Why the Irken empire was not interested on Earth...

Why the Irken empire was not interested on Earth? They left the planet with a fake invader they know will fail anyway and never bothered to send a real invasion force.

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Earth had nothing valuable to steal, it's inhabitants were worthless as slaves, and it's biosphere was toxic to Irkens. It's only purpose was a place of exile for Zim or a parking structure planet

>Not turning it into a Hive Planet to pump out rouded up nooks specifically bred to be aggressive and vicious to use on your new Gladitorial Bloodsports channel
Did they even Grimdark?

It's a no-name backwater planet lightyears away from them. It wouldn't be worth it to enslave humankind and integrate them into their galactic consumerist monopoly

Technically, it's the pollution that makes it uninhabitable. That said it would be too much work to gut all the human infrastructure and terraform it.

I thought it was inferred that they barely knew about Earth, like it was a possibility scoped out by their scientists and they hadn't even begun to collect data yet. Which is why it was signified with a sticky-note that had question marks on it.

maybe they already have a hive planet

>Not spicing up your games with the addition of a new species every now and then
That's a recipe for a failed TV gladiatorial show.

>he thinks there's only one hive world
Please. How many failed gladiator planets do you think the Irkens made over the centuries? Every time their rating plummet, the Tallests order an exterminatus of the planet.


No, it's the water and the meat. Which comprises most of the planet.

Waterborne pollution and contaminated meats, byproducts of mankind's folly.

The first part was confirmed by Jhonen himself, at least.

the meats thing was implied by the germs episode

besides, earth in the IZ universe is a total crapsack world. membrane is constantly inventing new workarounds to fix whatever virus or plague humans destroy themselves with, and that's a reason he's away from home so much

somehow I find that believable

It was a planet they didn't know even existed in a part of the galaxy (universe?) that they are not part of. Remember, the earth was originally going to be used as fuel for another species before Zim saved it.

They have no qualms with turning an entire planet into a parking structure, I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to terraform it or at least find some use for it. I imagine it has more to do with the fact it's nowhere near them or their idea of the known universe (literally a post-it note at the edge of a star chart).

>parking lot planet
In hindsight, that's a really stupid idea.

So is Dib a Membrane clone or something more horrible?

They did find a use for it though: keeping Zim occupied.

a failed toast experiment

His mom died during childbirth - something about Dib's giant head tearing through her birth canal. Membrane exhumed her body a couple years later and cloned Gaz from her tissues. I totally didn't make any of this up.

i'll be honest, i don't know what i hive world is, i just assumed that it was some sort of bee movie type stuff

>the earth was originally going to be used as fuel for another species before Zim saved it.
It's actually quite funny how many times Zim saved the Earth compared to Dib.

At first they didn't even know there was a planet, and after Zim discovered it, they probably figured it would be best to leave Zim alone on that planet. After all, if they had invaded Earth themselves, that would mean Zim is on the loose again.

Would you bother with Earth if you were a millenia old transgalactic empire? Right now most of the population is basically chimpanzees, and in Dib's era the situation is even worse. Earth is wholly worthless. It's also small, so it fails even as a parking lot.

Earth is pretty much Zim's home/prison at this point. I only say home because he does just as much of dicking around as he does taking over it according to the comics.

Did they ever talk about the Irkens' home planet?

I don't think we've ever seen the planet itself except for a few flashbacks.

they were busy with impending doom 2 and earth was so out of the way that they couldn't be bothered to see if it was worth it outside of throwing zim there

We only saw a bit of Irk; at least part of the planet is covered by a fairly large city with spaceports and staging areas for the Irken military. The birthing chambers for Irkens are underground and the facilities that produce their PAKs probably are as well.

Beyond that, we mainly just know that the planet and Empire are controlled by an AI system with the Tallest just being figureheads that are allowed a lot of leeway in those decisions the Brains let them make.

It does sound like something Johen would come up with.
Wait, does that mean that he's grooming Gaz to fuck her when she's legal?

We know that Zim was able to nearly destroy the entire civilization by just attacking their home planet, so probably it's extremely important for the empire to keep it safe.

