Will we ever see true Lovecraftian kino in our lifetime?

will we ever see true Lovecraftian kino in our lifetime?

Impossible to successfully filmatise

We already have

We already have

you can blame Prometheus for existing , as its hilariously mediocre birth stopped Del'Taco from making at the Mountains of Madness.

I choose not to believe this.

We already have

will we ever stop seeing this fucking thread every day?

Stop coming here every day


Grant us eyes, grant us eyes

I think the Nameless City could be a good movie. Nyarlathotep as well.



We are living in the worst timeline.

Watch The Void and delete that thread

I hope not.
I like it as it is, I don't need Hollywood to butcher yet another good novel material.

It won't because few people in cinema understand that it's a fine mixture of tone and atmosphere that makes Lovecraftian media so enjoyable.

We are the lovecraftian kino

lovecraftian dread is so inherently literary that it is impossible to translate to the screen



This, atmosphere and tone is everything and you absolutely can't shove a CGI monster in there which is absolutely what pretty much any filmmaker would do. It's a cliche but it'd have to be 'where we're going we won't need eyes to see' done really well.

This. Also wouldn't work outside of the 1880-1910 period, which i honestly can't think of a single film or television show that has done that period well.

Peaky Blinders maybe but that's post WW1 and even then looks pretty damn staged.

it'll be
>muh Ka-TOO-Loo
>muh tentacles
>lmao squids XD
Every time forever. Keep reminding people how much Lovecraft hated niggers, so much he wrote a poem about how they were literally the biggest mistake that Gods could ever make. Maybe it'll make normalfags KEEP OUT.

This thread is Lovecraftian

In the Mouth of Madness motherfuckers

fucking ridley scott

stop mentioning video games in conversations about real art

No. Shut the fuck up and read the books.

>muh Ka-TOO-Loo
>muh tentacles
>lmao squids XD
Sadly, probably what OP thinks true Lovecraftian kino is.

The books are boring af

The Call of Cthulhu (2005) was pretty good.

its just a meme they don't actually want the answer

They're decent for what they are.

Reminder that your average "Lovecraft fan" hasn't read a single story and are just into the memes and has browsed the wiki for a bit.

I love horror fiction (except King, hate that faggot) and I struggle with most Lovecraft stories. They’re good just hard to get through these days.

stop posting on wrong board

stop breathing

At the mouth of madness
The thing
From beyond
The void
The keep

Came here to post this

>the Keep

Oh shit Jürgen Prochnow is in it. Added to my watchlist thanks user

>In the early 1980s, Prochnow was in a relationship with Austrian actress Antonia Reininghaus who fatally poisoned their common seven-year-old daughter Johanna in 1987.

What the fuck

ive always enjoyed the stories in hindsight, but actually reading them is definitely a bit of a trudge. im not alone in thinking his writing mechanics are sloppy in general, even if he can communicate his brand of horror well

the void was shit, watch In the mouth of madness

Cloverfield is basically a Cthulhu movie for the 2000's audience


>slow panning shot of a black lake
>a dark brooding voice is heard
>"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth."
>a shot of an old dirty wharf
>"The beasts for lesser parts were next designed; Yet were they too remote from humankind."
>quick cuts of a character in a fedora and tweed suit running across cobblestone streets
>"To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan."
>cuts of dark figures standing and watching eerily
>"A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,"
>shot of black lake again, waves begin to stir
>"Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger."
>cut to black
>more action cuts
>"The Shadow over Innsmouth"
>"rated PG-13"

With Del Toro in charge it would have been shit anyways.

yeah lets better make movies about ancient kadath instead.

Lovecraftian Kino:
The Mist
The Ritual
Spongebob Nosferatu Episode

Under the Skin

are you a negro?