Why is she so hot, famalams?

Why is she so hot, famalams?

I have a thing for big noses

me too

Redheads are my weakness

mine too


her personality is bubbly and sweet which makes her seem innocent and well suited for raising children.
smiles for protecting.

>raising another woman's daughters
So she's a cuck, right?


Because like the old saying

>If her hair is on fire, her firecrotch will set the bed on fire too

>A womans nose is as long as her clit

Dem legs I suppose.

Cause she's useless.

All of the above

I'm not usually attracted to the type but she has a nosy personality.

Not even a footfag, but what the FUCK is up with those feet

They're freakishly long and curved in a way that makes them look like fat noodles.


there's your answer.

disgusting whore

I liked this one more.

Can't believe they named her after a pornstar

That happens a lot

Anyone else dissapointed at how bland and useless she was in the third movie ?

>A womans nose is as long as her clit
Does this mean Lois is a futanari?

Your father would know, after all you're here.

The entire third movie was underwhelming

No, just more buff would fit perfectly into the line of bodybuilders.

They either should have dumped the minion segments and given that screentime to her and the girls or just not had the kids and Lucy in it at all.

Probably both really and put more time into Dru and Gru.