Now that the dust has settled, can we agree this was the best capeshit duology?

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The only thing we can agree on is that you have shit taste

Best shot blockbusters of the century without a doubt. And I loved Man Of Steel,but BvS was really brought down buy Leex, Doomsady and the Martha scene

always one bumflustered paki in every thread

Doomsday was a real letdown, but I loved both of these.

I felt like they finally managed to make Doomsday more than just "that thing that kills Superman". It has a personal meaning to Clark when he sees Doomsday and his statue side by side, the ideal and the nightmare in one frame. Both these things are destroyed and in the end Superman is seen again as a human not a God.

MoS fell short of its potential and too much of its latter half was a generic action movie. BvS is a masterpiece.

Of course. Are there really any other ones though?

Spider-Man 1/2
Batman Begins/TDK
Batman/Batman Returns
Iron Man 1/3 (since 2 sucked)

I loved this, too. I love that it ties Doomsday so much closer to both Lex and Clark. Doomsday is now their "child," a monstrosity born of Clark's own past brought to life through the blood and meddling of the rich elite. The message is that this is what happens when he doesn't own the consequences of his own decisions.

That iconic shot of Doomsday between Clarknand his larger-than-life monument is truth not just about Clark on a personal level, but about all that being a hero is. Heroes are worthy of praise, worthy of monuments, but being a hero is more than acting in the moment, more than making tough decisions, but facing their consequences. This embodiment of his past decisions and actions, this risen "ghost," is what stands between the man and the idol.

Spot on. This is why I always find it funny when people whine about the "BvS orc" when it has a more thematic meaning to the film than so many other villains that are randomly thrown at the villain.

I like the way how you are thinking.

It definitely stands above Nolan's duology. Raimi's I don't know I haven't seen Spider-Man 1 and 2 since they were in theaters.

I didn't like BvS at first, but looking back at it, its pretty good

Excellent image. I don't think enough is said about how much more BvS encapsulates many of the themes present in Excalibur, but one in particular that informs the action of the film is this:

Magic is real, but sleeps.

Merlin talks about this with Morgana at the wedding. Snyder's world could be set in the future of Excalibur's world, a world where magic slept until awakened by the world's collective attention and imagination was captured again by a man in the sky. It's an inversion of the tag line from Donner's Superman.

A man can fly. You will believe.

fuck me thats a great shot. we will never get something like this ever again.


Guys, I get it. The DC universe should be better than the MCU. But it's not, and you need to stop lying to yourselves.


Has a trilogy ever been JUSTED harder than this?

Thats where you are wrong faggot

They even went as far to include The Land of Dreams.

>they binned the Costner scene in Justice League
not happy

Not going to let this degenerate into an "us versus them" discussion, but I have to point this out:

Everything Disney's currently catching flack for with Star Wars? They already did it to the MCU. You just didn't notice.

They stripped the lore out of the MCU. I'm not talking about inconsequential things like Cap's profession or the Falcon's Redwing being a drone. I'm not talking about superficial things like Nick Fury being black or not being the leader of the Howling Commandoes. I"m talking about the deep, deep lore that everything else rests on, the foundations.

It started with how they handled Thor. It continued with how they handled the Infinity Stones, and it ended with how they handled Dr. Strange and magic. Introducing the existence of earthbound sorcerers and magic like they did, retroactively always making them a thing, that's the MCU equivalent of the Hyperspace ram. People are just too sold on the brand and too willing to ignore the shoddy construction of the myth arc to care right now. This is the sort of thing that alienates true comics fans, and it's not conducive to building a fanbase that can really be thought of as anything other than just consumers of product. The internal consistency of the MCU is irrevocably fucked, and they're praying you won't notice while they distract you with quips and dance-offs, daring you to try to take them seriously.

WB hasn't done that with the DCEU, at least not yet. As disappointing and lackluster as I found JL, at least it left the lore and consistency intact. As it stands, it's just an anticlimactic chapter in a story I find far more compelling than what Disney's offering.

I really can't even make sense of Loki's character anymore. Why is he even in the story? He's like a Saturday morning cartoon villain but with a retarded redemption arc? I just don't geti.


I've already half-headcanoned Excalibur and Ritchie's King Arthur into the DCEU's past. To non-comics fans, that would sound like a contradiction, but in the comics, both Atlantis and its human analog Camelot have both risen and fallen multiple times, potent symbols of the Shining City that is Lost.

