Lol what the hell is going on at Netflix?

Lol what the hell is going on at Netflix?

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Moon was great, still going to watch it.

>The Independent – Christopher Hooton – 1/5
When Paul Rudd's antics and the kidnapping storyline finally combine, it's in a woefully confusing way that manages to be both boring and melodramatic while giving paedophilia one of the most curious cinematic treatments on record.

>The Guardian – Charles Bramesco – 1/5
Watching Jones passively bob in the deep end of his imagination, a viewer longs for the compulsory baseline competence of the big studios – anything but the blandness masquerading as future cult bait.

>The Telegraph – Ed Cumming – 2/5
The script has none of the reserved cool which made Moon so appealing. In the circumstances, Skarsgård might feel he escaped lightly with a part that involves almost no speaking. The plot hangs on relationships which simply don’t ring true. [Paul] Rudd, in particular, is poorly cast, lacking the menace his role demands. Jones conjured intimacy on the surface of the moon, but in the crowded streets of futuristic Berlin, there’s no real feeling.

>Variety – Peter Debruge
an over-designed but otherwise uninspired slice of sci-fi noir — a stock missing-persons mystery in which a wordless bartender goes searching for his girlfriend through the sketchy near-future Berlin underworld.

>The Hollywood Reporter - Sheri Linden
All the genre bells and whistles, however finely crafted, get in the way of the story’s undercurrents of longing and grief.

>Uproxx – Amy Nicholson
I should be clear that Mute isn’t a good movie. It manages to be both bizarre and boring. While I admire Jones’ inventive details like a bowling ball that looks like a giant die, or a severed cow cartoon shilling for steak, or the way cell phones have advanced to where people don’t acknowledge they’ve answered a ring before screaming hello into a startled room, the film simply looks cheap.

>LA Times – Kevin Crust
Jones reportedly conceived of the film years ago. However, as the story evolved and took on more emotional themes he never found the right balance between the sentimental and the hard-boiled. As resonant as the personal may potentially be, it gets lost in a quagmire of influences.

>GameSpot - Michael Rougeau
Mute is a bad joke about itself, the movie version of a Weird Al Yankovic song (an “Amish Paradise” sequel set in the future?), only if the filmmaker wasn’t aware it was supposed to be a parody. It’s like Mute underwent so many rewrites that the scenes and characters no longer match up – or like it’s a first draft that never underwent a single edit, though considering how long Jones was trying to get this made – 12 years! – the former seems more likely.

>GQ – Tom Philip
Doing the talking here instead are two black market American surgeons, Cactus Bill and Duck (Paul Rudd and Justin Theroux), who make good use of their chemistry and comedy bona fides to bring some effective, unrehearsed levity to some corners of Mute. That is until a dreadfully tasteless (and needless!) subplot ruins that, too. If there is redemption to this film, it comes in Rudd and Theroux’s easy partnership and some impressive set design work. But that’s about it.

>The Wrap – Robert Abele
Ultimately, it’s hard to sense the same director who embedded us so thoroughly in the carefully heightened atmosphere of philosophical adventure that was “Moon.” Here, a Sam Rockwell cameo glimpsed in a news clip detailing a Lunar Industries imbroglio clues us in that “Mute” is set in the same world as that earlier film. But the connection doesn’t extend, regrettably, to the filmmaker behind both movies.

Confirmed masterpiece.

The Western Wall looks different than I thought.

Kek, all this fear is fucking delicious

Dunno but netflix is spamming movies like hell

>(The film bears an ending dedication to both Bowie and the nanny who effectively raised Jones during his father’s drug-fueled years.)

Poor Duncan Jones. Guy can't catch a break.

You know trump is a zionist puppet right how blatant can it be for you to understand magapede? His daughter converted to judaism his grand kids are jews ...

Moon was ok for debute, maybe even great. Then he showed that he is a mediocrity


Netflix makes movies that are terrible and everyone hates them so Netflix must be defended by the alt-right who are terrible and everyone hates them.

Don't feed the autism.

He has no idea how to use a budget. He literally can't stage or shoot a scene outside of cramped spaces like Moon. Apparently any crowd or outdoors or overhead shot in this movie is just embarrassing to watch.

