Berserk Live Action

Berserk Live Action.

Located somewhere in the XVI century. Shot in European locations. Midland is central Europe, and most white characters are from there. Kushan Empire is based on a real empire of the same name (native actors from India, Agfanishtan, Iran...). Casca is not Kushan but south European, probably a spanish/moor mix, or turkish.

Each arc of the story should be a movie:
>1. Black Swordsman Arc
>2. Golden Age Arc (2 parts)
>3. Conviction Arc (2 parts)
>4. Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc (2 parts)
>5. Fantasia Arc

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't wait for her to get Griffin'd

>Berserk First Arc release
>Feminists protest against Casca's rape scene
>...because Griffith is white

Ezra Miller makes a better Griffith

Doesn't have the body.

Enough with these threads.

A live action Berserk sounds good, but doesn't work.

Why? Because all the supernatural shit from the Eclipse onward would just be a cgi sludge-fest.

implying cgi can't look good.

Also, should I remember you that almost everything pre-Eclipse is nothing but a swords n' adventures movie?

>Also, should I remember you that almost everything pre-Eclipse is nothing but a swords n' adventures movie?

Oh, so you don't mind watching some more Golden Age Arc for the 3rd time?

Wanting Berserk to become part of current geek chic culture? Fuck you.

>Berserk theories
>Reaction videos
>Random SJW bitch complaining how all the members of the Hawks are white

>>Random SJW bitch complaining how all the members of the Hawks are white
They weren't all white though. Pippin?

I know and I was just speculating what would happen if normies got hold of Berserk like with what happened to ASOIAF.

>Thinking the Hawks would stay all white in a Hollywood adaptation

Normies having /ss/ fantasies with Rickert.

>Cavil the baldie as NW0 Guts


Would never work. The west would never accept the hell scene.

>Golden Age Arc (2 parts)
You need at least 3 3-hour parts to cover everything from Golden age arc.
>Conviction Arc (2 parts)
Same shit. In fact you probably need even more.

casca is indian you stupid fuck

I read tht thing until the little kid and the little witch appeared, is it good somewhere again or is shit until the end?

ben kingsley as skull knight

john noble as void

Wouldn't it work better as a tv show though? each arc a season? A movie would have to compromise too much

that actually looks like a good casting OP

3 + 3 = 6 hours for one movie should be enough. Especially knowing that the animated movies were around 1h20m each one, and they managed to fit the story in.

Golden Age arc:
Animated movies: 4 hours 45 minutes
Live Action: 6 hours.


*retcon it so donovan rapes guts and griffith uses the eclipse to bring donovan back to life to rape casca too*

casca is kushan you stupid fuck kill yourself

>tfw 6'4" 240 and /fit/
>tfw 24
>tfw scar on my nose
>tfw black hair
>tfw thick eyebrows
>tfw full lips
I will play Guts


i have a small lower jaw/weak chin, but i think i could play teen guts

definitely not adult though

Are you that fit?

I'm like 170lbs and 10% bodyfat, but idk what people would expect for a younger guts.

like i said retarded

When I'm on cycle, yes. I could get peeled with hollywood quality steroids.

fix'd ;)

Y-you, criminal!

thats horrible user
