There has never been anything like it

Nor shall there ever be again.. The MCU will live forever as legendary. No other "cinematic universe" will ever come close.

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I don't know who 80% of these lads are

Wasp isn't going to be in infinity war though

The fact that all of the MCU films have been well received for the most part and financially successful is incredible. I don’t know where or if they can continue with their success after Infinity War but we’ll have to wait and see. Maybe the Fantastic 4 and X-Men can keep it going and they can build up to Galactus in 2028.

This looks like a parody movie poster

Looks fan made

Is Groot there somewhere?

>we need to copy that Justice League poster, but with little effort and shove in all the cast

>get me a cinematic universe but make it kino
>I know just the movie

Hey Zack. Loved

Why hasn't there been another successful movie franchise since MCU came along? Transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean and X-Men don't count since they were before 07. I wonder if there is some fuckery going on with Disney bullying other studios to purposefully make bad adaptations so they look better by comparison.

she confirmed she will be in it

That's the amount of people we should have seen in Civil War.

Looks like they're slowly shifting from family friendly to R rated like Deadpool and Venom. Makes sense as the only people that watch Marvel movies are 30 year old neckbeards anyway. Ive basically checked out from Marvel movies since i saw Ant Man.

There has never been anything like it..

Nor shall there ever be again.. McDonald's will live forever as legendary. No other "restaurant" will ever come close.

But House of Dracula was released in 1945.

the star wars of the current generation

Star Wars is the Star Wars of the current generation. Reminder even when a Star Wars film underperforms it still does about 500m more at the BO than MCU.

5 seconds of each character in a cgi shot fight

WOW im so excited

I can remember the plot of like 3 of those movies.

most are not even trying to do new things

at least in a superficial way with MCU you get a different flavor of capeshit every time they release a new product.

>Black Panter, a literal "who" movie, beats TLJ opening weekend
Star Wars is in a lot of trouble, user

it didnt, tlj has 220 mil black panther had 202 mil

So they're putting Memelord in the new movie huh?


one of the three blacks got solo movie before big finale

looks like a shitty fightan game

>BP: $241.96 million in North America
>TLJ: $241.6 million

Why is Star Wars being beaten by a solo black superhero movie?
Stop lying, Kathleen.

International gross for TLJ was much much higher.

Black Panther had a bigger monday than TFA because it was president's day.
I couldnt give two shits about star wars boi. If black panther makes 600 million dollars domestic like TLJ, that would make it bigger than the avengers and the dark knight. We will be flooded by Sup Forums tears if that happens

looked into out of curiousity, and there's some really weird shit.

Why in the world does South Korea love BP so much (25 million for BP), while hating Star Wars so much (5 million for TLJ)? What does it take to make Asians give a shit about Star Wars?

a big portion of black panther is set in korea
and marvel is big in korea anyway

So it is a weaker version of reddit player one?

>and marvel is big in korea anyway
didn't realize they had that big a presence over there

NuWars is pure shit I would see BP 6 times before TLJ

BP hasn't even been released in China and is not even 2 weeks in. slow your roll soyboy.
Key scenes were filmed in Busan and South Koreans love Marvel.

>she confirmed she will be in it
No, she confirmed she won't be in it.

>Speaking to Blastr at New York Comic-Con, actor Evangeline Lily said: “There’s an Avengers series coming out and it’s a two-parter. The Wasp won’t be in the first part; she’ll be in the second part, because they really want to preserve that reveal for Ant-Man and the Wasp so they can give it its due time.”

yeah, thor ragnarok made 35 million in south korea last year (compare with tfa that only did 25 millions)
Star Wars is just another normal franchise outside of United States, Japan and maybe UK. Most countries were too poor or communist to have seen the originals when they were released

need to have a long scene together

> What does it take to make Asians give a shit about Star Wars?
Quality products. The Asian reception to the movie is not warped by nostalgia. They see them for the bang average movies that they are. Guardians of the Galaxy is better than TLJ.

>Most countries were too poor or communist to have seen the originals when they were released
The "remake New Hope"-thing makes a bit more sense in that context (even if it doesn't annoy me any less)

star wars is now total shit. it won't be anywhere near as loved by newer generations like it was by old gens. the MCU has taken over. just look at the tears the IW trailer gave youtube reactors. Thats what the SW prequels used to do.



Prime Peggy
Cap had good taste

>20 heroes

and the movie will be what like 2 and a half hours? So once you cut out Thanos' time and the rest you're probably looking at 6-7 minutes of screentime per character, but Iron Man has to get more than anyone else so it'll probably be more like 5. And then 2 of those minutes will be quips, so they don't count.


>looking at 6-7 minutes of screentime per character



Same. I was so bored of the formula and quips


Because it is, they're all spliced together from a magazine cover.

This is unironically true. This is Hollywood history being made. It's not just that Marvel is the first to make a cinematic universe like this, it's that they've made it work while everyone around them tries to copy and fails. The only way I see them fucking this up in the medium term is if they mess around with the timeline in Avengers Four and piss everyone off.

