Why didn't Marge keep her hair down?

Why didn't Marge keep her hair down?

To hide her bunny ears


because she's a fucking bitch and only made the life of anyone else around here more miserable. Homer should have left her like 20 seasons ago.

Marge is a respectable woman and not some harlot.

because it's a show that's supposed to be funny. not a show to generate waifus

although it's not funny now. so maybe you have a point OP. you're probably a fag, but you might not be

>it's a 'Marge lets her hair down and looks decent for once' episode
I fucking swear she only keeps that terrible hairdo just to annoy the people around her.
Like god forbid Bart felt pride in his family for once.

Because then her hair wouldn’t match her white trash smoker’s voice

Do you mean HAIRlot?

To hide her bunny ears.


wat do?

Is she let her hair down the steamed hams would fall out

it was to give her a more homely fumpy vibe, look at their designs in the tracey ullman shorts. it also makes her character standout compared to others, it think the kid from hey arnold is the only other person with a similar silhouette

her hair was a meme before memes had been positively identified in our culture by the CIA

they had to keep the meme going or civilation would of fallen apart. i shit you not.

memes. not even once.

she's not a roastie slut

I see what you did there based

join them of course, I love my mommy and I'm not a faggot

Because it reminded her too much of her past life working in a brothel.


>Feeling pride in having a lusty mother

because she's a cartoon character and now that sexualizing cartoon characters has mainstream appeal they went with it.


Maud Flanders died over a decade ago and was never popular. Why do pornographers keep drawing her?


presumably to keep it out of her eyes
lack of other mommy characters with normal faces


It's been over a decade since anyone other than the occasional spic watched the Simpsons.

Imagine that glorious blue bush.

She has basically the Bride-of-Frankenstein hair but taller/narrower and without the white streaks


Maude, eh?


She's been dead for 18 years now. Almost two decades.


wtf that's his mother

Because Chuck's Fuck & Suck got shut down

margery look like she will taking my big cock in picture 2 lol

>That’s 90% of the appeal


Sanjay please.

>not having a mom that all your friends joke about wanting to bang
>not letting her get drunk with all of you and having them encourage her to get super slutty and do body shots of her
>not watching her pull your friend by the hand to the bedroom that served as your dad's deathbed 5 years ago
>not listening to the door and hearing her moan and cry while you jerk off

because she was hot


Presently Chucks