/trek/ - Delicious Cake Edition

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What does she look like bros?


>ywn eat a slice of troi
Why live?

I love Tilly’s soft plump belly!

reminder that without anything resembling new material to discuss, generals degenerate into mindless shitposting maintained for it's own sake.

im lying on the couch witha wireless keyboard so i wont be typing alot. l'll still post tillly, as best i can.

How astute of you user. Way to be the cause and not the change.



Reminder eating crew members isn't even a new concept to trek. Disco fails on every level.

Because Dukat is preoccupied at the moment, I would like to take the time to remind you that as a servant of the founders, Dukat can and has done absolutely nothing wrong.




All Hail Empress Sylvia "Killy" Tilly, First Of Her Name, The Autistic Aphrodite, The Brapper Of Hogs, She Who Will Mount Your Face, O Mother Of Milkies!

Hail! Hail! Hail!

The only way to change the situation is to delete/ban generals or produce new trek.

why did those idiots on voyager go towards the alpha quadrant? shouldn't they have headed for the wormhole in the gamma quadrant instead?

Friendly reminder that Tilly did nothing fucking wrong.

Gas all STD posters



What a waste of character

>Every moment here is a test
>You cute autistic girl get to play evil space captain
>This never actually amounts to anything

How is Discovery so good at failing to actually develop any plots?


start an orville thread then. what the fuck are you doing here? what are you trying to prove?

They had to actively avoid developing anything because literally anything was more interesting than michael burnham

If they'd develop Burnham, she'd be interesting too.

I honestly don't understand how people capable of plotting Discovery first season are capable of plotting their way home from work.

They couldn't develop burnham, though. She starts off as being totally perfect and always right. There is nowhere to go from there.

GPS navigation has ruined the human psyche.

This is now a Porthos thread

bark bark


how can other gud bois even compete?

That's a dog

What kind of name is Nana Visitor anyway? Did they name her that because she visited her nana?


Maybe to illicit guilt from people who don't visit relatives often enough.



>not Miles and Bashir

Those aren't their names. What a fake fan.

>Nana is a given name that has different origins in several countries across the world.
>It is feminine in Japan, Korea, Georgia and Greece, masculine in Ethiopia and India, and epicene in Ghana.
She's obviously not Japanese, Korean, Ethiopian, or Indian. I guess she could be Georgian? I don't see your point.
It's the combination of the first name and last name that is striking, not just the name "Nana" by itself.

That makes sense, good thinking user.

Her birth name is Nana Tucker.

Anyone else notice that there was several occasions in STD where they talk about a ship being near the discovery, but never showing a shot of the actual ship?

So if she changed her name, that supports even more the idea that it means something and isn't just a coincidence. It must have something to do with visiting your grandmother.

I want to mind rape her from behind.

Still better than saying it's 40 thousand kilometers far and in the next shot it's not even 2 kilometers but the ship is still supposed to be far. Trek dropped tens of thousands of kilometers casually in these scenes, but to appear that the ships are actually in range of each other even at that distance, they were a couple hundred meters apart.

desu, her parents might have been, dunno, proto weebs and named her after a Japanese name they liked. Or they visited Greece and met someone with the same name and liked it enough to name their kid that. Plenty of parents are like that.

*gibs cube of cheese*

good doggo


here is a klingon urinating. they have double weeners

thanks, man. my dog and I appreciate it
you can talk to us anytime

I wanna pet Porthos!

Klingons must have two bladders too.If they had one bladder and two urethras, the top steam of piss would have a weaker arc because of the lower "water pressure".

But maybe that is a feature, not a flaw. Isn't that also how a water fountain works? A second, weaker stream on top of the base one?

good point


>do you think they know about 2nd weener?

Meme on, it don't mean nothing. My children love me but they don't understand and I got a woman who knows her man, so meme on, it don't mean nothing. It don't mean nothing. Meme on.


This thread has been archived.

what did Worf mean by this

That happened one time.

Was sisko a believer??

>'it's a Wesley gets kidnapped by a time travelling pedophile trying to save some Injuns from Cardassians' episode

>It's a samefag thread.

The barrel fights without honor, like a romulan

Didnt he want his kid to give him seppuku?

Why does the spammer always post this "is sisko an atheist" crap? It doesn't even make any sense. The prophets exist and are real, they are aliens that live inside the wormhole. There's nothing to believe or disbelieve, it's just a simple fact.

Are they gods, tho?

They are prophets. They know what is going to happen in the future.

The barrels kid was never shown

but Porthos is a dog

I just saw the prophets as visions of the crewmembers with blurry image and funny way of talking.

You aren't making any sense, but I guess that's what I get for replying to T229.
Are you seriously saying that you think the series leaves it up for debate whether or not the prophets exist, and that you think maybe sisko is just crazy and having hallucinations?

>accuses someone of being Trekkie229
See, now I think you’re him

Actually, «Porthos» is three dogs. They replaced him two times over the years. Shame, really, as those dogs deserved to live happily.

Can't you tell that I'm not by the fact that I am literate in English and am arguing reasonable positions?

He only sees them in «visions».

>it's a 'tom paris cucks neelix' episode

You didn’t capitalize Sisko. We’re on to your patterns

>French quotation marks guy strikes again
But of course "visions" or not, the prophets must be real because their actions can be observed by everyone. When they block the dominion from coming through the wormhole, that doesn't just happen in a vision in Sisko's head.

He has changed tac tons of times, user. I've begun to think 229 is like 40% of every thread, arguing with himself.

The first time I was quoting T229 who doesn't capitalize it, the second time was an oversight. I usually do. I can't believe this is happening to me.

Nice try, T.

You done goofed, Trekkie229.

>TFF flashback
So Sarek isn’t a Vulcan, he’s four human men?

You've been here for months, spamming bs and tilly shitposting. Why you haven't been banned is beyond me.

I thought he was that Tilly sex fanfic poster?

Holy shit, I'm not Trekkie229. There's not really any way to prove identity on the internet like this, but here's a screenshot of my entire Sup Forums folder. I don't have any Tilly pictures, T229 memes, or any of that shit he posts.

Easily fabricated.

Didn’t wanna upset the big bad dominion

didd geordy have sex???

I know, like I said there is no irrefutable proof of identity on the internet. I'm just asking you to please leave me alone. I'm not the fucking spammer.

>posting on your phone and computor at the same time

I know he was thanking the Prophets when he finally got her in bed

>stupid VOY guide with reddit tier Threshold joke
I think I prefer Trekkie229

Your excuse and trekkie229 posting just happen at the same time for no reason?

Holy shit fuck you, I'm not the spammer.

That's why I saved this one