They have Ant-Man and the Wasp, Captain Marvel, Avengers Four, Spider-Man 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 already announced and in pre-production before they even need to think about any of the new properties - assuming they get them.

It was pretty good.
The 90 minute sex scene between Black Panther and Scarlet Witch seemed a bit excessive.

Who else here pretty much only watches Disney movies now? I feel kind of dirty about it but meh

Shitskin Panther in the fucking middle.. hate this agenda shit. Thanks Disney

It's a fan edit you mongoloid.

>Ruins your cinematic universe.

Too easy.

the only person who could properly pull off big ensemble casts was Robert Altman and even if he was alive I doubt he'd touch a Marvel property with a ten foot pole.

>2 decent movies
>a handful of shit
>one of the shittiest movies is the only movie that's been praised in the DCEU
>their rendition of Avengers shits the bed so hard it's shaken the entire structure of their movies up
>if Aquaman bombs it'll just be the Wonder Woman franchise instead
>Flashpoint will be used to just scrap everything else

He was at the MCU ten year anniversary photoshoot too looking like he'd just raped and murdered some DC execs.

Based Lizzie.

Black Panther beating Justice League's entire 95 day domestic run in 4 days was hilarious.

Screentime Prediction:
Iron Man: 37 minutes
Thanos: 31 minutes
Spiderman: 25 minutes
StarLord: 19 minutes
Captain America: 16 minutes
Thor: 14 minutes
Nebula: 14 minutes
Gamora: 13 minutes
Hulk/Banner: 13 minutes
Black Widow: 12 minutes
Rocket Raccoon: 12 minutes
Drax: 9 minutes
Groot: 8 minutes
Scarlet Witch: 6 minutes
Vision: 5 minutes
Mantis: 5 minutes

"What are you going to do with the other MCU girls after the premiere, Hayley?"

Imagine actually being one of those kids who convince themselves to hate "capeshit" in a desperate effort to be superior and therefore miss out on the most entertaining films of the century.

I felt it needed to be longer, T'challa's empowering, powerful conquest of a little Slav qt was such a symbol of penetrative diversity we needed more of it.

I'm just glad it's soon over, at least as far as I'm concerned. I'm not even going to bother with phase whatever it is after these films.


You're a nigger?

Joss has many faults, yet...

> He made Firefly.

> He saved Wanda and Vision from the tyranny of Marvel's comic division.

> When he steps out of his quippy comfort zone he can actually write very well.

The film uses a vignette structure:
It seems to start off with:


Then branch and interconnect toll everyone meets up in the third act.

Really? Tell me the story. What’s the buildup to Infinity War? What’s the appeal beyond “ALL IN THE SAME MOVIE!!”?

What’s the big resolution? What are the highlights of the plot? If I wanted to jump on the hype train now, what movies would I need to see to catch up? Who even is the villain? I mean, I know he’s the big purple guy, but has he made any significant contributions to the earlier movies? Are the movie fans that don’t know him from the comics emotionally invested in him at all?

there are those mcguffins called infinity stones that give you powers over reality that popped up every now and then. there also is this big purple motherfucker who was behind every big conflict and villlain manipulating behind the scenes. now purple motherfucker wants to gather all the mcguffins so he could rule the universe so he goes to wreck shit up because most mcguffins are owned or protected by various superheroes because all his plans so far failed

Where have you been for the last 10 years you fucking mung

yeah, legendary cacophony, blandness and mediocrity

The absolute STATE of Soy Wars. Based Panther.

only Rogue One is the decent entry from nu Wars

Evangeline Lily, but only if she gets the bob cut back.

If you cut out all of the non-Donnie stuff from the first hour, sure.

It's just a tv show season finale

>What’s the buildup to Infinity War?

Thanos wants to collect the Infinity Stones, which have been seeded throughout the MCU, to become god-like.

T - Tesseract - Space Stone (Captain America - The First Avenger)
H - ??? - Soul Stone (???)
A - Aether - Reality Stone (Thor - The Dark World)
N - Necklace - Time Stone (Doctor Strange)
O - Orb - Power Stone (Guardians of the Galaxy)
S - Scepter - Mind Stone (Avengers - Age of Ultron)

>and people like it because it has meaning for them

>mfw you unironically believe this

>When the best thing you can say about it is that some of the movies don't suck or are better than mediocre.

>War Machine is still alive for some reason
For what purpose? Literally no one cares about him.

Black Panther is considered the best movie of all time, surpassing Citizen Kane.



Put some numbers on it and this would be a great image for rolls.

>all these characters and not one of them have a solo movie
Is Marvel sexist?

>tfw olivia munn didn't make the cut

maybe the h is for helmet

avengers 1 and justice league unlimited already did it

So who had these mcguffins before he showed up? Are they just sort of laying around?

Why do they call it cinematic?

Cartoons don't count only poorly rendered CGI with paid off critics counts


He’s right, dipshit. Rogue One is better by simple virtue of being its own story instead of an unimaginative, often illogical rehash of the OT, and managing not to retroactively take a huge steaming shit on one of the conventions underlying the entire fucking franchise.