Does anyone genuinely like this bitch?

Does anyone genuinely like this bitch?

I think that she's the only character with any entertainment value left, if that counts.

Sup Forums does. they love incompetent rulers that don't give a shit about anyone except themselves and family and run nations into the ground.

Not really, but sheʻs so fuckable and hot so it kind of balances it out.

you could have just said "authoritarian dictators who thrive on nepotism"

I do. Her character is one of the only ones with any fucking consistency or growth.

One of the few cast members still trying.

TV Cersei a shit though

For sure.
A character with clear motivation who went from having the upperhand to becoming the underdog.

I hope she crushes that retarded alliance in the north when they are fighting the zombies

Oh, you mean the TRUE QUEEN?

I like her character development. She plays the game of thrones better than Littlefinger ever did.

"Dragon whore, foreign scum." Her dialogue is top tier, as well.

she's entertaining for the first season, then her shtick gets boring and you realize lena headey is just a one note hack that can't do anything other than act like a condescending bitch. she is seriously horrible in every scene where cersei actually needs to show any emotions other than being bitchy.

Not really. But it's either her or Dany so

Im not sure if Sup Forums likes her. They dont like women in power. It makes them feel even smaller than their crushed selves already are.

Why are people talking about Sup Forums? Anyway, I like her as a character, even if the writers obviously cheat for her to win. She's one of the few people left with consistent and logical character development. For the most part, her arcs aren't reruns either. A lot of the characters pretty much do the exact same thing every season or so.

Based Cersei is the only good female character left, and the only one who may actually have improved with the season. The Sand Slut revenge scene was pure porn

Also we need more female villains


Who was the best villain in the series?

I had this discussion with friends a month ago. I genuinely believe her to be a way better ruler than both Wolfboy and Dragongirl. First of all, under her rule the city and state seems to prosper. There is poverty and shit but all in all the lanister lands and the capital look beautiful, the people look prosperous, ports are full, lots of commerce and crafts. She has no desire to end these things and turn her country to ruins. Second of all she has experience ruling and has shown to be a sane ruler with good advisors and structure. Snow is an idiot, risks everything on hunches and has no sense of preservation. Danny ruined half a continent by plunging it into war. And the last argument is that she is ruthless and clever. Every ruler, even modern ones, need to get shit done. She gets shit done. I hope she wins. But regrettable she will not.

sansa. she's going to eventually become as ruthless and cunty as cersei.

Joffrey was the most fun to watch, followed by Walder. But Tywin came across as the most well rounded and capable.


Out of all the character in this show, who is/was/would be/would have been the best ruler?

Red wedding Roose

After that, they didn't know what to do with him so he was just another bald Biritish dude

snow didn't want to rule. they chose him as their king because they believed he is their best chance at surviving the winter. i mean really, there's no one else in the north worth following anyway.

In your head, rent free.


Stannis the Mannis
Warhammer McGee
Everyone else is a pretender to the throne

walder frey

name one thing he has done wrong

Ned, with the right council.
>doesn't give a fuck how high up the evil doer is, he'll get the chop all the same
>in the book he cares enough to travel around, establish personal connections with all the lords, eats with his servants, regularly listens to small folk complaints, etc, and is well loved for it
>not a pussy in wartime, but always striving for peace
His only problem is that he doesn't use his power as much as he should, which is why he needs loyal and ruthless but just people by his side to scope out the snakes. Ned with Stannis and Varys by his side would be GOAT.

I would say killing wildlings but that's not a crime


goat fucker fucking shits

Not killing enough wildlings.

Dany because the dragons give her the most power


If Ned had taken the throne by force after Robert died and somehow convinced Stannis to stay on the small council instead of going into revolt the leadership would be as strong as it could possibly be.

except varys might just assassinate stannis and ned whenever fAegon/Aegon arrive to Westeros. We still don't know if he's a Targaryen loyalist or if he legitimately just wants what's best for the realm, but he still shouldn't be trusted.

Yeah, I was thinking more along the line of show "whatever is best for the people" Varys, rather than the tongue cutting, designer baby loving, war inciting, book psychopath.

Her acting is good but not great, and she's too ugly. Cersei is supposed to be a 10/10.

Always Tywin.

Would she be considered a good character if they got a competent actress to play her?

