Black Panther tracking for a $100m+ second weekend; could be biggest of entire MCU

Can't wait for the second wave of Sup Forums damage control after this one
Also that's about $400 million domestic in 10 days

Disney paying off Rotten tomatoes wasn't enough so now they are paying off the box office


Please be falseflagging

Makes sense if you think about it

They don't even have to pay the tickets, they just have to give the box offices a lump of cash to bump up the numbers. Lord knows Disney had it. Was I expecting bp to get btfo? No. But It's doing suspiciously well. Not buying it

t. soyboy

Black Panther is the closest thing Marvel has to Batman, his introduction in Civil War was very well received, plus they released it in the middle of Black History Month with no significant competition.
If Deadpool, Doctor Strange and Suicide Squad could make a shit-ton of money, there was no way this couldn't.

Is this what Sup Forums does to your brain?

You are right, all those people pumping fists screaming Black Power just really like Batman


Disney should be ashamed of itself getting poor people to spend their hard earned needed money on watching a shitty movie more than once

Call it damage control but I knew it would do well doesn't mean it is any good as a film.

>Americans setting box office records with utter dogshit disney superhero movies all so they don't appear racist

What a fucking disgrace your country is.

that doesn't explain the foreign market. Look at Romania's opening weekend for some capeshit

> Spider-Man Homecoming $281,800
> Thor: Ragnarok $591,743
> Logan $344,847
> Wonder Woman $255,954
> Age of Ultron $382,531
> Batman v Superman 691,741
> Justice League 594,106

And Black Panther was $561,368 which tells me that people went to see it because BP reminds them of Batman. I always go see movies at the cinema in the morning because it's cheaper and there's less people, and the cinema was still fairly crowded (not full)
Plus gypsies don't see movies so there cant be that

Sup Forums is a mental illness

its not surprising at all, its the country that elected a president for being black.

What's your point? Fate of the Furious grossed the highest earning op weekend OF ALL TIME!!!!

And who the fuck watches that regurgitated shit anymore?
No one I know!
No one would tell you it's a "good" film...

So BP did less than fucking Justice Leage in Romania? That's pretty embarassing.

no it's not. I just told you that Batman is a big deal in foreign markets

>Le 56% nation get's BLACKED
Are pleople really surprised Burgers love that BBC

>Black Panther is the closest thing Marvel has to Batman
Hahaha. Oh wow.

Btw, Iron Man is. Black Panther is literally who.

>its a 'Sup Forums defends an indefensible movie to piss off anonymous people on Sup Forums' episode
The contrarianism needs to have a limit lads.

Nice, I still won't go and see it.

this to be honest. americans are in truth a bunch of nigger lovers and subhuman as fuck

but I thought Sup Forums said it would be SJW garbage and would flop?

I thought Sup Forums was always right? Are you saying Sup Forums might be...wrong?


Its literally SJW garbage, and no one actually thought it would flop you inbred.

was it autism?

It's obvious that it's the Russians playing both sides. Americans are so gullible.

Sup Forums is always right, so when they're wrong they either make up ridiculous, elaborate fantasies like or just lie through their teeth like

>this amount of damage control
lmaoing at your brain

This site has really gone to shit with all the newfags who think their reddit sense of humor is le funny.

I spoke with a person familiar with the Russia investigation and they confirmed that Russia hacked the box office numbers

user, your desperation to get one over on Sup Forums racists doesn't mean a disney movie making money is a personal success for you. How sad your life must be.

Notice how they are all contained here where they can circle jerk, its pitiful.

Urban youth centers bulk bought a lot of tickets though BP probably would have done well without it
I doubt Disney is doing it themselves though


Capeshit profits will fund alternative kino like The Piano


Disney buys their own tickets. It’s an old music industry trick

Black people were always good money makers, as long as white people lead the way.
From slavery to jiggaboo music to dribbling/running/catching a ball (like dogs) and now to flicks.
Good good

never said it was

This is your brain on Sup Forums


The real question is where do niggers get money for tickets?

Welfare cheques

If you are white and paid to see Black Panther, you literally need to kill yourself

>If you paid to see disney capeshit, you literally need to kill yourself

doesn't matter

it will flop in china and asia and that's all that matters, it needs at least 2 billion gross just to break even, its a flop

>it will flop in china and asia and that's all that matters

>it needs at least 2 billion gross just to break even

>its a flop

Warner Bros owns Rotten Tomatos you fucking mung



Urban centers have very little funding. I'll bet with all of the urban centers that bought tix, it adds up to no more than $75k.

In terms of character personality and tone of film, BP is closer to Batman than Iron Man is.

Look at the list again. Justice League did extremely well in Romania compared to other cape movies that were better received overall.


