Horror General: Freddy Edition

What have you watched recently? What are you watching tonight? I just saw [rec] 2 myself and I'm watching the Last Exorcism tonight

Reminder that Nightmare on Elm Street and Wes Cravens New Nightmare are the only ones that aren't schlock

Other urls found in this thread:


Probably going to watch C.H.U.D. 2: Bud the C.H.U.D.

>Reminder that Nightmare on Elm Street and Wes Cravens New Nightmare are the only ones that aren't schlock
Fuck you 3 is equal with the original. It got the horror and humor balance perfect.

>DND wizard casting spells at freddy

kill yourself reddit cock sucker, no more generals

I'll headbutt you in your sleep greensborough style you filthy cunt

Well atleast he get's btfo by Freddy
anyway part4 is better




>that cockroach death

That still bothers me

fuck of with this general shit faggot

Post you Horror waifu or harem!

Emelie is a pretty scary movie

Basically it’s about an evil babysitter looking after some kids, child actors are surprisingly good and it’s very tense since you have no idea what’s gonna happen or how far it’s gonna go

I just watched the new Friday 13th, nice tits on that blonde, great body. Made me want replay Until Dawn again.

fuck off


fuck off

thanks for the bump

I wish they didnt fuck up the Freddy reboot.

at least Freddy Vs Jason was good fun.

fuck off

>I wish they didnt fuck up the Freddy reboot.
There is still room to push forward, JEH was great casting, they just need to go on with a fresh story and not rehash anything, and fix his make up.

Didn't it come out almost a decade ago?

watched The Blackcoat's Daughter because it was mentioned here

what the fuck was that all about

I liked Kiki's song though

>On January 27, 2017, it was reported that the reboot's working title was Friday the 13th, Part 13, Platinum Dunes was looking for someone to play a young Jason Voorhees, and production would begin in March 2017, slated for a Friday, October 13, 2017 release date. On February 6, 2017, it was announced that Paramount officially canceled the project due to the low box office grosses of Rings, and Paramount assigned the October 13, 2017 release date to its upcoming film, Mother!.

Still gets me mad

what really gave me the shits was changing his motivation from a child killer to child molester , Freddy (while somewhat camp) did not covet innocence he was a destroyer and a snarky one at that. by changing his motivation it fucked the whole story.

Halloween remake anyone?

I've rewatched Alien 3 again hoping I'd like it this time.
It still sucks.

Your asking our opinions of the 07 remake or are you saying they should make one?

freddy was always supposed to be a child molester but craven had to change it in the original movie, there was hints of it later too

opinions on the new one that is coming out in October

yeah i know, it was changed back when they were writing the original due to some high profile cases making headlines at the time. the movies are better for it.

What do we even know about it?

It's a sequel to the original film (ignoring all sequels) not a remake. Similar to H20 ignoring 4-6 or Godzilla 1985 ignoring all the 60s & 70s Godzilla films.
David Gordon Green (pineapple express & pic related) is directing/writing.
Jamie Lee Curtis is returning as Strode.
Judy Greer is playing her daughter.
Carpenter has approved it and may score.
They intend to (IMO sadly) stay away from the supernatural angle.

They may be ignoring the idea that Laurie is his sister as that was not revealed until 2 and if the events of that film never happened that secret may have never come to public light.

I just really hope they don't rehash scenes from the original.

looks like a fucking mess, why bother ignoring movies in such a confusing way, even ignoring 2, really? Shouldn't have had JLC, just makes it convoluted, plus not casting Harris as her daughter is fucking criminal holy shit, and no loomis is going to suck

Just watched the last exorcism was great until the anti climax ending

That's good. Halloween 2 honestly sucked, I don't know why people go so easy on it.

>looks like a fucking mess
Not really.
>why bother ignoring movies in such a confusing way
It's not that confusing, the events simply didn't happen.
We have these time lines...
1.) 1-2 + 4-6
2.) 1-2 + H20-Resurrection
3.) 3
4.) Remake & It's sequel
5.) 1 + this

>Halloween 2 honestly sucked
Sorry I strongly disagree, I feel it was a perfect flow from the original & that the 2 are basically 1 complete film.

the average movie goer is going to be pretty fucking confused, also Michael Myers is over 70 at this point

>jamie lee curtis is back

why do people care about laurie strode, loomis is the real nigga, h20 fucking sucked ass

>damn she looks like that



watching house of the devil tonight

>movie where freddy comes into the "real world" and starts killing the cast and crew of the movies
>not shlock


>brainlet detected

I'll be watching what's currently out of the new season of Channel Zero, and then watch a movie (Hard Candy, Save the Green Planet or The Battery, still not sure which one).

Why is soy horror so bad bros?
When will the trend of releasing garbage drama as horror movies finally end?
When will people stop circlejerking about shit like the witch, it comes at night, Babadook, etc? When will they watch more film

Who is this upstanding member of society?

>soy horror





Do you we know what 69 thought of the latest Saw film?

would have been perfect - part 13 on friday 13th in october, the spookiest month. better get one ready for 2023. bound to happen if the new halloween film is a success.

