15 years since it was released

>15 years since it was released
>people still think the machine worked
>people actually think it's a science fiction film rather than about unreliable narrators, manipulation and oneupmanship
>the entire purpose and thesis of the film revolves around the machine being fake
>if the machine was real, the entire movie is pointless
>michael caine even tells the audience everything they just viewed was fake and they still don't understand

>dubs guy beaten by a man that makes people check his doubles

explain the entire david bowie part then faggot

What about all the tanks filled with Hugh Jackmans


they were puppets. All part of the act

he was ultimately a magician who fooled hugh jackman

wrong wrong wrong wrong. Misdirection like that is terrible writing in literature, or flim. Nolan is above such peasant tactics

>Nikola Tesla wasn't an inventor
>the entire modern world is a prank by some random magician
Rely maekes me tihnk

Even if the machine is fake, what changes? I don't think it would change how I feel about the movie and I think the message remains the same.

Why did he keep a bunch of puppets in water tanks in the basement when he could have just reused the same tank and same puppets.
Did you even watch the fucking movie, dumbshit?!

>>the entire purpose and thesis of the film revolves around the machine being fake
>>if the machine was real, the entire movie is pointless

>claims the movie is about unreliable narrators
>michael caine even tells the audience everything they just viewed was fake and they still don't understand

Fuck off

>OP watches movie for the first time
>misunderstands it
>makes a post on Sup Forums about how other people misunderstood it

so, what the drowned guy is the alcoholic hugh jackman

>michael caine even tells the audience everything they just viewed was fake

The Illusionist was better, desu.


misdirection, its the whole pt

This. who's the dead guy then?

Was Tesla just throwing those hats there for no good reason?

> he's questioning Tesla's invention .
Here is another (you)

it was to trick u xD

tesla was notoriously bad about money, and at this time was running out of funds and losing investors like westinghouse. Tesla planted the hats as an elaborate illusion to con angier out of money for a machine that made an elaborate lightshow and nothing more.

Mind blown

Are you actually a brainlet? You realize that Wolverine just made shit up in his diary because he knew Batman was gonna read it? You can't be this dumb

bookfag here, the machine is real and its ridiculous, he ends up becoming some kind of ghost

But which one was the bigger guy?

The machine was real because Tesla was in it you faggot. And no the machine being real does not make it pointless you brainlet.

the machine being real turns it into reddit tier scifi

>being this much of a brainlet redditor

The Tesla story only exists in the fake diary.
Think of it like Angier planting a story like he traveled to Tibet to study with an ancient Monk who taught him the magic of levitation. Then his new show is based around an incredible levitation trick.

The levitation trick is still fake, but so well done that even other magicians (particularly your hated rival) can't figure it out.
Then you double fuck them with this bullshit story about a Tibetan Monk in a fake diary you tricked him into stealing and reading.

You literally have the guy you hate most in the world believing that maybe, just maybe, you actually possess real magic. While he has to perform glorified parlor tricks like a stupid homo faggot. That's a huge brainfuck.

Angier leaves the surviving Bale brother thinking that Tesla's Magic Box actually worked.
In a way it's a double win for Angier. He tricked his rival after a lifetime of competition.
But he also respects him the most. He was the one guy he could never fool.
It's the ultimate achievement. Fooling another Master of the Art.
There's no validation in fooling a child or some audience rando.
(Remember the repeated line about magic seeming shitty and lame once the audience knows how it's done - the "magic" of the illusion is gone)

If you can fool the best magician you know, you've not only beaten him, you've made him believe in real magic.
For stage magicians is the thing that always inspired them, that little moment when they're completely taken in by the trick and feel innocent again.
It's like a drug high they keep chasing. They want to recapture that feeling of innocence and awe. But they're too well versed in stage trickery. They both know that a fooled magician will respect the guy who fooled him, no matter what. Because they both feel that way about the other's guy's work.

That's the unusual thing about their connection, they both hate and respect each other.
Both are willing to sacrifice everything for that final illusion.

He announces a finite set of shows. We're shown Bale watching multiple tanks being shipped into the back stage area by blind stagehands. The whole thing was pre-planned.

Clearly Angier had figured out Bale's double-act at some point. Fooling him using duplicates was part of his revenge game.

What about all they dead Hugh Jackmans we see? Fuck off.

If the machine was fake then why bother with the whole drowning farce

Wow, no.

To get Bale sent to jail. I guess the guy who Bale saw drown was the alcoholic double.

A real body would had rotten by the time it was revealed

then how were there 2 wolverines?

Million dollar ass. 5 dollar tattoo.
This is why sexbots are going to be a thing.
The worst thing you could do with a female body is put a female brain in it.

Those are literally sexbots. I'm not trying to be edgy here. What do you think their purpose is? The only difference is that they are paid better.

Tfw have a similar pic of my gf and her sister out on the water

What a retarded meme you shoud kys faggot.

He has a body double, Root or w/e his name is.

i dont know dude, that blind guy in the end, he was hiding all the bodies, he knew.