(So the opposite of Snyder)

I genuinely think that most of these netflix stuff is shit.
I just despise the difference in treatment compared to movies produced.. elsewhere.
The latter have better production value... and that's about it.

looking forward to see the user review scores

I trust none of these websites.

They approve literally everything, they are desperate to stay relevant now that Disney's new streaming is coming up

didn't realise it was already out for everyone. 65% user reviews

This but unironically

Holy fuck Netflix why not put out DC movies while you're at it

it's a dud

move along people

Netflix is literally picking up whatever the fuck they can. Since most studios are taking their stuff off they think quantity = quality.


oh boy

ahahhha every article i read about it leading up to its release was building it up to be some kind of cyberpunk masterpiece

wow he's done for

>It's actually real
And already down to 7%

these reviewers are all paid by the Disney jews to write poor reviews for Netflix movies

check their Netflix movie review history to confirm

confirmed our movie

>it's always night
>neon lights
>flying cars
I bet it has hexagon shapes too, generic looking shit

could it be that netlfix produce shitty movies instead?

that's because he's not a good filmmaker

RIP David Bowie's son career

It's mysterious honestly. I don't think they're making somewhat controversial movies it seems, as in, the public opinion on them is always split in the middle.

The critics, however, always shit on them.

There's a conspiracy theory that Disney is doing everything it can to sabotage Netflix because it sees its own market shrinking while Netflix's is growing. People have pointed to many cases of sexual misconduct allegations and poor reviews as being evidence of Disney's underhand tactics, but it's probably an exaggeration.
On the other hand.
If you look at how quickly this post popped up, and how similar, usually Disney-defending posts are often first posts, you have to wonder if the conspiracy theory actually is not far off the truth. I used to think talk of Disney shills was ridiculous, now I believe it. Whether they're paid, or just enjoying shit posting, I don't know.

Mute is probably shit though.

Direct to Netflix is the new Direct to VHS/DVD.

oh nononono

Yeah, but then Netflix went for quality with a big-budget Will Smith movie and it was just as mediocre as their other garbage

>People have pointed to many cases
>On the other hand
>If you look at
>you have to wonder
>I used to think
>I don't know

Just stop

>Max Landis
it was destined to be mediocre.

>The critics, however, always shit on them.
plenty of netflix movies have been received well, but if you look at a list of movies they've distributed, there is a lot of shit. it's not mysterious at all.

Could someone explain to me how shitty writers and directors continue to get work?

How can people in hollywood coast on one decent movie for such a long time? Sometimes they don't even have one decent movie.

some but not all, and still the same reviewers give Netflix movies low scores but give Disney garbage high scoress like they are paid to do so, and really are

>he same reviewers give Netflix movies low scores but give Disney garbage high scoress
post some examples

so we've accepted that moon was a fluke, right?

Well the shitty director ITT is David Bowie's son and the shitty writer ITT is John Landis' son so you figure it out on your own.

holy shit this is what you get for virgin walk

more than likely they're easy to work with and don't have demanding salary. Also if they've worked on financially successful films then that also helps


i liked it and if the critics hate it then i know its good.

Pretty much yeah

If you think Sup Forums is gonna defend this movie because critics hate it, just wait until the board finds out about the pedophile subplot.

if the irshmen also got low score then we'll know if the critics just have a hate boner for netflix

Pure Qualitätsunterhaltung.

are the jews waging war against netflix? does netflix really threaten hollywood that much?

Yeah, but you'd think the studios would want to produce quality content because it generates them more money.

Which means not using nepotism to hire the two most important people in the film's production

>critics are rating mute so low that every youtuber will make fun of it, even those gaming channels like pewdiepie will make a video about it.

I think that's their problem. In order to keep subscribers around by giving them so much new content, they've essentially scrapped all quality control.

>Duncan Jones to direct Batman

Haven't watched it yet but wtf is going on with movies that are not Disney material?

>Cloverfield Paradox gets all negative reviews despite being a decent sci fi story when you look at it not as a direct sequel

Duncan Jones hasn't made a completely good movie since 2008. Source Code's ending was awful

Just your usual Disney shill campaign, trying to tank Netflix before they launch their own platform.

