Why do non-white-passing Latinas insist on going blonde? It always look like shit

Why do non-white-passing Latinas insist on going blonde? It always look like shit.

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That’s white hair not blonde.

but she's white amirite?!?
just look at this movie

For some reason every female celebrity has to go blonde at some point like it's a Hollywood right of passage. At a guess I'd say they are trying it to see if it improves their career.

Then watch them scream down any white person with dreads

>poo skin

As a true white passing latinx I must say this is sad, I have true blondes in my familia, I have been mistaken for a jew, picked on for not being brown enough to be a Mexican.

Same reason pasty pales get tan.

>white passing
This isn't tumblr, you cunt.

It's part of the hollywood conditioning. Natural hair = not too mk ultra'd, blonde straight = weinsteined, dyke cut = too mk ultra'd


>implying Selena ever looks bad
What are you, a faggot?

Isn't that cultural appropriation? Only Northern European people have natural blonde hair

too skinny

I wanna pork that beaner

that's a white american

The only blondes in US and Western Europe are dyed blondes.

She is so fucking hot lads


I want to fuck her pretty hard.

it's a trait of being white and white is beautiful. everyone knows this but refuses to admit it

Become friends with Bieber and he'll let you.

Shes addicted to drugs, has herpes and bleached her hair because Biebs told her to. He lets his friends fuck her when shes high.

Shes totally ruined and probably suicides before Bella

What a completely trivial thing to get all pissy about. Fucking christ you people are exhausting

this turns me on