This is getting sad.

>mfw pretending to be a DC fan in front of my friends when I talk badly about Black Panther
>mfw I just hate niggers

Black panther has almost no competition though.

Still, I don't think anybody predicted it would have the fifth largest opening weekend in history and be on pace to beat The Avengers at the box office.

I dont know, after thr first week word of mouth starts and black panther has lower ratings in imdb and rotten tomatoes than the avengers

whatʻs your point? those two things have zero correlation

We will never see the end of capeshit will we?

My friends are asking me to join them for a viewing today, but I am reluctant to pay money for capeshit. Is the movie actually as good as it's made out to be?

honestly it might even be profitable for disney to pay people to go see this movie, or even pay theaters and claim it as profit. the more people that see a movie for free, the more are people going to want to pay for next one.

a billion dollar marketing campaign for Infinity War

Disney is bold

Jesus. What were you even attempting here?

what makes you think the word of mouth will be bad

It's a super hero movie, just a little worse than Iron Man or Thor.

imdb score went up after release because it was being spammed by alt-righters with 1/10

Forget to say I enjoyed it. But I love super hero movies, of course.

>china and asia

it's doing better than ragnarok and gotg and doctor strange in non-china asian countries, so you're already half wrong

Beyond some meme that never took off about encouraging black people to return to Africa. Pol never gave much of a damn. Then a few articles got posted on some shit sites about "le evil" Pol alternative rightist's trying to get it to bomb. With the sole evidence being a hand full of shit post threads with less than a dozen posts combined.
Essentially i suspect marketing or business types at Disney wanted some cover in case the movie bombed and tried to start things off like Ghostbusters, only difference is either the movies numbers are faked or theres enough niggers and cucked white's to make this shit popular.

There is some meme potential however in that if you changed the races in the movie to whites you would have essentially an ethnostate with a fuck huge wall. Pointing this out shivers some triggers and forces a lot of liberal types to really think about shit. Also Trump is Gold Lion for some reason.

what Sup Forums deems as Sup Forums is in reality just /r/TheDonald

>implying there's a difference at this point
The modern Sup Forumscuck doesn't even recoil at being called a pede now. They are literally ribbitors.

You guys realize the whole black power aspect was just a marketing it by Disney to grab cash, right? All this money isn't going to black producers to say the least.

I think a lot of users left after the election from being burned out. With the midterms coming up thinks will pick up again. Seig heil!

who are the people going to see this trash? Jesus fucking Christ. Sounds fishy as hell. Does anyone genuinely believe these numbers? Once again, I have been lurking movie theatre seats around my entire local area, going as far as lurking in neighbouring cities, and this movie is not even remotely close to "selling out" the theatre. Just a couple few seats scattered here and there. I'm dead serious, who the people seeing this movie?

But BP has proven there is a strong market for movies starring and directed by black people. It has proven it beyond doubt, and I for one am looking forward to more movies not centered around the potato races.

Not bad, just not as good as the word of mouth of the avengers

Sorry it was for

There are black potatoes, dont be racist

Well cleetus, there’s probably only about 2 and a half movie theatres in rural Nebraska, and the people there are still scared of moving pictures. So I’d understand why you’d have this perspective.

However, on the civilized sides of the country (The coasts) it’s pretty much been two weeks of sell out shows. I love in Maryland and I went in the morning on Tuesday and besides a few open seats t was packed

I live on the west coast. Jesus fucking Christ. Never just assume shit about people and then run with it as if it's fact. Pic related is literally you

The "groundbreaking black movie" card can only be played once or twice though. Theres ways been movies marketed to the black market.

>I have been lurking movie theatre seats around my entire local area, going as far as lurking in neighbouring cities
>to gather anecdotal evidence that Black Panther is not selling so many tickets


>The "groundbreaking black movie" card can only be played once or twice though

not when people forget shit in 5 years

for comparison, Avengers, Dark Knight, Star Shit, were sold out across the west coast cities where I live. Just wondering where all the box office is coming from, is Africa really propelling this shit to the billion dollar club? Unless La Creatas in Amerimutt land are going to see this is droves. i dont even know anymore

>I want M'Baku to blow my M'Back out
>I want T'challa T'choke me
Fucking roasties

Yeah, reading and hearing comments about the recent mass shooting, i noticed that a lot of people had forgotten about sandy hook. So yeah 5 years seems about right.

>black panther makes so much money
>they reshoot infinity war to feature more of black panther
>marvel announces 10 more black superhero movies
>in ten years every major superhero in pop culture will be black


What do you expect they think a board is one user and has not read any of the threads.
Then think they can upvote or plus 1 themselves for a circlejerk

>women can't be funn-

I wouldn't be surprised.