I cried when I saw that scene the first time, I was drinking though.

Yeah I think they stand alone pretty well as duology, they're like a "what-if" scenario of how heroic archetypes act in a cynical world. The spin-offs and Justice League shattered that whole theme, so whatever.

I lost my dad a long time ago, but that scene still gets me. You never really get over it, not completely, but I'm glad that you don't. The grief is a gateway back to the love you still have for those who are gone.

Lmao the cgi lips on cavill in that shot

I agree, unironically, oh my god look at how fucking good those screens are

whedon should be tried for crimes against humanity

Did you forget about me already?

Leonard maltin's a piece of shit. "UH WHYT CAN?T MOVIE BE FUN? FUN"

stupid fukcing retard

I watched Justice League yesterday for the first time, glad i didn't pay to see it in cinemas. What a piece of shit.

MoS and BvS are fucking amazing movies. Sucks we'll never see the true version of Justice League

The starting paragraph on his BP review

>Marvel’s Black Panther is, culturally and commercially, the right film at the right time. The significance of bringing a black superhero to the screen at this moment cannot be overstated. Nor can the importance of director Ryan Coogler turning this origin saga into a personal statement, embracing both the African and African-American experience. Wakanda may be a fictional (and Utopian) nation but its look, customs and costumes are built on a real-world foundation. The same can be said for the framing story set in Coogler’s home town of Oakland, California

Literally "It's good because of my politics: The Review". I am particularily fond of this line

>Marvel Studios has encouraged directors to put their individual stamp on established Marvel characters and moviegoers have responded enthusiastically.

Like MCU is probably the most anti-director studio ever. How does he even say this shit with a straight face?

What a fucking hypocrite this guy is. The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

More gold from this RT-approved "critic

>Given the groundbreaking appearance of a black star in such a role, it might come as a surprise how much weight is borne by the female characters in this story, written by Coogler and Joe Robert Cole. These strong, smart women are played by Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright, and Angela Bassett. Wright not only portrays the King’s sassy sister, giving the movie what passes for comic relief: she’s a Brainiac who serves as the equivalent of James Bond’s Q, providing T’Challa with high-tech accessories, weapons, and his panther suit.

This is the state of film criticism in 2018.

>Marvel Studios has encouraged directors to put their individual stamp on established Marvel characters and moviegoers have responded enthusiastically.

I've noticed this stupid statement popping up everywhere on the internet in the mouth of marvel's shills. Worded slightly different.

Also I don't know anyone who is enthusiastic about marvel movies. More like, they are a brand with recognition and people go watch their movies boredly.

More often than not, I've seen critics spend more time jerking it to MCU's financial successes than criticizing the films. In this particular case, it reads like straight up advertisements. Everything is so great, so brilliant. Not a single flaw. And then they review BvS and every single scene is being torn to pieces as if compared to the fucking Godfather 2.

If you're gonna hate or love capeshit, atleast be consistent about your opinions instead of changing based on brand and social politics.

Disney as a whole has a specific vision for their commercial slog flicks, and directors are positioned into either fitting into that vision kr getting kicked out.
Look at what we could have gotten with Antman. Look at what they are doing with Solo. The truth is, they attach a directors name to their assembly line product in hopes the directors fans come see it anyway. Kathleen Kennedy and Kevin Feige own the movie, stories, direction, and production of their universes, and thats a bad thing.

This is how Batman is supposed to be.

Criticism is summarizing the characters? Woah

>spider man 2
>Iron mong 3
>any batman except tdk
Nice bait retard

At their worst DC movies are messy, but at their best they're quite beautiful and inspiring.

Marvel movies are consistently emotionally hollow and ugly looking. How someone can defend Marvel and trash DC is beyond me.

Man of Steel and BvS honestly make me want to do some good in the world, be a better person and help my fellow man. There's no Marvel film that makes me want to do anything heroic.

Ah the indians have arrived

lol, DCucks are so desperate they will deny Justicr League for existing

Because BvS is an actual shitheap brainlet

>the seething MCUck

Must suck when BvS gets more discussion two years after release than BP the week after. But hey atleast you got teh box office numbahs!

