" (Matthew Porterfield, 2010)

"Tiny Furniture" (Lena Dunham, 2010)

"Mumblecore" (Megan Boyle & Tao Lin, 2011)

"Margaret" (Kenneth Lonergan, 2011)

"Policeman" (Nadav Lapid, 2011)

"A Burning Hot Summer" (Philippe Garrel, 2011)

"Vampire" (Shunji Iwai, 2011)

"The Comedy" (Rick Alverson, 2012)

"Frances Ha" (Noah Baumbach, 2012)

"Marriage Material" (Joe Swanberg, 2012)

"To the Wonder" (Terrence Malick, 2012)

"Toad Road" (Jason Banker, 2012)

"The Tale of the Princess Kaguya" (Isao Takahata, 2013)

"Magic Magic" (Sebastian Silva, 2013)

"The Immigrant" (James Gray, 2013)

"Norte, the End of History" (Lav Diaz, 2013)

"Mr. Turner" (Mike Leigh, 2014)

"Welcome to New York" (Abel Ferrara, 2014)

"Queen of Earth" (Alex Ross Perry, 2015)

"Right Now, Wrong Then" (Sangsoo Hong, 2015)

"Little Forest" (Junichi Mori, 2015)

"The Treasure" (Corneliu Porumboiu, 2015)

"Journey to the Shore" (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2015)

"Certain Women" (Kelly Reichardt, 2016)

"A Bride for Rip Van Winkle" (Shunji Iwai, 2016)

"Destruction Babies" (Tetsuya Mariko, 2016)

"Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" (Ang Lee, 2016)

"Night Is Short, Walk on Girl" (Masaaki Yuasa, 2017)

"Brawl in Cell Block 99" (S. Craig Zahler, 2017)

Beyond the Black Rainbow
Mad Max: Fury Road
Under The Skin
Only God Forgives
Blade Runner 2049
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Her/The Master

Only some of many, but Beyond the Black Rainbow is by far the most underrated kino of the 2010s

It was my first Shannonkino

>the great beauty
List and opinion completely disregarded. What Sorrentino does with The Great Beauty is to product a mere imitation of the far greater classics it pays respect to, namely La Notte, 8 1/2, and La Dolce Vita. His other film, Youth, can also be seen as refutation of 8 1/2, which begs the question where someone in his position gets the audacity to do so. Sorrentino's got his own distinct style, but he'll never be able to reinvent the films he so idolizes (and despises). And the CGI in his films he so eagerly misuses (e.g. the flamingos) is out of place and terrible, and has aged and will age poorly. Meanwhile, 6-decade old film stock can be blown up to +8k. The Consequences of Love is his only decent film.

This is exactly the same as the shitfest list yesterday trade beyond the black rainbow for some other medicore movie held up as "underrated kino"

Nice bait.

More like Netflix hipsters best movies of the 2010's

>cemetery of splendor
>knight of cups
>post tenebras lux
>certified copy
>sleep has her house
>uncle boonmee who can recall his past lives
>russian ark
>hard to be a god

Seconding this

I want to believe this is bait but Sup Forums has gotten so bad recently i just don't know anymore.

>Stanford Prison Experiment
Somebody else actually saw that?

Stations of the Cross fucked me up, it's one of 3 movies where I got misty eyes. I just want to protect that poor girl and give her a loving home. It was made so much worse by the fact that she looks just like my cousin.

You can't be in a thread about top 2010s movies and be angry that the widely liked ones are there

I know they're popular, but imo the only good movies on that list are under the skin and the master, maybe only god forgives


>uncle boonmee tied for most votes
damn didn't see that coming

>Holy Motors
Nah. You can take that shit off.

That film hits me hard because I grew up in Nebraska in a town just like the one the spend most of their time in.

>mfw haven't gone to my hometown in 7 years

Pretty poor decade for film, decent decade for documentaries though.

>>mfw haven't gone to my hometown in 7 years
In the movie those towns look like hell on earth

>decent decade for documentaries though.
Which ones would you recommend

Neon Demon and The Witch were also great.
For understated comedy, I’d also give a nod to The Grand Seduction.


I know it's a meme but Drive is still a 10/10 film and unironically one of the best films of the 2010s

>not having Drive in your top 10


all of those movies you listed except for the great beauty and upstream colour are not that great. you're just picking them for the sake of picking them because you think theyre somewhat obscure, faggot

>any of those movies
Holy mother of PLEBS

A Bride for Rip Van Winkle
Blue Ruin

The worlds most plebeian answer or argument is to dismiss other peoples opinions/taste as done so only to be obscure or hipster or contrarian.

Holy Motors
Hard to Be a God
Oslo, August 31st
Wild Tales
The Imposter

Punch Drunk Love and There Will Be Blood are both better than The Master.

And both of those are not from the 2010s

This image took twelve years to compile!

Seen it in cinema. That shoelace-aided abortion was fucking rough

What do you think of this, lads?



Only Lovers Left Alive
Most Wanted Man
127 hrs
Raid 2
In Bruges