Thor Ragnarok

Has the MCU reached peak nihilism? Every death is pretty much a joke.

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>reee why is this comedy movie making jokes?

by that standard, every movie that shows death is nihilistic

>the smell

this film looks like a piece of shit

A joke is watching someone painfully burn to death? And then have our supposed hero to remark how disgusting the smell is?

True. The whole film looks like a videogame. I think it got fucked big time by reshoots so they couldn't do sets.

>oh no this actor who has been in the movie for 35 seconds just died. I sad ;_; muh nihilism

How is that any different to most comedy movies? Just as one example:

There are plenty of flaws in the movie (Like the fact that every single shot looks fucking disgusting is the big one) but having jokes isn't a problem in a COMEDY movie.

I feel like the MCU is regressing to the age of silly comics

Those films are straight up satire on the genre. Thor Ragnarok isn't satire. Thor is still a superhero. And he seems more disgusted than sad seeing that guy getting burnt to death.

Hi, Jay.

>Thor Ragnarok isn't satire
I disagree. theyve completely gone for that now

MCU has always been incredibly cynical

The serious scenes are too serious for it to be satire. A satire is one that more or less completely overrides internal consistency in favor of humor. While Ragnarok approaches that level of humor a few times, it still adheres to a traditional superhero story.

If Infinity War ends with a word-for-word adaptation of this scene I'll forgive everything bad I ever said about Disney

Look at the directors work. What do you expect?

I was gutted when he didn't appear in the trailer complete with Thanoscopter desu

>word word BOLD WORD word word BOLD WORD
>word BOLD WORD?

I suspect they knew the audience was mentally handicapped and if they didn't pinpoint with accuracy the key words they wouldn't follow the oh so complex writing of this shit.

>comparing thor death to death of will ferrel character

The Infinity Stones/Gauntlet plotline is so retarded that if it tries to take itself seriously it's gonna be so shit.
Going full retard is the only way to make it entertaining but it's not gonna happen.


it's post ironic.
happy you gigantic fedoralord?

nihilism =/= cynicism

it's from spidey super stories, which is meant to teach young kids how to read. feel free to continue memeing, though.

it's for literal children

user... Kids are mentally handicapped until they aren't anymore. Fuck you cunt.

>COMIC books

>any critic who thought the cinematography and designs look acceptable should be shot

>one of the most emotional story line from marlel
>turns it into 3rd rate comedy
>asgard explodes
>nobody gives a shit
>thor's warrior friends die
>nobody gives a shit
muh mcu the cape kino holy shit kill yourself marvelucks

There is something very wrong with this shot but I can't quite describe it.

The wolf looks out of place, like putting a Crysis model in a 2001 PS2 videogame.

>>thor's warrior friends die
>>nobody gives a shit
Not only that but they turned it into an actual quip. The way Hela kills them and Karl Urban says he's the janitor. They timed that for a joke.

This is a universe that teaches no good values to its underaged audience.

this had to be one of the lamest badass moments in a while.

not only that. any semblance of catharsis was when asgardians look at their dying home but no they fuck it up too
> haa its gone
anyone who enjoys this is a literal child

>That part where Banner literally fucking dies on screen and it's a joke

It looks like an awful composite. Hope it gets fixed in the blu-ray

I liked the Rock guy, and Heimdall, and even the guy with the m16's wasn't so bad of a plotpoint. It was a decent movie guys. Beats the unholy shit out of the first 2 Thor's thats for sure. Hulk's involvement was lukewarm at best tho

I have the BD rip downloaded. Here is how it looks. Pretty much the same.

Suppose Sif and the warriors three dying and no-one bats an eye really did make me start to ponder this movie , also Heimdall is hardly in it at all.

Why is every shot in this movie exactly the same?
Besides a few actions scenes it's all just the same flat shot with the exact same lighting Even when they're meant to be outside you can tell it's being shot in a studio and not in actual sunlight.

It was a decent movie but too much of the film looked very awkward with obvious reshot green-screen moments. I wish Marvel just showed some balls for once and actually released a film that wasn't reshot outta its own ass. Still, absolutely one of the better MCU movies.

Top kek

>that scene where Asgard is literally burning to the ground and quipy rock man makes a joke from it

how tone deaf can you be? it's a comedy. most of the dialogues were improvised. watch Snyders movies if you want capeshit that takes itself seriously.

It's like Robocop where you had stop motion
ED-209 composited with video and it doesn't match up well for light and sharpness

Marvel Studios shit out three films a year and every movie has also a process of extensive focus tests and reshoot period. So they restrict themselves to their green-screen sets to make it easier to reshoot scenes. This is what gave birth to that infamous Civil War airport scene. It was entirely reshot and an ordinary airport was suddenly completely CGI. My God that was an ugly movie. Inexcusable.

Thor Ragnarok is a very fun movie and one of MCU's best, but yeah, the tone was odd as fuck.

Thor loses his girlfriend, his father, his hammer, his eye, and his home, and it's treated like a fucking joke. Everything bounces off of him like it's nothing.

american """"humour""""

They're playing at their strengths as well as doing what the audiences wanna see. Snyder tried going the grimdark philosophical route, really wasn't well received since nothing's EVER gonna top the way Nolan did it. Even the DCU did some course correction with TJL.

fuck off underage

At this rate, Kevin Feige can shit in a plate and critics and fanboys would applaud it.