>decent story
>although it dosent make sense, so they just say "lol multiple dimensions
that dosent make a decent story

Bright was better than any Disney flick released last year

>Holy fuck Netflix why not put out DC movies while you're at it
He doesn't know that Disney are purposely sabotaging the DCEU to make sure Disney always has the upper hand

they're shit that's what's going on

desu Source Code was bad all the way through. The only reason Moon was good was because of the writing and acting.

Based !
/DisneyMoms/ UNITE

pretty sure being the only studio putting out good movies gives them the upper hand

that and actually being able to keep their directors

It's mainly Disney because they are starting their own streaming service

it's not a decent story, it's a turd they slapped "cloverfield" on in hopes that retards would be tricked into watching it

There's something weird going on with critic culture. I know absolutely nothing about this movie, but I cannot seriously believe it genuinely deserves a 6% scores. Meanwhile stuff like Spiderman: Homecoming gets 90%+. It's so strange. I wonder what I'm missing.

This Netflix show was SO GOOD. The characters were all believable, the storytelling was perfect and it had a different perspective I haven't seen from Psychiatrists in tv shows or movies.

...yet the critics hated it and it got cancelled and I STILL have not watched the last 2 episodes cos it depresses me to hear it ends on a cliffhanger :(

critics only hate it because it's netflix, if it was made by any other producer it would've gotten at least a 7/10

How the fuck do you still not know how RT works? 6% of critics rated it average or higher. 94% did not

Maybe understanding what those percentages actually mean. Of course a movie that's been focus tested to hell and back is gonna have a high percentage, it's going to have something for everyone.

>Meanwhile stuff like Spiderman: Homecoming gets 90%
Who in their right mind thought that was a great line as well as making Flash be a fucking smart nerd who runs past Parker in his bathing suit and slaps his ass

Two jewish companies duking it out, the goyim wins.

I know that, I was just using the RT scores since they were featured in the image.
>Of course a movie that's been focus tested to hell and back is gonna have a high percentage, it's going to have something for everyone.
Then the criticism could still be that it's cynical, unauthentic, a cash-grab, isn't unique, etc.


Movie is a solid 7/10, would definitely recommend

It's not a masterpiece but it's pretty fucking great

Maybe next time don't mention the forbidden fruit.

>it's a straight to netflix movie


>decent sci fi story

Lol it's not 1990. Zombie era Scorsese and Zombie era DeNiro and Pacino making a retirement home crime thriller with CGI de-aging being shit and getting called shit by critics proves nothing.

Studio heads are accountants, they're not creative. They don't know what a creative person is or how they work. Hiring their friends' kids for the creative roles instead of a nobody is a pretty easy decision for someone when one script is the same as another.

Why do Netflix movies make (((them))) so afraid?

They'll happily give 5 stars to any piece of garbage like orange is the new black but as soon as netflix dips its toes into movies they freak out

Ever heard of a rich man will never feel like he has enough? They are so hungry for profits that despite how rich they are, they feel the need to destroy independent films that threaten some loss of bucks


I'm involved with a university study right now that is going to hopefully prove through statistical analysis that Disney's review scores do not jive with expected results, showing that there is some extraneous influence on average.

how white is it?

im glad this will kill duncan jones
he's one of those guys people like to praise and namedrop for no good reason
moon was average no matter what you say
he's not talented

>brings DC for no reason
How is that oscar count coming along buddy

>interesting world building
>classy film noir atmosphere and story with a futuristic touch
>solid visuals and performances
>pretty unpredictable story

Holy shit, I have the feeling critics are dumb as fuck. A movie which is not painted by numbers can't be enjoyed anymore.

Nah, critics hate netflix as it essentially cuts them out., it can rely on word of mouth and because its released online, no need for fancy press wooing events.

Remember after Moon came out and Jones was talking about this, showing the concept art. Well this is a shame.

Netflix isn't schmoozing critics because they don't need to. This puts critics in a sour frame of mind thus they give accurate reviews.

at least that's one theory

Another is because critics don't have pre-release access to netflix stuff, the only way they can bait clicks is with negative reviews. As a person who liked a movie isn't going to click on a positive review.

RT more like mouse tomatoes

(((they))) are trying really hard to shit on Netflix because it directly competes with them