Who would have been better to cast as Cersei?

She was on some talk show and they did a bit where she was suppose to make up insults on the fly and it was awful. You would think she could learn to put together a decent insult out of building a career around acting like a cunt.

If it's the show we're talking about, then tv-Stannis' method of short-term problem-solving isn't gonna help the realm in the long run. He's very short-sighted in the show

Tywin's style of rule works for as long as he is alive though. People hate him in secret, and only follow him out of fear. Once he's dead they descend on everything he's build like vultures, tearing it apart without a second thought. A loved leader's rule lasts even after they're dead, as most of his subjects care enough to respect his memory.

She was also supposed to get uglier as it went on due to stress.

After Tyrion split she got fat from stress drinking so much.

Not only that but Tywin's only real ability as a leader was to outspend most people.

His military leadership was okay at best.

He an Cersei both talk about how the only enemy they feared was Stannis because he was a better wartime leader than Tywin and Cersei could never fuck her way out of being on his shitlist.

Stannis's real strength comes from actually listening to council. When Davos tells him that he can't do anything in the south after blackwater and to gather support in the North he does, and it works. He listens to Jon about not attacking the dreadfort. He listens to Melisandre when she offers to bring the Stormlords to his side. For all characters talk about him being an unbending hardass Stannis listens to good council, but isn't ruled by his councillors like the Lannister kings or Dany

i pay more for rent than you make in two months, tardo.

Would nut inside her fart box

Also the fact that his most valued councilors got to be there by merit. Just fucking look at them. A smuggler, a bastard, and a former slave/current witch.


Brought him tendies when he needed them most.

>fluent in 19 fucking languages
>knowledgeable about the political intricacies of Slaver's Bay, their history, ruling families, their culture, and general disposition
>good head for politics and diplomacy
>some knowledge of economy
>probably well trained in the art of love making
>eager to expand on her experience and learn new skills
>employed as a fucking crier of Dany's numerous titles
How long before she gets sick of her shit?


You don't think she's not going to be the power behind the throne?

No. She doesn't have any character to speak of, certainly no flaws. She would only be interesting if they beef up the insanity gene thing.

Due to her magic its a foregone conclusion she will win, at least partially, and not be randomly killed off. She is also trying to impliment communism in a D&D world (and thats a good thing) when there are no fossil fuels or steam power to replace slave labour, most people are unskilled illiterate plebs, magic is real, and a breakdown of hierarchy leads to constant civil war.

She might, but so far whenever she tried to go above her crier role, she got shut down, mostly by Tyrion. Besides, the obvious choice would be to keep her in Slaver's Bay as a ruler/shadow ruler. It's the political and cultural environment she's more than familiar with, and the one that she's emotionally invested in. Beats giving the place to some random sellsword who explicitly said he doesn't give a fuck.

>implying Daario isn't making Slaver's bay into Outer heaven

>t. qyburn

She’s my sister’s favorite character
no you’re not getting pics

i already have them

I must defend her honor

She is very likeable if you are her brother.

>thought she was ugly during S1
>thought she was passable during S2
>decided that she is hot during S3
>jerked off to her in S4
>decided that she's the hottest GoT actress during S5
I don't understand what happened.

she looks like a hag with 5 tons of makeup

I want to cum all over her smug face while she gives me jerk off instructions and tells me I'm a sissy faggot.

Most of the other actresses get less hot

This. I'm rooting for her solely because her evil queen shtick is the last bit left from when GOT was a good show.

go stimulate your prostate somewhere else

It's okay user, I was once wrong too.
I think you solved it. Every other hot chick either left the show or aged like milk.

>I think you solved it. Every other hot chick either left the show or aged like milk.

>aged like milk


Yeah, but she's a baby face and I'm not into that sort of thing.

She pulls of the short hair look quite well.

She has a good face for it. Shame that the wig itself is garbage.

best girl




more pls



Not only kissing NCW, but getting paid to do it. Some people have all the luck.

If anything Sup Forums likes Stannis why are you both talking about Sup Forums anyway?