I'm so salty they didn't just to a sequel to the 2009 film.
It was easily the best received of all the slasher remakes except TCM 03 and the small things people complained about (kidnapping girl, running) don't need be in a sequel.
Should have just picked up days later with Swat & Bounty Hunters combing the woods for Jason like Hatchet 2 & 3 but more serious. Focus on cops & a more mature cast of characters to change it up from the usual teens.

dont post goblinos.


I've never watched the Friday or NoES remakes. Should I?

Watched Madman last night.
Pretty mediocre. Crap acting and most kills aren't very creative. At least Madman Marz is a neat villain. For slasher completionists only, I'd say.
Going to watch one of the recommendations I got in the last thread tonight (either Maniac, The Town that Dreaded Sundown or Alice, Sweet Alice). Street Trash is also on my list.
Appreciate any more suggestions.

Friday remake is actually good

They should bring back Roy Burns as a zombie. That way there can be two murderers in one movie.

Fucking THIS

I think the lead female was decent (she was in the original dawn of the dead).
It was also a little bit more stylish then many slashers with a good use of shadow and such.

I second the rec of The Town that Dreaded Sundown but I would also rec it's meta sequel from 2014.

Watched Tag (2015) with a friend last night (his recommendation) and I'm so fucking confused.

Cool start that slowly devolves into nothing but a very skinny girl running and panty shots, followed by a nonsense conclusion.
I don't even know if I enjoyed it or not. Shit was so weird.
Man, fuck the japs.



I fucking hated H20 then and now. It's the least Halloween-y of the Halloween movies. It's more of a generic I Know What You Did Last Summer ripoff with no gore or tits or suspense and the shot of Jamie Lee Curtis reacting to MM on the hood of the speeding van made me cringe so hard I swallowed my eyeballs. At least Rez was enjoyably retarded, the Jamie ones were still pretty solid little horror movies, and Curse had Loomis and the asshole dad.

Why did you guys tell me to watch The Ritual? It was pretty fucking bad.

>getting trick by Sup Forums again

How many times does it take for you to learn to not trust people on here?

what would it take for englund to play freddy again
i'd love a new campy nightmare film

>recently (re)watched:
-Jeepers Creepers 2. Very comfy and campy, story and acting are actually quite good considering the cast is made up of +- 20 unknown teens
-Black Cadillac. Actually a thriller instead of horror, again very campy and decent Randy Quaid performace before he went insane
-It comes at night (2017). Very dark and depressing. Acting and setting are quite good but the story and actions of some of the characters make no sense. More depressing than scary, not rlly my thing.

>what are you watching tonight?
give me some suggestions

yeah it's sooooo confusing to ignore a bunch of shitty sequels that made zero fucking sense aside from the second one.

yeah it's not like casuals would have even remembered the sequels anyway, it's not going to be confusing for them. i don't know how 'michael disappeared and returns after 40 years' could be any simpler.

what horror movie should I watch today on Amazon video?

Hellhouse LLC it's bretty gr8

>Wes Cravens New Nightmare
That fucking abortion of a movie, no. At their worst no horror franchise has ever been as bad as New Nightmare. Movie can't even keep its own logic strait.

DSV for sure, giant titties that still look good now.

I've always wanted a Friday the 13th set in the snow, or having the entire town be abandoned and covered in a thick fog.


The 4th & 5th made sense just fine.

already watched it, and yeah it was really great for such a low budget. actors pulled it off pretty well. And the fatty with the eye bulge trick actually did that. no cgi. impressive what you can do with a concept and dedication.

I also watched the bay and make mungo, any other good documentary horror?

I watched NoES 4 for the first time a few days ago. I avoided it for many years after hearing about how goofy it was. I ended up really enjoying it. I guess I'll continue on with the next few.

I feel you, ending was inscrutable

horror pleb here

where do i start?

It bothers me alot too, but it is easily one of the best kills. Except for the karate kid Part 4 had some of the better kills in the series.

This post rings true and was so good it redeemed soy-posting for me.

we can only hope user ;__;

>ti west

5 is pretty enjoyable too, it's known for having only 3 kills but those being some of the franchise's best. Watch out for 6 though, that shit is absolute garbage and should be skipped. New Nightmare and FvJ are both okay and Remake is mediocre.

Watched Hellraiser Inferno the other night and thought it was pretty good. I even thought Bloodlines was surprisingly decent.

should I watch Get Out or The Inkeepers next?

>Watched Hellraiser Inferno the other night and thought it was pretty good.
one of the best endings in the series imo

I fucking loved the remake. Everything in it worked except for the flat characters. Jason was menacing again and the kills were terrific.
Friday is good, I honestly cannot remember the Nightmare one.

GOAT Halloween sequel. Cool poster too.

Flat characters in an f13 movie? Who would have thought!

Okay, I'll play.

>Ellen Ripley (Alien)
>Violet (F13)
>Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)

1. Alien Queen

2. Borg Queen

3. Pamela Voorhee's severed head