Sports movies

sports movie kino?




It's really hard to capture football on screen, with actors, but I think pic related did it the best








Top tier football movie.

Yeah I know boxing movies are cheating

best football movie coming through

This shit played on CBC like every year

>Chariots of Fire
>The Fighter
>Bend it like Beckham
>Pawn Sacrifice


basketball kino


clint kino

A much better movie than it had any right to be given the script.

Good movie, and i hate racing, that is how good it is.

How about the show? Is it any good?

Never watched it but there is a following here on Sup Forums. It's apparently p. good

So which one should I watch first? Type of sport doesn't matter as long as it's a good movie.

>Mighty Ducks


Watch the OP or Moneyball. Both are good but not only for a sports movie