Gotta admit this is powerful stuff. I just love how topical South Park is nowadays.


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oh OP

FUCK, I had the perfect bait and just had to post the wrong fucking vid



This was genuinely funny though in the context of the episode.

This is why Trump won

Oh I thought you were doing like a thing.

I dislike south park now that they mock the president.

But the joke is that the song is the completely wrong response to have. Did you watch the episode?

>Shut it down

they've been shit since 2009 at least

Yes the President should stop using a weapon that has allowed him to fight the enemies of the American people.

it's almost 3 minutes

Nah they had a dip

>they picked it up again after a season or two of mostly crap

>still watch kike park

Everyone point and laugh at this absolute brainlet.

>"Trump is an egoist!"
>proceed to give him infinite amount of attention and write songs about him
>"we're the smart ones btw"

>trump should stop tweeting
Except tweeting got him elected because people like his tweets.

He won because of rural and suburban retards

the white race picked trump over clinton

The last couple south park seasons werent that bad thinking about it.

They just sucked at having any sort of payoff to the season long stuff

It's unbefitting of a world leader to shitpost all day.

you already had the perfect bait for liberals

HAHAHA the fucking translator in the top right

>waaaah he's different and I don't like it

DESU Reality was the last new character I enjoyed in South Park.

Strong Woman is top tier

Seems to work for Trudeau

Yeah he should just communicate through comedy central like the Democrats do, that's so much more dignified.

>It's okay to make fun of things I don't like but not things I like.
You were never ready for South Park anyway

this guy is every bit as much as a caricature as trump
he has the self-awareness of a 16 year old girl

PC Principal us the best.

Strong Woman felt kinda forced.

A leader shouldn't shitpost like a fucking 12 year old. He has more important shit to do than undermine his own policy. Reminder that his approval rating shoot up whenever he stops.

Trudeau is another shitty leader


Honestly i liked the last season, but what killed it was the wrong prediction oh who will win the presidential race.
Whats worse is that they didnt have to guess, just wait.

>don't even break 1mil on season finale
>half of previous season finale


They got cocky after they guessed the Obama/Mccain election right

jokes on you I watched this on my phone

it was also half asses

I forgot it was on. I pretty much forgot that Comedy Central exists at this point.

>be raunchy cartoon full of rape and murder
>think sjw faggots are your main audience
they dun goofed


We’re breaking the conditioning

>cartman shows up to start rapping
I've not watched this in years, what the fuck is his character supposed to be now anyway?

He's the mouthpiece for whatever joke doesn't fit the other chartacters

>no source


>A real source

4 points higher than Saint Obama with 90% negative coverage

>WWE is 3x as socially relevant as South Park nowadays
That's sad. That's really fucking sad.

HAHAHHAHAHhhahaahaha like CNN? Hahhahahahahhaha

South Park made the mistake of trying to stay neutral after the left became everything libertarians hate. They should’ve gone full MAGA at least that would’ve generated buzz.

They're pretty clearly anti-Trump

>stay neutral
If you're using Matt and Trey's terms, yes. But they went way too easy on SJW compared to Trump, and they're very clearly leftist.

I have a surprising amount of friends who are still into wrestling. I'm in my 30's btw.

When will it hit 56% ?


That's what it links to.

>You either like right wing media or CNN
Stop this meme mutt.

>did some gringo say my name just now?

I thought SP was supposed to be funny? The best part was the translator

It just libertarian circlejerking. They don't actually know what safe spaces are I guarantee so called "libertarians" wouldn't tolerate people constantly verbally abusing them in real life.

There is no way you could use this stat in a real conversation. No one would believe you

Jesus Christ, this show actually used to be good. This is a Zombie Simpsons moment. What the fuck happen to Parker and Stone?

Member when they dedicated whole episode just to bully people that were born with red hair?
Now these faggots take the moral high ground, lmao

Why don't they just throw in the towel on the show and make another musical? One that isn't about Trump.