>I think
no, you clearly do not.

the set style was made like the old comics were

Why would you base a movie shot on a comic book frame? Comics are ugly as fuck

>A joke is watching someone painfully burn to death?
It can be, yeah.

On the other side of that coin you can say Marvel has a well-oiled machine going, that while uninspired and cynical, has their moneymaking strategy down and they're riding it until the wheels fall off.

it's from a time when comics were meant for CHILDREN and not manchildren

>the set style was made like the old comics were
I don't remember comics looking that bad. Films that successfully capture comic-book look is Hulk 2003 and Watchmen.

Something just doesn't look right about the way the sets were painted in post.

Wait, someone actually cared about those characters?

>amazonians wrecked by badCGI villain Steppe wolf
>nobody gives a shit
oh.. but they do a bit: laugh at the horrible cgi and childish story

>bland lighting
>cheap materials for every costume
>bad cgi

The designs are also awful, that wolf has to be one of the worst creature designs in modern blockbuster. There is absolutely nothing that indicates it's a big creature, it literally is just a normal wolf with the size changed. They should've at least added some details to indicate its size, like some tiny dangly accessories or something.
Also, pic related is the LEGENDARY SWORD OF VALKYRIES. This is the design and material they settled on, it looks like something anyone can buy in toys"r"us

Sif wasnt there, she survived
also you niggerlover can be happy, Idris Heimdall survived too

Huh? He's in the next movie, dude.

why are you being such a sperg about a self proclaimed comedy

when generic marvel movies go off the deep end with weird shit people should be happy, otherwise we get another mediocre ant man

>death can't be a joke hurr durr

Cheese and Crackers!

>everything must be grim dark

His criticism was perfectly reasonable you sperg

They put a giant dog(?) in the background but forgot to adjust it's quality so that you "know" it's in the background.
As is, it just looks like someone shopped a picture of their dog into the image as a joke.

>The Infinity Stones/Gauntlet plotline is so retarded
That snap tho

>everything must be a comedy, no stakes, no consequences


The problem is that there are more stakes/consequences than ever and the tone doesn't reflect it.

I don't think I'll ever fully understand comic logic of making some words italic and bold.
Some of them make sense like Konk being a funny onomatopoeia and cosmic cube, shake, fall, and quake being emphasis words. But Crackers? And why Let?


Essentially it's ignored so it becomes no stakes, no consequences.

>Tarantino trash

I don't think he's talking about kirby design

Wait so when he said 'If I turn into Hulk again I won't be able to turn back', he was just bullshitting?
Good to know there really are 0 consequences for ANYTHING in these movies

how do you know he's not hulk 24/7 now and his arc is fiding his humanity again?

it's not? theres plenty of grimdark or realistic capeshit. Ragnarok is the first capeshit ever that went full comedy (okay, maybe Ant-Man as well) and you're already throwing autistic fits over the internet at it.

>Ragnarok is the first capeshit ever that went full comedy
Well, I'm not laughing.

Banner was shown just wandering around in the trailer, can't be that important if they don't even bother trying not to spoil it.
>MCU movie

He said he was Hulk for years and was afraid to turn into him again. The ending is ambiguous. In the Infinity War trailer you see him as Banner, shirtless, as if he just turned back. Also in the trailer it looks like he is Hulk at the climax of Infinity War. A supposed leak said Banner dies in Infinity War, but who knows.

>it's for illiterate* children


>not liking MCU crap means I like DCU crap

>Ragnarok is the first capeshit ever that went full comedy

Oh I am laughing.

your enjoyment of the movie doesn't change it's genre or tone

>Why is every shot in this movie exactly the same?

because it just werks

Its tone is a whimsical action flick, not a comedy.

Do you realize that the jokes in ant-man actually have a setup unlike Thor: quipnarok?

>there's a joke every three minutes

>"not a comedy"

Calling movie a satire doesn't magically defend it from any criticism. Especially when the movie in question is not a satire.

If they had him stay Banner for the rest of Ragnarok, then have his arc in IW be him knowingly sacrificing his humanity and giving in to the Hulk for the greater good of defeating Thanos it could have actually been pretty good.
But now they already did that at the end of Ragnarok just for a big wolf, backtracking it will just be dumb, and doing the exact same thing again will be even worse.

he says that line and then 10 minutes later turns into the hulk to fight the wolf lol

bet you was a genius at 10, thats why you're here

"criticising" with such enthusiasm and hating fun/missing muh serious tone sure indicates you're some fanboy or shill from the other club

It's the color correction.

Every Marvel movies INSISTS on aggressively desaturating every shot and making the darkest blacks look more "grey", leading to everything sort of blurring together even when it's using what should be incredibly vibrant sets and costumes. It's even worse than in the DC movies because, as much as I hate Snyder as a director, he actually uses it for artistic purposes - whereas with Marvel it's to make everything look same-y in order to cultivate a "house style".

It's the cinematographic equivalent of having every Marvel movie follow the same broad story structure.

If this is how the MCU wraps up it will go down in history as bigger than Citizen Kane.

What the hell happened? Why does everything look so saturated? Even Thor 1 and 2 looked far better than this.