Vala the best

Where are the Stargate pals

the fact that Claudia Black doesn't do JOI videos is a crime against humanity

fap to carter now

Pleb taste gents, step your game way the fuck up.

Trips confirms it user, its time

lol why was she dressed up like mary ann from gilligans island?
It's kind of funny how she ended up on the sg1 team she was really loading jackson up with some me2 stuff to talk about on twitter.

My gatefu is doing something lewd in this pic so I'm spoilering it to be safe.

Shame she went full Hershlag

My baby-batter is reserved exclusively for Weir and her strict, disciplinary ways.

Tap tap tap

I never learnt why she got btfo of SGA


Carter is best girl.

Weir was weirdly strict in sg1 but I think that's just because she was kind of intimidated about her job. She turned out to be really based in sg:a

>Carter is best girl
maybe, but Vala has the sexiest voice, hence the comment about doing JOI

mummy :ะท


I prefer that the tip of my penis touches the lips of Carter

> best girl.

>yfw Rodney could have had his own loli

Aeyrn Sun seemed really pathetic and attention seeking with those pigtails.

fuck you

nah. She got fat

What the loli? No way


there is no escape from being american

You honesty call that fat?

I thought she was better in Farscape


So this is why she looked so familiar in Dark Matter.Knew i've seen her somehere and it was driving me nuts.



That's Jodelle Ferland and she's Canadian, not american. Also she's skinny now.

the only two good things in that show

>she's skinny now
>doesnt show her breasts nor belly

sadly yes


She smuggling aspirin from the infirmary again?

nah just some melons

Look up her IG, she's thin.

>too important to come back and finish her nanites arc
Nah fuck her.

>it's a "Teal'c wears a funny hat" episode

Wait, what?
Don't tell me Claudia has done #MeToo shit too?

>implies to be tough guy perfect person better than others
>sits on internet bullying fat women that nobody in the world would consider a threat
what did he mean by this?

isnt that thing a tranny?

>Don't tell me Claudia has done #MeToo shit too?
Yeah dude didn't you watch the show, she sexually harassed the shit out of Daniel Jackson.

Fuck man, I feel for him.
He lost his wife dude.
Though who wouldn't want a piece of late game Daniel?

lol he basically went from nerd to demi-god, then to super intelligent chad till he lost his leg. Then seemed like a regular nerd again after he got his leg back.