Don't be silly user. Membrane in grooming Gaz to take over the family company when she's older since Dib is a lost cause.

and maybe to look desirable to an Irken mate for super human/alien hybrid children

I dunno; we have a thriving snack food industry, you'd thing that would make Earth attractive...

Human/Irken hybrids

>Earth is so fucked up that Membrane practically has to be a superhero and clean up everyone's messes

Membrane is the hero we need, but doesn't deserve

Why not send him to prison and send a real agent?

humans are stupid and weak

Even Zim would have easily defeated them if it hadn't been for Dib

And Dib was stupid too

A Hive planet is a Planet from Warhammer 40k covered with Megastructures like this. They usually provide most of the Manpower and, alongside forgeworlds, the resources for the Imperium of Man. A lot of their resources are recycled from the remains of previous inhabitants. There are people in Hive cities who will love their entire lives never seeing the sun. The Underhive is also an unlivable Hellhole filled with mutants and outlaws, and the nearby areas surround Hivecites are polluted toxic wastes.

It's out of the way of their planned conquest

Because there is a 99% percent chance that Zim will blow up the entire Prison and escape. Zim isn't wholly incompetent. In fact he's very skilled st methods of War and destruction. So singularly skilled is he in this, that any time he tries to do anything else, he cannot help but make it explode in everyone's faces. If her trying to destroy the Earth, he would have so by now. Instead he's wasting his time trying to conquer it, which is time the Tallests don't have to deal with him.

A. Zim is actually competent enough to escape, he's done it before on Foodcourtia. He would likely justify it by saying whoever captured him made a mistake and that he needs to get back to his mission. which he's too dumb to realize is fake because the Tallest never told him, out of either some weird kindness or pity. Or because they like fucking with him.
B. If Dib or Gaz didnt end up stopping the agent, Zim would SOMEHOW make him explode or something. For being an idiot he's terribly good at destroying things that aren't any of the Membranes.
C. As much as a snack-filled planet is cool, the Earth is so far off the Irken radar and not worth conquering. Outside of Membrane MAYBE, no one could stop the Armada if it showed up to Earth. (Dib couldn't even destroy the Santa suit with Membrane's arsenal, just sent it somewhere else.) The Tallest couldn't find a use for Earth and we're so weak its not worth their time.

The Santa Suit was an aberration of science. It was out of control; not even Zim could permanently destroy it, if the future is anything to go by.

As far as we know it's the second eldritch abomination Zim has unknowingly created


I want bleedman to draw more pretty human ayys

Common sci-fi trope. Earth is a "backwater" planet with no economic or military value.

>That episode where he created a perpetual motion device and scrapped it out of spite.

Dib was not to blame for the failures
It was Zim who couldn't get his plans working

The aliens are just tsundere for earth a la 'IT'S NOT LIKE I WANT TO INVADE YOU OR ANYTHING B-BAKA'

not out of spite, so much as the crowd's disrespect for his children

Membrane's an absent father, but he loves his kids.

You do know it was a gag that in the future he would turn himself into a being of pure energy and abandon earth and his children to their own devices all together.

Membrane would most likely un-ironically achieve omnipotence if left alone for long enough.

kinda makes you wonder why the worlds most brilliant mind was living in a dumpy suburb sending his kids to worthless public schools.

Its almost like Membrane makes barely above middle class despite all the amazing stuff he does

He probably makes lots of money but spends it all on his Science experiments, most of which lead to discoveries that aren't actually applicable for the common public, either due to danger, or just how esoteric they are in application.

Maybe he wanted his kids to have a more normal life despite them being insane.

Who would be able to if they were being constantly harassed by some psychotic child?

maybe he just doesn't want a life filled with money and luxury

I recall something from a fanfic that addressed this. Short version: Membrane grew up in a modest household, and wanted the same for his children. He wanted them to have the opportunity to lead normal lives.

go home zim

Nothing stops Zim. If you try to lock him up, he just escapes. If you try to utilize him, he eventually fucks things up and destroys your own army. At one point they even brought him to the high counsel to have him executed, but the act of hooking into his PAK to execute him drove the Control Brains insane.