>Part that shilled me to watch Man of Steel was seeing Superman in handcuffs on the poster
>A superhero turning himself in even though he could easily wipe out the world
Then they skim it over in the movie. Fucking waste of potential.

MoS and BvS are fake deep. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are the perfect capeshit duology.

that's the most amazing live action batman ever

Damn, that shot is great. I love this movie

They address it by the interrogation scene, what more do you need?

The only reason they go to shit is because they’re forced to put in a drawn out fight scene at the end of them. Besides that I love them for what they aspired to be.

Wanna know how I got these scaws

From grinning at surface level religious symbolism in Snyder's films?

I get chills every time I watch this. This is the power of the Bat, this unstoppable demon beast that is still just a guy in a suit, just fucking bodying his opponents with skill and strength built and honed over decades by an unbreakable will.

We were blessed to ever see this.


>Saint Luthor is surface level

Having a character immediately go to a religious parallel when discussing Superman with anyone is lazy and surface level. Lex Luthor literally spends most of the movie explaining the themes of the movie.

I unironically liked Man of Steel, but absolutely hated Batman v Superman. Anyone else like this? The whole Doomsday plot was unnecessary and a waste of good source material, while at the same time they "nerfed" Superman, making the fight scenes with him much less enjoyable.

And he was the film's secondary antagonist, being manipulated by the primary.

I'd tell you what each represents, but I'd only be wasting my time.


Batman, a human being, literally goes against what the movie describes as a GOD and doesn't die in the first second.

Lex spends most of the film lying. Why is he a "saint?" It's for zero reason ever uttered aloud by any character. Explain it, Mr. Surface Level.

Begins is almost on par with TDK. That movie is really really fucking good.

"God" wasn't there to kill him. Said so himself.

I'm not claiming he's a saint, I'm saying his gimmick is bs. Even in the fucking JS post credits scene he immediately goes to the religious metaphor, it's fucking hilarious.

And Rey is "incredibly force sensitive", that's why she's good at everything in TFA. You can explain anything with the made up internal logic of the movie, doesn't mean it makes sense from a storytelling perspective.

> cherrypick screenshots from an ugly-ass movie to make a point of how "good" it looks
DCkeks might be the most pathetic human beings on existence.

You don't have to claim it. By the imagery that grows sharper over the film, the movie is picturing him as one, at least until his true nature is revealed. Who is it being revealed to? What does that imply? If it's all so surface-level and sophomoric, why am I having to resort to spoon-feeding it to you?

>"If I wanted it, you'd be dead already."

That wasn't clear enough? Bruce was alive and only ever got his shot because Clark massively underestimated the danger he was really in. He'd never encountered anything like kryptonite.

He was dealing with a guy he had every reason to believe would only listen to him once he was cowed into submission, then he got blindsided with kryptonite, and what had been a display of vastly superior power became a struggle to survive.

The more I watch BvS, the more I appreciate Lex. I think people need to let go of the pre-conceived image they have of Luthor as brooding and collected. The BvS Lex emphasizes the madness and obsession of the character, and Lex has always been mad and obsessed. Eisenberg plays it well as someone who has a respectable public facade but a chaotic, troubled, insane mind underneath. I really like that scene with the senator where he acts like a friendly jester until she states she's blocking the import of the Kryptonite and he suddenly seems to be overcome with rage at being rebuked.

Reminder that the retarded wojacks picture trying to pass as a pastiche of a meme come all from BUTTHURT DCucks. Notice how there are less response about pajeet shill in super heroes movies thread ? How after many rumors destroyed the reputation of the justice league movie, no DCucks even dared to used based Armond White reviews to defend it, it isn't a matter of winning or loosing. Warner Bros shot themselves in the foot by asking whedon to cut a snyder movie in half, that's it, one of the stupidest move in the history of cinema production. So now, you see they can no longer hold to the reputations of DC movies to defend themselves against marvel fans or anyone else who will criticise super heroes movies, they themselves can't defend it and they are reduce to call everyone who even mention anything related to capeflick. Remember, they adopted the terms capekino for dc movies and capeshit for marvel movies, they were in majority calling every capeshitters stupid and retarded and now they are using the same methods behind those wojack pictures. They try to tell that every superheroes movies is complete shit since they couldn't enjoy one, they respond by telling you that you are defending marvel if you criticise their thought or tell that taste in movie is not directly related to intelect while trying to persuade themselves they hate all kind of comic books movie. They can't accept that they have always seem retarder by exposing they're stupidity. So by believing that everyone who watch fun movie is dumber than them to feel superior from some (you)s. It is not even subtle.