>Sup Forumsfags like Stannis
>SJWs hate him
Meanwhile Stannis
>has a female heir and fights for her right to inherit
>has female advisers
>has at least one woman fighting in his army
>gelds rapists is his ranks
>is down to make new lords, presumably consisting of loyal, honest, and capable commoners
>appoints bastards and plebs to important positions
>tips fedora
>knows and doesn't care that his brother is a faggot
>wants to outlaw prostitution, which as seen in LF's brothels exploits poor women, basically keeping them as slaves in all but name
It doesn't make sense.

The whole point of Ned's character is that he was too good for that world. It's not like he wouldn't have used power benevolently or wisely, it's that he could never get power because he refuses to backstab people for it.

>>SJWs hate Stannis
Do they hate only show Stannis or book Stannis too?

He ruled very effectively in the North. And he made some good strides as hand, uncovering the Lannister conspiracy, mobilizing the crown against Tywin's raiding. His problem was that he was dropped in KL without any connections there save for Robert who didn't give a fuck. He didn't get to ferret out the traitors and get to know the people he's working with before shit hit the fan.

>Sup Forums hates women
not this shit again you know that Sup Forums likes people like Queen Victoria and Isabella of Castille right?
>is down to make new lords, presumably consisting of loyal, honest, and capable commoners
>appoints bastards and plebs to important positions
how is this something Sup Forums hates?
>tips fedora
>Sup Forums is all christian meme
because Sup Forums is one person
>knows and doesn't care that his brother is a faggot
he cares, and he mocked him in the books during the parley
>wants to outlaw prostitution, which as seen in LF's brothels exploits poor women, basically keeping them as slaves in all but name
how is this shit a Sup Forums thing?
whenever people talk about GoT on Sup Forums they talk about how Stannis is a resouceful tactitian and a badass. Sup Forums likes both Tywin and Stannis.

I'm just saying that SJWs have more reasons to like him than Sup Forums does. And Sup Forums is pretty misogynistic dude, even their mouthpieces get labeled as whores.
>how is this something Sup Forums hates?
It's not, necessarily. But it goes against the Westeros tradition, and Sup Forums is really into upholding the tradition.
>because Sup Forums is one person
Neither are SJWs. But some generalizations can be made.
>he cares, and he mocked him in the books during the parley
He does make a joke about it when Renly starts absurdly bragging about what a hot piece of ass he married, but he never dwells on it. He never even mentions it when he shits on Renly. He only focuses on the content of his character.
Book Stannis too. They think he's a misogynist. But then again, who isn't in their eyes.

Ma-Ma is not the law... I am the LAW.

>He ruled very effectively in the North
Where he was popular and didn't have any enemies (at least as far as I can remember from the show). That's my point: he'd be a great ruler, probably the best, given cooperation from everyone else. But that's not what he was given.

Sup Forums has no mouthpieces, no one can translate what an anonymous imageboard says to the world. the only youtuber who gets close it's Metokur, but he takes everything as a joke, like most people who browse this shithole should. Sup Forums is cancerous because newfags think it is a movement. Sup Forums can't be a movement because everyone thinks differently the difference is that Sup Forums had discussion before, now its all blacked or "XDDD redpill me on this stupid thing XDDD" threads which gets more bumbs that actual policy discussion. Btw if the mouthpieces you are refering is someone like Lauren Southern is completely logical, she is indeed a patreon whore and her book is a piece of shit written like the diary of a 15 years old.

He wasn't just passively accepted though. He made his rounds regularly, even visiting the clans, he listened to and solved smallfolk troubles, supported the NW, fought to defend the North, and had direct hand at upholding the law. He earned the love they gave him. And he could have done the same in KL, if he had any competent, reliable allies.

Rhaegar. Duh.

Now that Littlefinger is kill she's the one I'm rooting for

>start a war that destroyed your 300 year old dynasty
Truly, a 10/10 ruler.

>kidnaps one of his vassals daughters
>divorces the daughter of a guy supplying him an army.
>disapears for six months raping a girl
>Can't win against Robert
>Doesn't do anything to stop his dad from raping and abusing his mum

Rhaegar deserved to be drowned and killed

Sup Forums was crazy about Le Pen. So not really.

i love the actress. never watched got.

I'm actually rooting for her since Daenerys is such an unlikeable cunt.
Night King + Cersei should marry and fuck on Daenerys' flayed body while Jon Snow faps in a dark corner.