>name the Season 20 finale "The End of Serialization As We Know It"
>don't end this shitty gimmick that nobody likes in Season 21

I was so disappointed

Political climate likely seeped into their jobs and they couldn't be properly edgy anymore

kys ginger

I honestly don't even know why they'd want to do the show anymore if that's the case. If they truly still consider themselves Libertarians it must be such a soul crushing experience to try and get enthused every week.

>no source

You mean except Rasmussen

is this the official leaf flag?

>waaaah he's different and I don't like it

Why are Craig and Tweek holding hands like a couple of faggots?

>2010 Obama manages to get a lower approval rating with 24/7 media dicksucking than a 2018 Trump with 24/7 media witch hunt

He is using popular leftie movements to get attention. Last season he pretended to be a feminist and I think a BLMfag too.
This season he kept claiming he was suicidal to get people to pity him and prevent his girlfriend from breaking up with him while pretending to care about stopping teen suicide.

They are a gay couple.

Based fence sitting libertarians making fun of both sides while clearly promoting one side and literally being a jew and a guy with a non-white wifes son.

t. still watches South Park after they miscalled the election.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

No, seriously. Is it a parody of something?

>I honestly don't even know why they'd want to do the show anymore if that's the case.
Contractual obligations? Not wanting a pay cut to work [somewhere else]? Losing the will to fight over time?

SP is dead to me forever, man I grew up watching this shit
How disgusting

They are fags. Queers. Homosexuals. Poofters. Friends of Dorothy. Ass pirates. Butt buddies.

The quality hasn't gone down that much, the new seasons just trigger you because they are mocking muh God-Emperor Trump.

Time to end it all Trey & Matt
Fucking race mixer california faggot liberals, they became what they hated.

Thats "moderates" nowadays
After all, Trump is an extremist for being a liberal from 30 years ago

You can't ruse me, user. I'm not falling for it.

>The quality hasn't gone down that much


It hasn't. You just think it's gone to shit because they mock someone you care about now.
That said, I do think the Trump jokes are lazy as fuck since the guy makes it too easy for people to mock him. Not to mention that in the past Matt and Trey said they wouldn't mock Bush for the same reasons.


They really have jumped the shark.

Post one funny clip from the new season. I bet you can't.

>We want the Tumblr audience

I don't get why everyone is freaking out, this isn't that bad. I mean, south park has been subpar for a while so it's clearly nothing compared to when SP was in it's prime
>Hillary: "And I'll take the pledge"
>Chorus: "No one cares"
That got a chuckle out of me. Also it's obviously playing off the texting while driving thing. Idk, it's not good but it's not offensively bad. Sup Forums overreacting because they want to virtue signal to Sup Forums

>Randy calls Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and asks how his people decided who is gay or straight. Xi tells Randy that Yaoi comes from Japan, but Stan walks in and Randy once again pretends he knows what he is talking about. Xi then goes on a rant against Japanese people, calling them "dogs" who refuse to apologize to the People's Republic of China for the Sino-Japanese war crimes (Nanking Massacre) of WWII.
>At Skeeter's Bar, Thomas is drowning his sorrows, complaining "why does this have to happen to my son?" Randy then shows up, claiming to know about the situation, on authority of his PC Branded status. Randy then spews a story about World War II, and an event that happened in China called "The Rape of Don King".

>op admits to political baiting
>thread is still up, soaring towards the bump limit
Cancer board.

Sup Forums IS Sup Forums by this point.

WWE is great ya ding dong diddly simp

>the completely forgettable episodes with a continuous narrative where they're ditch every original idea in favor of beating a dead horse for seasons on end is near in quality to season 4 - 12
What went through your mind when you formulated that thought?

and then cartman comes on to rap...

I don't even care about making fun of trump, but it's just too much. Every single person cracking the same safe joke everyone else has cracked 100 times over just gets tiring. We get it, Trump's dumb. He's this, that and the third for fucks sake can you make ANYTHING else anymore?