At this point BvS haters know they don't even have a point anymore and are just pretending they're retarded.

He wants to elevate humanity to the level of god's, he literally gives a speech about Prometheus giving the secret of fire to humanity. He wants to be humanity's saviour and hates the supernatural being that does it just due to his nature, whereas Luther is trying to do it through knowledge and political power.

The bad guys in superman comics are traditionally representative of a sin or personality flaw and Lex Luthor has always been Envy. He's jealous of Supermans fame and how people love him.

He's smart, charismatic, and a big philanthropist and reasonably assumes Superman is a dangerous alien. Eventually he teams up with Brainiac to defeat superman but realized braniac is evil and kills himself after its to late to go back.

I dont have a problem making him 'modern' by making him an awkward Zuckerburg soy boy.

>Eventually he teams up with Brainiac to defeat superman
Is this from the Justice issue by Ross?

>You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.

MoS was fucking fantastic from the viewpoint of an DCU outsider. I enjoyed it from start to finish however it was the crispness of the fights between superhumans that really did it for me.

why do people think any amount of experimental cinematography means its some complex allegory. snyders movies are literally just dressed up saturday morning cartoons, like marvel movies. no one didnt understand it, no one liked it

>no one didnt understand it
Hey Joss, take your double negations and fuck off for good. Cunt.

This user gets it. Although Lex can see that Clark is actually a good guy, he'll always hate him for being a flying alien and generally a better, more honest guy than Lex.


stupid dumbfuck much?

First trailer (Zack Snyder)
Second trailer

Breath it. That's Whedon.

Even now, half a decade later, it’s no less powerful.

It's interesting, personally I don't like most superhero movies and I'm not invested in any extended universe. But I loved BvS. People who are less interested in the premise seem to appreciate the Snyder movies more.

I didn't love Man of Steel and didn't really care about it at the time, but even I was flabbergasted at the vitriol it got. As far as I could tell it was a solid action movie with strong motivations for the villain. Yet it was lambasted for supposedly being dour and pretensious. The movie has decent jokes like the flashing warning turning out to be a printer error message.

They’re not pretending. They’re evidence of the growing divergence. We’re starting to differentiate as a species into those with a capacity for abstracts and those without.

These trailers were lame as fuck. It's obvious JL isn't the film Snyder wanted to make. Just compare those to the MoS/BvS teasers. When those teasers hit the net, they fucking broke the it. The way the BvS teaser has all this chatter going on over Superman's statue and the light hits "False God". Now that was a genius trailer. Since JL didn't really have such a strong theme as the previous films it's obvious it showed itself in the schizophrenic marketing.

Fantastic scene. I love how he reacts to being touched. Lex isn’t to be touched, he’s the one that does the touching. I love how they subtly carry that through the whole film. We first really notice it when he feeds the Senator. Later in the film, we see him reach out and thump “Clark Kent” on the chest, but even with the Superman before him defeated and bent to his will, he still can’t quite bring himself to touch the icon..

It’s subtle, subtle and magnificent.

Just look at the BvS first reveal, desu. Look at how excited Snyder is to give the audience this sneak peak, and how the audience responds in kind. The butchering of the theatrical cut is WB's greatest mistake.

>discuss BvS on Sup Forums
>mfw they literally believe the Peach Tea scene was supposed to be a quip and not an insight into Lex's spiteful and twisted character
What a garbage board for retarded people.

The moment that had Marvel so shit-scared they ditched everything to rush out Civil War.

There’s a subtle joke in the bar scene, too. The whole setup to him wrecking that jackass’s truck is an allusion to being inhospitable to one of the gods in disguise.

Even the insurance clause that would cover damages like that is part of the joke - “Act of God.”

I didn't pick up on that, I should probably re-watch it.

>superman has to literally fight his nightmares when Zod is resurrected and beats him down the the names of the people that died when Zod tried to kryptoform the earth

has any other capeshit come close to this?

That very phrase, “Act of God,” appears in the scene that directly precedes it.