Who would you like to see on the show if it ever got revived as a cartoon again?

Who would you like to see on the show if it ever got revived as a cartoon again?

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the squiggle vision makes me dizzy

Ever notice how they gave several comedians the same face?

Never noticed that. Did they really?


this cartoon character is more fuckable than I remember

Some of the female guests looked hot in squigglevision.

Nick Mullen

Nah, leave it as is. A big part of the show were the comedian "therapy" sessions, and all comedians are shit now, especially compared to the time Dr Katz was on the air.

Whoever made this gif is a true saint

>not wanting amy schumer and aziz ansari on

Would like to see Norm in there, maybe Rob Riggle, can't think of many stand-up guys that I like that weren't on the show, Patton and Louis CK were funny but nowadays they would be all cringe

Fantastic Pepe.



Winona Ryder again

>he doesn't like john mulaney
>or anthony jeselnik
>or hannibal burress

Katz had some pretty fucking shitty guests back then. Especially the ones who did nothing but go on long rants about literally nothing, like Sandra Bernhard and Kevin Meaney.

i hated all the women

Susie Essman and Wanda Sykes were the only decent female guests. Lisa Kudrow's session was mixed, but the session with Julia Louis Dreyfus was weird as hell.

Who was that one female guest who appeared on the show with an accordion and sung to Laura?

Judy Tenuta I think

I didn't say they were all good. Only that by comparison, todays comedians would only sully the show.

I mean, do we really need a whole season of "lol fuck drumphf!" with two or three actually good comedians? Jon Stewart was on the original run, and was actually pretty good. Well, at least compared to [current year] Jon Stewart.

Yep. youtube.com/watch?v=ncDA1q6x778

To be honest, her bits aren't half bad. If anything, the worst female guest is a tie between Whoopi Goldberg and Margaret Cho.

They've mentioned Trump a couple times in the Audible revival. Hell, one of Andy Kindler's bits in the first episode of the Audible revival was about his dad and Trump.

Don't get me wrong, Trump is the president and completely fair game. But it's just completely over done at the moment. Or at least I think it's kinda lazy comedy. Oh well.

Well, it beats "MY VAGINA".

You're not wrong.

Or the female guests who all had the same shtick. I feel like we're going full circle.

Rita Rudner's session was ASMR kino.

holy fuck

Tig Notaro, in how she's incredibly dry but not a full-blown autist, is like someone created a comedian explicitly for this format.

John Mulaney.
Guy Branum.
Todd Glass.
Eliza Skinner.
Kurt Braunhauleouelerlrer.

hahaha remember her on SGC2C as Black Widow?


you werent lyin nigga

I know right. I legit popped a boner listening to her say 'milk'.

it reminds me of that feeling you get when you stay up too late and the regular programming turns into informercials

>do we really need a whole season of "lol fuck drumphf!"

honestly, yes

but IRL katz is pretty old now, yes?

>Multiple sclerosis

He's gonna be fine, right guys?


>do we really need a whole season of "lol fuck drumphf!"

>honestly, yes

No, this is why late night shows are dying. It's not that Trump can't be made fun of, but when your entire show / monologue is just "So Drumphf amirite?"