The only solution they could come up with was giving him some planet without much strategic value to mess around on.

Television for Two?


Small world, huh?

Indeed Brother, although it's less that world is small and more that the pool of good DaTr is.

I can't deny that.

>Earth doesn't appear on Irken star charts because Miyuki deleted all record of it

Inst She supposed to be taller than him?

>B. If Dib or Gaz didnt end up stopping the agent, Zim would SOMEHOW make him explode or something. For being an idiot he's terribly good at destroying things that aren't any of the Membranes.

I'm now a imagining a premise for a Zim video game or story arc where The Tallest sends a series of assassins to kill Zim and he defeats them one by one, No More Heroes style. Zim then teams up with Dib and Gaz when the final assassin attempts to blow up Earth to take Zim along with it.

Public school will toughen them up. Sometimes it works, like with Gaz, while others it just fucks with their heads in every way imaginable, like Dib.
Also, I bet that Membrane put them there to instill into them as much hate for humanity as possible so one day they'll canalize their hatred into something constructive for humankind so they stop being so damn retarded. Considering Gaz has tried to destroy all life on Earth, I don't think it's working.


>Why the Irken empire was not interested on Earth?
why would they be?
they dont have any real need to conqer any planet anyways, they are nomadic and live on ships and have such a massive empire that they can afford to have an entire planet function solely as a mail office so i dobut the need to expand to get resources or power or that they have any planet they cant afford to lose wich is how empires fall
they have successfully dominated the world, they need one single irken of wich they have lots to conquer a planet, they turned a planet into a parking lot, for as stupid as they are irkens are the strongest and most accomplished alien force in fiction

Membrane is a lanky motherfucker. What do you think she saw in him, in the first place?

Besides science, of course

I dunno the humans in that setting are heavily implied to have gone through some sort of mass lobomitization that only membrane and his family are immune.

REAL SCIENCE is all they need.

lead poisoning or something
same reason why earth water hurts zim

Whats his problem?

Freakishly-large hed

Intolerance of other cultures causes him to see all foreigners as literal aliens.

crazy big headed child

Silly user, only white people can be racist/xenophobic.

I don't think he'd follow through with it

Membrane loves his family too much. Besides, humanity would be doomed without him.

That's normal for a kids cartoon. Why was Rhonda from Hey Arnold going to a public school in the inner city instead of a private one?


Well, he offered his children a chance to follow him. Dib insisted on staying on Earth to fight Zim and he ended up dead.

You know I am surprised at how good the comics are.

What happens if you throw the Irken Empire on Warhammer 40k?


So basically the equivalent of giving an incompetent employee that you can't fire a window office?

pretty much


Because it's a cartoon, if anything followed logic there would be no story.

Are you mentally handicapped?

They fit right in, but it stops being funny

I'm sorry if this comes off as shilling, but I finished that one request on the last Zim thread about Zim and Thicc Gaz going out on their first date a while back.

Good episode. This and "The Wettening" really shows the resolve and perseverance Zim has to never give up on his mission despite being utterly terrified by the horrible things he experiences on Earth.

Going by the episode when she became poor, she either is upper middle class with delusions of grandeur, or she just likes being a big fish in a small pond. I remember her house wasn't really all that when she had her party.

This is correct, they expected him to get lost and eventually die. That's why they were so shocked at the end of the first episode where they said "Zim... you're alive??"

Maybe her father got a big business in this small city so he can't be far from it and there is no private schools plus the violence could be really low due to the lack of ghettos and small population.


yes this is good

I always wondered why couldn't Zim give his robot parents AI like gir

He tried that on parent-teacher night, they went berserk and terrorized the adults. Also, I believe there was a cut episode where they became self-aware and started lording over Zim like real parents.

His tech seems to be rather limited in scope. On one hand, he was Crazy ass Flesh pits that would make DEldar haemonculi turn their heads, but his robotics seems to be whatever table scraps his bosses decide to give him.

They're still technically pretty smart since the Parent Teacher episode, at least smart enough to pretend to be Zoo-Keepers at Career Day in Zim's class and forcing Zim to make a fake Zoo at the last minute complete with shitty, mutated abomination for animals.